Chapter two

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I barley got any sleep last night so when my alarm went off I was already wide awake. I slowly got out of bed and went to take a shower.

Once I was done I blow dried my hair and then straightened it. I was pretty satisfied with how it looked so went on to makeup. My makeup takes a long time since I have to spend extra time covering up the bruises. I wore foundation, concealer, powder, eyeshadow, and a couple coats of mascara.

After that was finished I went to my closet to find something to wear I chose a long sleeve floral crop top and a black shirt, paired along with black converses.

I quickly run down the stairs so that my parents won't notice me. I run out the door and head to my bus. It took roughly about 20 minutes to get there. As the bus screeches to a stop I take a deep breath. I walk off the bus timidly as everyone silences their conversations to stop and stare at me. I haven't even been at school five minutes and my eyes begin to tear up.

I continue my walk of shame into the building as the home room bell rings. I quietly take my seat as she is taking attendance. "Avery" the teacher calls. I slightly raise my hand just enough that she could see it. As the announcements are starting a boy walks in. "Wow he is very attractive" I think to myself. I can't like him though.

I do have a "boyfriend", but he moved away with his so called "cousin" last year. I lost all hope on him so I just gave up leaving voicemails. "What's your name?" The teacher asks "Jack" "Jack Gilinsky."

"Jack take a seat next to Avery" he shyly walks over to his seat and gives me a half smile. After announcements are over he grabs onto my backpack.

I jerk away slightly because I wasn't expecting that. "Sorry it's just that I'm new here and I was looking at your schedule during home room and noticed that we have the first three classes together!" He said. "I would be happy to walk you to class" I respond a little to quickly.

Jacks cheeks become a light pink color as he grabs his bag. Our first class is science. I walk Jack down five doors to the science room. Our teacher lets us sit anywhere so I make my way to the back of the room.

"You're the only person I know so do you think I could sit with you" Jack says. Right as I'm about to say "I'd rather you didn't" he sits down anyway. Jack seems like the type of guy who would date any girl if he had the chance.

He seems so stuck up and full of himself. But where am I to judge. I'm the one who has more problems then most adults. The class went by pretty fast so when the dismissal bell rang I quickly gathered my things and waited for Jack outside of the class.

He walked out with some girl who used to be one of my friends. I saw how happy he looked with her. It made me upset. "Why am I even upset it's not like I had a chance anyway" I thought to myself. I went on my own to my next couple of classes.

Finally it was the end of the day. I hadn't paid anymore attention to him that day. It was a pretty nice day out so I walked home. It was a pretty long walk but I didn't mind. As I was about to leave Jack came over and grabbed my wrist. I winced in pain. He rolled my sleeve up just enough so that it reveled the scars and bruises going up my arm. I quickly jerked my sleeve down as tears began to flood down my cheeks.

He had a look of concern on his face. I ran away from him and that horrible place as fast as I could. Once I got home I noticed both of my parents weren't home. Lucky for me.

I went up the stairs to my room and threw my bag across the room. I went to take shower to try and get rid of the pain/guilt all over me.

When I was done I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. I wasn't hungry so I decided to just lay in bed for the rest of the night. There was a knocking on my balcony door.

I pulled the blinds up to reveal Jack standing outside of it. I quickly throw on a sweatshirt before opening the door. "I wanted to make sure you wear okay" the words barley escaped his mouth.

A couple of tears begin to fall from my eyes. "This is going to be a long night" I thought to myself.

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