Chapter 1

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An affair. That’s all I was to him. 4 years of my life being spent as someone’s side piece. How could I have been so naïve.

I pay my uber driver and step onto the sidewalk and head into the airport. A one way ticket to Florida in my hand. Home is the last place I thought I would ever be going as I wanted nothing but to get out of there once high school ended. What 23 year old woman wants to move back home because she was to stupid to realize that her love life was all a lie, all of her trust in men gone. It’s to embarrassing to even talk about it so when anyone has asked do you know what my excuse for going home was? My job opportunity after college fell through. That’s all I had to go on. If going to school over seas gave me anything it was a #1 excuse to cover up my sad excuse of a love life.

I find my gate and settle in. Waking up early in the morning was never my strong suit as a child and it is still isn’t as an adult.
I glance at the time on my phone screen. 3am flashed up and I roll my eyes as my flight doesn’t even depart until 5am. Screw my mom and her drilling earliness into our heads as kids. I can hear her voice in my head “You should always be 30 minutes to an hour early to any function you are attending. Even if it means sitting in the car before going in.” Our family was not strangers to flying and having to being early to check in and our gates.

I stand up and decide to go get a coffee slinging my bag over my shoulder. While standing in line my phone begins to ring and I pick up knowing exactly who is calling
“Yes mom, I’m already at my gate for boarding”
“That’s great to hear. I thought you’d be late or change your mind and try to stay”
“yeah there’s no way I’m ever staying here.”
“your father and I will be there to get you when you land. Safe travels honey”
“thanks mom I’ll call you once I get off the plane”

I hang up and look up to face the barista and instantly freeze… god why does he look so much like him.

I quickly put a small smile on my face and order my coffee. I glance around at the other people hustling around the airport trying to make connecting flights or just simply being late to their gates for boarding. I spot a couple holding hands walking leisurely to their destination and I cant help but mentally kick myself in the ass when the thought of him pops into my head. They look so in love just like we were, I bet they talk about marriage and kids just like we did…

“ Coffee for Maisie”
I pull my eyes off of the couple and grab my coffee and walk back to my gate. I browse my socials as I wait for my flight.
I roll my eyes as I see my mom made a post about me coming home. The comment section did not disappoint as everyone was happy that I was coming home but so confused as to why I was returning. My mom being a team player used my excuse as directed. I scroll through the likes and see a few familiar names of my own friends and my aunt talking about having a welcome home party. God I hope they aren’t planning a party. That’s the last thing I want to deal with is having to fake my welcoming party with numerous people.

My phone dings signaling a text has come through and I smile at the name that pops up

“Amber B” – Hey girly, flight still on schedule? I hope you aren’t to jetlagged when you get home for a catch up with some wine?

- Still on time! Ofc! When am I ever one to turn down wine and the ability to cry without being judged!

- Amber- I’ll buy 3 bottles then if we are including the judgmental free crying session. I can’t wait for you to be back! Love you have a safe flight. Justin says the same!

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