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Sunday morning,everyone was quiet and to themselves. The events that transpired last night caused the entire family to be introverted. Even the babies, who could feel the energy shift. When the kids woke up, Crystal left out and went to pick up DJ from his sleepover.

Meanwhile, Devale was getting everything prepared for the extra people staying with him. It was his week to have Jayla, plus his parents and his in laws. He knew it was going to be stressful with everyone coming in at once. That's why he planned on telling his parents to wait a day or two until Crystal got her parents settled. He knew they wouldn't mind.

"Hey pops," Devale said on the phone.

"Hey son, what's going on?"

"Shit nothing, this house is something else right now." He told his dad.

Papa Scoop chuckled at his son's words. "Oh lord do I need to stay in New York?" He asked.

"Nah man it's nothing too crazy. We're just struggling with Terrell right now." Devale told his dad. "Crystal and I don't see eye to eye when it comes to disciplining the kids." He said.

"Is that all?"

"And her parents are coming to stay with us, Jayla is coming down, it's just a lot going on this weekend." Devale vented to his dad.

He listened to his son the entire time. Sometimes, Devale just needs to rant to keep his peace of mind. Him and Crystal stopped going to therapy after moving to Atlanta. They definitely need it now more than ever.

"I need a vacation." Devale said on the phone.

"I'm proud of you son. You're doing good, you and Crystal."  Papa scoop told his son.

His words made Devale smile. 

"Thanks dad." He said. "Aye, Jayla will be here soon, so I'll talk to you later." He said. 

"Alright, see you bye." 

"Bye." Devale said before hanging up. 

He heard footsteps behind him, coming from the stairs. He turned around and Terrell was walking down with a mug on his face. Both of them ignored each other as Terrell went to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. Devale opened his mouth to say something but the front door opened. 

"Daddy!" He head DJ's voice. 

Devale walked out the kitchen and met DJ at the door. 

"Hey, how was the sleepover?" Devale asked. 

"It was fun." DJ said kissing Devale's cheek. "Where's sissy?" He asked referring to Jayla. 

"She's not here yet." Devale said. 

Crystal closed the door and walked in, walking past her husband and to the kitchen. Devale and DJ stayed in their own little world while, Crystal met Terrell in the kitchen.

"Hey honey," Crystal said. "Can you clean the bathrooms when you're done?" She asked watching him make pizza rolls. 

"Yes ma'am." He said lowly. 

The family went on about there day normally. Cleaning and prepping their house for the guest. Crystal took a break to go upstairs and jot down some of her thoughts in her journal. It's her only form of therapy right now.  

"What you writing?" Devale asked walking into the room with Angel in his arms. 

"Nothing." She  quickly responded, closing her journal. 

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