Chapter 3 - Gnaw

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Woojin PoV

If you saw a figure on the roof of a house sitting at the edge of it, that would probably Woojin. In this situation, it's him.

He felt the winds hands caressing his hair, leaning on his hands. With his eyes closed, he imagined that in the place of the wind, it was his mother's hand instead.

His parents were busy individuals, just like his brothers, Choi San and Choi Jongho were busy lawyers and architects in Seoul. They were the most famous real state agents of the city, occupied with the job of dealing with the heavy wave of people who wanted to escape from the big cities.

Woojin wouldn't say he doesn't have a good life, only a lonely one. The sole reason he was on this roof was because there was no one home, like always.

Despite what people usually thought, being the youngest isn't really that good. In his case, his parents had him when they were already past the 40s, and his brothers were already getting into college. He wasn't planned. So, his parents kinda left him aside, leaving him to do whatever he wanted. They were too tired to take care of a new kid, and were also at the prime of their career.

Because of that, Woojin grew up reckless. Of course he isn't a bad person, he just has an uncontrollable mouth that no adults had the patience to deal with, so he just stayed like that. He wouldn't lie it would get him into trouble a lot of times.

When he just started relaxing, he heard a crashing sound on the front his house. Opening his eyes quickly, he saw a boy in the floor with his bicycle by his side.

Woojin got down the roof and walked to the front of his house, to the aid of the poor guy. Stepping closer, his vision got clearer, and– Is that Junhyeon?

Junhyeon got up the floor, dusting off his knees and hands. When he looked up, he saw Woojin who had a extremely confused face.

— It was you? — Junhyeon exclaimed, pointing at the roof and back at Woojin multiple times. — I thought that was a demon!

— I'm sure I'm not a demon. How did you fall? — Woojin asked, but he already had an idea why.

— I saw that shadow up the house and I was trying to guess if it was a human or an entity. I forgot too look where I was going and crashed the fence... — The boy looked down at the ground, his hand on the back of his neck in embarrassment.

— Well, that's kinda funny. But what were you doing riding a bike at this hour? — He looked at his cellphone, and certainly, it was already pretty late.

— I just like biking, it calms me down. But what were you doing up on the roof? — Junhyeon gave emphasis to the "you", like accusing Woojin of doing something suspicious.

— I just like sitting there, it calms me down. — Woojin said with a smirk, copying what Junhyeon had said in a mocking way.

They then stared at eachother, nothing left to bicker about now. Akwardness surrounded them while they tried to find something to talk about.

— So... Do you want to ride with me? — Junhyeon suggested hesitantly.

Woojin was caught by surprise by the proposal. Did he really want to take him to a ride?

— That... That would be nice, actually. — Woojin agreed nonetheless, he didn't want to lose the opportunity of making a friend.

— Well then get up here. — Junhyeon pointed to the back of the bicycle, where Woojin would sit.

Just like that, the two of them went on a trip around the neighborhood silently.


Junhyeon PoV

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2024 ⏰

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