Telling Danielle

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August 19th

Samantha finally arrived at work, she couldn't wait to tell Danielle the news. She quickly jumped out her car and with a surprise she saw Danielle climbing out not her car but Tom's what looked like, they both noticed her and gave her a quick wave and she waved back bit confused on why they came to work together and she mouthed danielle come over.

"What going with you and tom?" Danielle giggled like a school girl and said as she waved to Tom and watched him walk into the building "promise you won't tell anyone? Well not yet anyway!" Samantha nodded and Danielle carried on "well me and Tom are dating, of course for now just keeping it quiet and low key so your the only person who knows apart from our family of course" she giggled again. Samantha quickly pulled her in a big hug "when did this happen?"
"Well few days after we all went out for the night I wanted to tell you so badly promise..."
"It ok Danielle I understand" Samantha say with a chuckle
"Well what?"
"Yesterday, how did it go?"
"Oh, I tell you later"


"Hey Samantha can I have words with you in my office please?" Samantha nodded curious to Paul wondering what he wanted, maybe he remembers about that night and wanted to talk about that. Well for a while he seemed to stayed his distance from her for a bit, so maybe he realised what he done was wrong of him.

"Please take a sit Samantha" Paul says pointing to a chair as he sits down on his office chair, Samantha did what she was told and waited for what he wanted to say.

Watching Paul nervously brush his fingers though his hair, Samantha could notice one or two very grey bits in his hair but nothing too noticeble "I want talk about when was drunk and what we um did" he said not once looking at her "that was a mistake, a big terrible mistake I was over wasted I wasn't thinking plus I am married to this woman who I love with all my heart and I even got two beautiful kids with her and I can't ruin that because of them" there was silence which felt like hours but only for a minute then Samantha had the courage to speak to hold back tears from what she heard "why am I crying? I shouldn't be crying! I knew he would say something like that, but why do I fill jealous?" Samantha thought to herself then she said to Paul while taking in a deep breath "I'm pregnant" Paul just looked shocked then quickly said "y-you sure?" Samantha nodded and put her hand in her jacket pocket and pulled out the picture of her unborn and put it on his desk "this is our child, your son or daughter" he took it and took a good look not saying a word then he looked up at Samantha still holding the picture in his hand "have I ever told you me and my wife tried to have another child a year ago? She manage to get pregnant. But by the time she was 15 weeks she had complication" a tear went down Paul face quickly and Samantha frowned but still listen "well she lost the baby and the doctors told us trying for another baby wouldn't be possible. That why the kids I got now mean so much to me and I don't want them to disown me"
"How old are they?" Paul took a picture from his desk and passed it to Samantha and she noticed it was a picture of a boy and a girl "the boy be turning 11 in couple of months and the girl just turned 8" Samantha nodded and passed the picture back to him "they are very beautiful"
"Thank you" he says as he put it back in same place "but I don't understand what point you making, are you saying you don't want to help with this baby? Our baby?"
"This is your baby nothing to due with us!" Paul stopped and rubbed his nose and gave a deep sigh "I'm sorry but I never meant it like that, I just can't lose my family nor my job"

Samantha just sat there shocked from what she heard and quickly stood up angry "fine! But this baby need their daddy just please know that!" Then she left the office pissed off not realising that was how it gonna end, filling scared when her parents find out


Samantha decided to have a later lunch since she knew Paul would have already finished, making her way to the canteen and to her surprise still saw Danielle sitting there but chatting to Tom.

"Hey Danielle, can I speak to you just for a second please?" She says as she give an sorry look to Tom "sure"

"What is it?" Danielle looked concered at Samantha "how does the sound of being a godmother sound to you?" Danielle quickly gave the biggest scream. Lucky enough Tom left the canteen and they was pretty much the only one there "have you told him yet?"
"What did he said? Is that why he called you in his office because he remembered what happened?
"Firstly he did called me in his office for that but when I told him he said he don't want nothing to due with the baby. He don't want to ruin it with his family nor job"
"That bastard" Danielle whispered angrily under her breath "how dare he!"
"Danielle! It fine, if he don't want be in the baby life it up to him. I told him where his place is if he do decides to be in their life" Danielle just nodded and then they went back to work.

6 weeks later

September 14th


Samantha looked in her bedroom mirror and sighed, she noticed how much weight she have put on the last 6 weeks, even though she only put on few pounds she felt she putted on a stone "guess time to start thinking on buying new clothes soon" Samantha says to herself as she just only manage to button her jeans up.

"Hey mum what you cooking?"
"Just your siblings breakfast, do you want any?"
"Yes please mum, I am starving" Samantha mum gave her oldest child a concered look, Samantha normally never wanted breakfast if her mum was making it "ok darling, it be ready in few minutes" Samantha nodded and went in the living room where her brother and sister was and they looked up at her and went back to the TV quickly.


Samantha sat waiting in the waiting area, she noticed all different women at all different ages and time in their pregnancy, there was one couple sitting oppersit of Samantha "your first?" She says warmly and they chuckled softy "no, this is our second" Samantha smiled some more "well congratulations" they nodded and went back on doing whatever they was doing then a much older woman came though the door "Sally Smith?!" The two couples stood up slowly and Samantha realised the woman was a lot bigger then she thought she was "guess she must be due very soon" she thought to herself "good luck" the couple say to Samantha and then walked off.

"Samantha Williams?!"

Samantha quickly stood up and smiled, she was pleased to see Julie there.

"Hello Samantha, I see you putted on few pounds" she quickly stopped and said "that is not a bad thing, that is a very good thing" Samantha still smiled and nodded and went to lay down.

"There is your little precious, can see he or she grew few inches from last time" Samantha always smiled more, the more she saw her baby, then gently stroke her tiny bump before putting her shirt back down again "everything seems good as usual, have you noticed anything yet what usually don't happen?
"Well, I noticed I have been getting cravings. Like earlier for first time in years I had one of my mum's breakfast had the craving for that. But I haven't been throwing up, well not yet anyway" Julie smiled and nodded "everyone different, some people are lucky and don't get sick at all or you get the ones who do or the ones who don't start getting morning sickness until later on in their pregnancy"

"Well since I don't want see you back here again for another 8 weeks remember to keep healthy for you and the baby and when I see you again you can find out the sex of the baby" Samantha gave the biggest smile when she heard what Julie said "oh and I know this none of my business but is the dad invode?"
"No" was all Samantha answered, even though she was upset he didn't want be invode she knew he always would have a space in his child life.

Samantha sat in her car while still in the hospital just looking at her tiny bump "another 8 weeks and I get to find out if I am having a son or daughter" she says softy to the bump and pulled down her shirt again and drove home.

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