Moving Out

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A/N in this chapter I am skipping into 3 month in the future, so Samantha will have her daughter now and just be moving in her own place

March 12th


Samantha smiled warmly, she couldn't believe she made this baby "welcome to your new home Taylor Sarah Williams" she whispered to her sleeping daughter as they go home to her new home what her parents helped her find "your godmother should be moving in few days as well" Samantha and Danielle decided to move in together since Samantha was trying find own place.

March 15th


Samantha just manage to put Taylor back to sleep, she knew there was no point sleeping since Danielle should be here any moment with her stuff and then it cleaning up since her mum meant to come round with her siblings, it was her siblings first time meeting their new niece.


Ding song the doorbell went, Danielle already have arrived and made herself at home and she went to answer the door as Samantha was feeding Taylor.

"I want to see her" says an excited Louise running over to her sister and niece. Samantha smiled and let Louise see Taylor "she looks like you" Samantha nodded, well it waiting to see who eyes she will get, but could tell she have her mother nose and mouth, then her mum said as she walked over "she is a spitting image of you when you was just a baby" then Samantha noticed a tear down her mother cheek "mum are you ok?" She says worried "yeah dear, just can't believe you already got a baby of your own now" everyone chuckled "oh and your dad gives his love and he said he try pop in one point in the week to see how everything doing" Samantha nodded as she looks at her daughter, she was happy her daddy accepted what happened and hope he loves his grandaughter in time.

"Have Paul seen her yet?" Samantha frowned and her mum knew she meant no, since Samantha was in her 3rd timester Paul decided he didn't want be in this baby life and knew she would be better off without him and working it out with his family. Samantha didn't care anymore, she have her daughter and that all what mattered to her now.

-Time skip-

September 6th


"I can't believe Taylor is already crawling, before you know it she be walking" Samantha smiled listing to her mum as they watched Taylor crawl round her parents living room, she couldn't believe she had this baby come out from her 6 month ago, having her daddy hazel eyes but could tell she had her mum really dark hair "Thank you again for looking after her, I be back round 5'ish to pick her up" Samantha stood up and went pick up her daughter 'now be good for granny while I am at work sweetie and I see you later" Samantha couldn't help but do a tear or two, this was first time she had to leave her daughter and go back to work. But she knew to look after Taylor she would need the money "bah bah" Taylor choo, meaning she saying bye bye.

Since Samantha had Taylor Paul allowed her come and go as she pleased, but he still didn't want nothing with his daughter.


"Oh my god she looks so cute, I just want pinch her cheek" Samantha chuckled as she showed pictures of Taylor with her work college "Please give her a big cuddle and a kiss from her godmother for me please"
"Why don't you come round tomorrow?"

Danielle ended up moving out and moving in with Tom couple of months ago but she came round as much she could to see Taylor "she misses you" Samantha said.

"Samantha, office please?"

Samantha walked in Paul office knew he wanted talk about Taylor.

"How is she doing?"
"She doing good, she just starting to crawl" Samantha pulled out the latest picture she took of Taylor and passed it to Paul "she looks a lot like you" he says quietly "she got your eyes though" Paul just nodded as he stared at the picture and Samantha noticed a small smile formed on his face and then quickly passed the picture back to Samantha "I want to see her"


Samantha couldn't believe what she heard, Paul want see his daughter? He didn't want nothing due with her!

"Hey girl, missing Taylor already?" Danielle said as she sat down next to Samantha "Yes, but Paul said he want see Taylor"
"Isn't that a good thing?" Danielle says confused "guess so, I am just so mad at him where he said for the past 15 month he wasn't sure he wanted anything due with her!"
"Maybe give him a chance, remember Taylor would need her dad or she be asking you questions when she's older asking why everyone got dad's expect for her" Samantha just nodded then it was silence.


Samantha stood outside Paul office, she was about to tell him she will give him one chance. But then she heard a woman shouting in there, then heard Paul voice, he sounded really upset. Next thing the door flew open and Paul noticed Samantha "Samantha!" Before Samantha could speak the woman who look like is crying started shouting at her "how could you steal him from us?! We was happy until you had that little brat" Samantha straight away knew this woman was talking about her daughter "don't you dare call my daughter a brat, she's only 6 month old and if you must know she is an angel!" The woman just gave an scoff and pushed past Samantha and said to Paul "don't worry I tell the kids what happened" then she was gone.

"Paul, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I thought if I tell her the truth she would understand, I am sorry the way she was to you"
"You not the one who need to say sorry"

There was silence for a second then Samantha said once more "I am letting you see Taylor" that put a smile on Paul face "really?! Thank you!" Quickly hugging Samantha which surprised her, then she hugged him back "but..."

Then Paul pulled away and turned serious again "I am only giving you one chance, so please for your sake and your daughter's don't mess this up" Paul nodded.

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