▼△▼△▼Messy Hair▼△▼△▼

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Amy Pov:

I was on the couch reading a good book. I was invested in it, it had wonderful characters with personalities that matched their motivations.

I hear the click of the door and see Blaze home. I immediately rushed to her embracing her tightly. She was used to this and just smiled and patted my head petting my hair and ears.

"Hi Rosey! I can tell you missed me!" Blaze chuckles putting one hand around my back. 

I kissed her left cheek and started petting her head and smelling her hair. It immediately caught my attention. It smelt like lavender and a hint of a nice forest like scent. I felt addicted every time I sniffed. My nose couldn't get enough. I then started petting her hair and felt her messy hair. It had so many nots and messed up parts. It felt unpleasant and uncomfortable.

"Hey Blazey your hair is a mess! What happened?!"

"I don't really know it just gets like this sometimes."

I grabbed her hand and guided her to the couch and made her sit there while I made tea for the both of us. I made her favourite flavour of tea Lavender tea. (Just a headcannon I think Blaze would like Lavender tea).

While I made myself some nice mixture of cherry and raspberry tea. They smelt amazing and they had a nice fruity aroma that pleased my nose by its scent. The lavender tea had a nice smell of nice floral that felt light and fresh. It made my nose twitched a little from how nice it smelt.

As I finished making the tea I carried them on cute little tea platters. I walked to the living room and saw Blaze waiting patiently and calmly. She had a small smile on her face when she saw I made tea.

I carried it onto the little coffee table when she saw it was her favourite tea she immediately lit up and had a wide smile on her face. She grabbed it and then sipped the tea with a big grin on her face.

"Thank you Rosey!"

I grinned at her and hugged her from behind the couch where she was sitting. She chuckled and patted my hand. I walked around the couch and sat on the couch Blaze was on and I grabbed my tea and took some sips. My head laid on her shoulder as she put her head on mine. I could feel her messy ponytail near my ears It felt messy and tangled up.

I drank some more tea determined to get rid of Blaze's messy hair. I finished half of my tea and I walked to the bathroom and grabbed Blaze's hairbrush off the shelf. I sniffed it a little it smelt like fresh flowers that just bloomed. I sniffed it a little more feeling a sense of comfort and coziness come over me.

I then took off my gloves and put them on the shelf. I felt the hair in the hair brush it felt soft and calming while I touched it. It felt like her fur but softer and silky. I started day dreaming and in my own world untill I snapped out of the daydream. "Oh boy.. I was daydreaming again" I muttered to myself running out of the bathroom closing the door slowly and calmly.

I walked to the living room where Blaze was sitting patiently sipping more of her tea. She saw me coming and smiled warmly.

"Amy! Your tea is getting cold!" Blaze yelled out to me.

I started to smile as I walked faster I walked around the couch and grabbed my tea and started sipping it quickly. Once I finished I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and I stood up. I started going near Blaze.

"Hey baby! Do you mind if you turn your back to me please?" I asked her with a cheery smile.

She nodded and turned her back to me so I could brush her hair. I started to pet her hair a little before brushing it. It felt silky and soft but also rough and messy. I stop petting her hair and I take the ponytail holder out of her hair. I watch it as her hair swoops down feeling the breeze hit my face also feeling the hint of her fresh flower smelling hair with a scent of the city and dirt.

I giggle while I feel the air hit my face. Blaze giggles and starts humming a small tune.
"Your hair smells nice it smells like fresh flowers! It smells beautiful Blazey!" I giggle a little.

She smiles a little and tells me. "Hm.. I've never noticed! It may be the shampoo. I can lend it to you if you want some!"

I beam with joy and gratefulness. "Really!?"
She giggles at my response "Sure Rosey! You can."

I giggle happily while I start brushing her hair. I try to do it softly and gently so I don't hurt her. I feel the tangles in her hair. "Wow your hair is like a birds nest!" I say bluntly as Blaze chuckles.

I continue to brush it gently as I feel a big tangle I try to brush it gently but it is hard to get out. I accidentally brushed her hair hardly getting rid of the tangle but caused Blaze to jump a little in pain. She whimpers a little in pain.

"I'm so sorry Baby! I didn't mean to hurt you!" I pat her shoulders to calm her down. I walk over to her and start petting her chin to calm her down. I know the chin is her favourite spot to be pet. She starts to move a little and then starts to close her eyes in content as I pet her chin. She purrs a little while I pet and rub her chin. 

I then booped her nose to wake her up from her little trance. I then go back to brushing her hair softly. I feel my stresses melt while I brush her hair. I got rid of most of the tangles in her hair. It feels way better. It feels silky and soft with less tangles. I continue getting rid of the last few tangles brushing them out of Blaze's hair.

Once I finished fixing her hair I redid her ponytail with the scrunchie. I started petting her hair gently and sat on the couch with her. 

"Thank you Rosey! You are an angel!" Blaze said while playing with my hair. I can see her small smile on her face. I smile a big grin and I tackle her in a hug.

"You are my angel Blazey! I don't know what I would do without you!"

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