Telling the parents

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September 28th


"Samantha are you ok in there?!" Samantha heard her dad says through the bathroom door, she quickly wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet "yeah dad!" she says as she quickly put some mouthwash in her mouth and spat it out 2 minutes later "I can get your mum if you want?"
"I'm fine dad!" Then there was silence.

Samantha wasn't fine, she was 14 weeks pregnant by her boss baby and her parents didn't know about it yet and now the morning sickness are starting.


Samantha slowly climbed out from her bed, being up twice during the night being sick didn't help either on having wake up early, she slowly walked over to the mirror and frowned when she noticed she put on another 4 pounds the last few days.


"Morning sweetie" her mum says when she walks in the living room "morning mum" she walks to the kitchen quickly and made herself toast and put peanut butter and jelly on it and went back into the living room "think you need to watch what your eating sweetheart, you look like you put on some weight the last few weeks"
"I just been hungry ok?!"
"I wasn't being grumpy, I was just saying"
"Sorry mum I never meant to be shouty"


Samantha gulped as she climbed out from her car, she knew it was time to tell her parents, everyone started to notices the weight to put on and Paul her boss started to ignore her more and more like she had some short of disease.

"Mum, dad I'm home!" She says loudly as she walks in the living room and see the whole family sitting round the TV and they look up to her with a smile on their face.

"Hello dear how was work?" Said her mother "it was ok" she lied, it wasn't ok it was terrible. Samantha was sick 3 times at work and her boss trying to keep as far away as possible from her and she could tell people starting to question on themself if she's pregnant

"Mum, dad I need to speak to you both" she says as she quickly glare at her two siblings and straight away they knew what she wanted to talk to them about and made up an excuse that they forgot to do homework and left the room.

"What is it Samantha?" Says her dad in his serious tone

Samantha couldn't hold it in anymore and she bursted into tears when she said "I'm pregnant" both her parents sat there shocked and then she quickly felt the arms of her mother goes round her and telling it going be ok.

After Samantha finally stopped crying she looked at both her parents, her mum had a disappointment look while her dad he just looked like he was gonna kill somebody "who is the daddy?"
"My boss"

Samantha noticed her dad face grew more angry and watch him quickly stood up "I am gonna kill him!"
"Dear don't, that won't do any good! Why don't you just go and calm down!" Samantha dad just nodded and walked off not once looking at his daughter.

"I'm sorry mum, it happened after when went out for drinks with the work crew" she felt her mum wrap her arms round her daughter again and heard her whispered "you don't need to explain, me and your dad still love you and we will be there for you and the baby. Just wished you told us sooner"
"I was scared on you two rejecting me especially dad"

Samantha heard her mum softy chuckle as she pulled away and looked at her mum in the eyes "your 21 sweetie, not someone who's going be a teen mum" Samantha nodded and smiled softy.

To:Danielle X

I told my parents and well my mum took it well but not sure about my dad :( hopefully he comes round

Bing Samantha heard her phone go and picked it up

From:Danielle X

That good and I am sure your dad comes round, don't forget you are his princess =) lol xx

once Samantha read the message she thought to herself "maybe he will never see her as his princess anymore" then frowned quickly falling asleep not long after.

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