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The salty breeze whipped Keera's hair into a frenzy as she trudged across the sun-baked sand. The annual school beach trip, usually a highlight of the year, felt more like punishment this time. Sarah, lounging under a brightly colored umbrella with her entourage, seemed to take a perverse pleasure in Keera's discomfort.

"Looking a little...overstuffed, aren't we, Keera?" Sarah's voice dripped with saccharine sweetness, reaching Keera even over the crashing waves. Her friends erupted in a chorus of snickers.

Keera forced a smile, ignoring the heat rising on her cheeks. Joshua, his jaw clenched with barely contained anger, stepped closer to her.

"Just ignore her, Keera," he muttered, his voice low. "She's not worth the energy."

But ignoring Sarah was easier said than done. Keera felt the weight of a hundred taunts, a lifetime of being Sarah's target, settle on her shoulders. Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the already hazy outline of the beach scene.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over her. Looking up, she met the determined glint of Iñigo's hazel eyes. He cast a withering look at Sarah and her cronies before turning back to Keera.

"Don't let her get to you," he said, his voice low and firm, his hand instinctively reaching for hers. "You're amazing, Keera, and don't you forget it."

His touch sent a jolt through her, warm and comforting. The sincerity in his voice, the strength he offered her, momentarily eclipsed Sarah's venomous words.

"Thanks, Iñigo," Keera whispered, a spark of gratitude flickering in her eyes. Sarah, sensing a shift in power, scoffed.

"Oh, how cute," she drawled, her voice dripping with disdain. "The rebel princess and her knight in shining... well, whatever he's wearing."

Iñigo's jaw tightened, but before he could retort, a voice boomed across the beach.

"Enough, Sarah!"

Principal Thompson, his face thunderous, marched towards them. Sarah's bravado instantly melted away into a façade of innocence.

"But Principal..." she stammered.

"No buts, young lady," Thompson interrupted, his voice leaving no room for argument. "Detention for a week, and a formal apology to Keera in front of the class. Now go cool off."

Sarah slunk away, her entourage trailing behind like deflated balloons. A wave of relief washed over Keera, a relief that was amplified by the warmth of Iñigo's hand still wrapped around hers.

"See?" he said, a triumphant grin spreading across his face. "She's all bark and no bite."

Keera couldn't help but smile back. Standing there with Iñigo by her side, facing down her tormentor, felt like a turning point.

As they walked away from the retreating figures of Sarah and her friends, the setting sun casting a warm glow on their faces. This stolen moment of support, this undeniable spark between them - could it blossom into something more, or would their shared mission remain the only thing binding them?


The bonfire crackled merrily, casting flickering shadows across the beach as the remnants of the school outing gathered around it. Keera leaned against Iñigo's shoulder, their arms brushing occasionally, sending little sparks of warmth through her. The events of the day replayed in her mind - Sarah's taunts, Principal Thompson's intervention, and Iñigo's unwavering support. A sense of contentment settled over her, a feeling amplified by the gentle rhythm of the waves and the warmth radiating from Iñigo.

The Weight of You (and Me) | UNDER REVISIONWhere stories live. Discover now