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The news van rumbled away, its departure a signal of the temporary calm that had settled over the school. Keera and David found Maya and Iñigo huddled in the deserted library, the weight of the recent events hanging heavy in the air. Relief warded off the lingering worry, but the question loomed large.

"What now?" Keera's mom asked, her voice laced with concern. "They'll be back, both the reporters and LeeCorp."

Iñigo, his eyes red-rimmed from the ordeal, looked up from his hands. "Maybe it's not safe for me to stay at school anymore."

Keera's heart lurched. The thought of Iñigo isolated, away from his friends, was unbearable. "No way," she blurted out before she could stop herself. "We'll figure something out. We can't let them win."

David nodded in agreement. "She's right. We have a plan, remember? We expose LeeCorp and make them clean up their act."

Iñigo offered a small smile. "Thanks, guys. You have no idea how much your support means to me."

A comfortable silence settled between them, a silent acknowledgment of their newfound bond. Keera stole a glance at Iñigo, his vulnerability making him seem more human, more approachable. Her cheeks flushed as she remembered the way they had worked together, the unspoken understanding that had passed between them.

"Actually," Maya said, breaking the comfortable silence, "I might have an idea."

Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she pulled out her phone and began scrolling. "My friend Maya, the same name as mine, runs a small environmental education center up north. It's remote, peaceful, and perfect for someone who needs to get away from the spotlight for a while."

Iñigo's eyebrows shot up. "An environmental education center? Wouldn't that be..."

"Awesome?" Maya finished his sentence with a grin. "You'd be learning from the best, helping kids connect with nature. It's a chance to do some good, clear your head, and maybe even find a way to use your experience to help others."

Iñigo pondered this for a moment, a flicker of interest sparking in his eyes. "That... that actually sounds kind of cool."

Keera's chest tightened. The idea of Iñigo leaving, even for a good cause, sent a pang of disappointment through her. Yet, she knew it was the best option.

"What do you think, honey?" Maya asked, her voice gentle.

Iñigo looked around at each of them, a silent thank you conveyed in his gaze. "I think," he said, a determined glint returning to his eyes, "I think it's exactly what I need."

A wave of relief washed over Keera, tinged with a touch of sadness. This wasn't goodbye, not exactly. It was a new chapter, a chance for Iñigo to grow, and maybe a chance for their connection to blossom in a different setting.

"Alright then," Maya said, a playful smile on her face. "Let's get you packed. You leave for the north woods tomorrow."

The next day, a tearful goodbye was exchanged at the airport. Keera watched Iñigo disappear into the boarding gate, a mix of emotions swirling within her. She missed him already, the spark of their connection leaving a void.

"Don't worry," David said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "He'll be back. And in the meantime, we have work to do. LeeCorp isn't going down without a fight."

Keera nodded, determination hardening her gaze. LeeCorp might have forced Iñigo away, but they wouldn't break them. They had a fight to win, a future to protect, and a connection that distance couldn't sever. 

The weeks that followed Iñigo's departure were a whirlwind of activity for Keera and David. News of LeeCorp's environmental violations continued to dominate the headlines, fueled by Margaret Thorne's relentless pursuit of the story. Public pressure mounted, and LeeCorp's stock continued to plummet.

One evening, as Keera sat hunched over her laptop, scrolling through news articles, a notification popped up. An email from an unknown address. Her heart pounded a nervous rhythm against her ribs. Could it be Iñigo?

Clicking on the email, she held her breath as the message loaded. It wasn't Iñigo, but the sender's name sent a jolt through her – Mr. Lee, Iñigo's father.

"Keera," the email began, "I'm writing to you because I don't know who else to turn to. This whole mess with LeeCorp... it's opened my eyes."

Keera read on, captivated by the raw honesty Mr. Lee poured into his words. He spoke of his single-minded pursuit of profit, his neglect of environmental concerns, and the toll it had taken on his family. He admitted his guilt in pushing Iñigo away and expressed a deep regret for his actions.

"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness," the email concluded, "but I'm begging you, Keera. Please tell me how to reach Iñigo. I need to set things right."

A wave of emotions washed over Keera – shock, anger, a flicker of sympathy. She reread the email, Mr. Lee's vulnerability tugging at her conscience. Iñigo deserved an apology, a chance to reconnect with his father, even if it came late.

"David," Keera called out, rushing to his room. "You need to see this."

David, engrossed in a research paper, looked up as Keera burst into the room, his phone clutched in her hand. She showed him the email, their eyes widening as they finished reading.

"Wow," David breathed, his voice tinged with disbelief. "I never thought I'd see the day Mr. Lee admitted fault."

"What do you think we should do?" Keera asked, her voice a mixture of curiosity and concern.

David stroked his chin thoughtfully. "I think Iñigo deserves to know. It's his call if he wants to see his father."

Keera nodded in agreement. The decision ultimately rested with Iñigo, but she couldn't deny Mr. Lee the chance to apologize. Together, they drafted a response, carefully phrasing their words, explaining the situation, and offering Iñigo's contact information at the environmental center.

The following morning, a reply arrived from Mr. Lee, filled with gratitude and a promise to visit Iñigo as soon as possible. Relief washed over Keera. Maybe there was a chance for reconciliation after all.

Weeks turned into months, and life settled into a new rhythm. Keera and David continued their environmental activism, working alongside Maya to raise awareness and hold corporations accountable. They missed Iñigo dearly, but the constant video calls and the occasional handwritten letter kept their connection strong.

One crisp autumn afternoon, a familiar figure walked into Maya's cafe, a nervous smile playing on his lips. It was Iñigo, tanned and healthier than ever, with confidence shining in his eyes.

"Hey guys," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I'm back."

Keera's heart leaped into her throat. A rush of emotions – joy, relief, a touch of something more – washed over her. This wasn't just a friend returning; it was a reconnection, a chance to explore the feelings that had blossomed during their shared adventure.

"Welcome back," David said, pulling Iñigo into a hug. "We've missed you."

"Me too," Iñigo replied, his gaze settling on Keera. "Especially you."

A blush crept up Keera's cheeks as their eyes met. The time apart had only intensified her feelings. But before she could voice them, a new voice cut through the air.

"Iñigo!" A man with streaks of grey hair and worried eyes rushed towards him, engulfing him in a tight embrace. "Thank goodness you're alright."

It was Mr. Lee, his voice thick with emotion. The reunion was tearful, filled with apologies and promises of a fresh start.

As the afternoon unfolded, stories were shared, apologies exchanged, and a tentative peace settled between Iñigo and his father. Keera watched on, a sense of hope blooming in her chest. 

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