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Minseoung PoV
Sat on the floor of his room with his headphones on playing loud music, papers scattered all around the surface, and his computer by his side, Minseoung wrote all the ideas that he had for song lyrics, compositions, beats and melodies he wanted to put into his songs.
He couldn't hear anything besides the music with his headphones, so the jump scare he received when his mom ripped them off his head was huge.
- Fucking hell Minseoung, don't you do anything besides writing this useless shit! Can't you study? Do something actually important? Or are you incapable of being a functional member of society? - His mother screamed at his face, with the headphones in her hand while throwing her hands all around.
Worried about the headphone he had just bought with his hardworking money, he got up to try to stop his mother's rage from breaking it - Mom, careful with the headphone- -
His head suddenly was turned to the side, his eyes blown wide in pain. Mom had slapped his face. His cheek burned, and he felt the place get red. Grabbing his jaw, his mother pulled his face until they were at the same eye level.
- You fucking disappointment. You really thought you could interrupt me like that? For something as insignificant as this? - she said, shaking the headphone. - I don't care about your little dreams, son. You are supposed to pursue the career your family expects you to follow. Look at your brother, he's a beautiful man with an incredible career as a doctor, can't you do that? Or are you way too dumb for that?
When she finished, she gave a final squeeze on his cheeks and let him go, the boy falling to the floor. His body felt so weak to the point he couldn't keep himself up. She threw the headphone at him, which he grabbed quickly before it fell on the floor. Already past the door frame, she turned back one last time with sour in her eyes.
- Please, don't get like Hongjoong. You know why he killed himself. You're smarter than this, I know that.
She closed the door, leaving Minseoung all alone in the dark of his room, again. He burst into tears the moment she got out, not being able to keep his tears in, sobbing loudly uncontrollably.
He cried holding his headphone until he saw his cell phone screen light up with a notification. Grabbing it with trembling hands, he saw it was from "Dinosaur Boy'' with a little emoji at the side. That was Keonhee. He smiled a little and opened the conversation.
"Did you get Junhyeon's and Woojin's number?" The message read. Minseoung cursed himself for being dumb and forgetting to ask them for it. He responded with a quick no, but not even a few seconds later his phone rang with a call.
Why was Keonhee calling him? Did he somehow realize he was crying? What kind of mind connection is this? Minseoung was panicking as he was still sobbing, and his nose was runny, but if he didn't answer the phone quickly Keonhee would have his concerns confirmed. Minseoung recomposed as much as he could before answering.