Chapter 1: Meeting

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I stood in front of my mirror, just staring at my self. I saw a girl, a girl who tried so hard to make it through everyday, without crying. She always put on a brave fake smile for everyone, and everyone through it was real. I feel my eyes well up with tears. As I hear a knock on my door. I quickly wipe on tears away.

"yes, who is it."

"It's me, Evea."

I open the door for her. "hey, sweetie"

Evea was my nine year old sister she was the opposite of everything I was she is extremely smart for her age, beautiful blond curls rest on her shoulders with piecring green eyes.

"where are you going, Tom says you can't leave."

Tom was our fat, alcoholic foster dad, and I could care less about what he thought. I hated leaving my baby sister with him at the thought that he might hurt her but I couldn't bring her with me.

"I'm not going anywhere, now come on lets get to bed."

 I walk Evea to her bedroom and puts her to bed her in kisses her on the forehead. "I love you Evea"

"I  love you too, Avalon."

I going back to my room and put on my make up, I always do it the same way dark black eyeliner all around my eyes, with red lip stick. Now, the clothes since I'm going out, I'm wearing a black lace dress. After, all that I then sneak out my window, and to the party. 30 minutes later. at the party. I see my friends Brooke, and Cailee, they have been my friends for ten years, they have been there through it all.

"Hey, took you long enough" Cailee said sarcastically.

I fake a laugh sarcastically back at her "Sorry Tom was being a dick."

Brooke handed me a beer "Oh my god, thanks B, this is just what I need"I say, as I take a big gulp.

Cailee said "Yup, that is always your excuse."

I laugh "Cailee, shut the fuck up."

we all laugh. I liked going out to escape for a bit sometimes it was how a made through the day. I feel a hand on my arm shaking me a bit,

it was Brooke "Hello Avalon, Avalon, earth to Avalon"

I zone back in to real time "Yeah, sorry what?" I say confused.

"I said did you see that guy he was totally checking you out" Brooke said.

"Which one?" I reply

.  "Mr.Blondy over there."

Cailee nudges me forward "Come on girl up talk to him."

"No, Cail you know I don't have time the a love life."  

Brooke said excitedly "Well, that's too bad cause he is coming over to talk to you!"

"What!" I say nervously

Cailee grabs Brooke's arm "Well, we gotta go, bye."

"No, no, guys please don't leave me!"

But they were already gone I turn around to see a gorgeous blond guy hair quiffed up with hairspray, his shiny baby blue eyes met mine, as he smiled I noticed he had translucent braces.

"Hi, I'm Niall" He spoke in a charming Irish accent.

"I'm Avalon" I put my hand out for a shake, and he shakes it firmly

. He looks down smiling and blushing lightly "So, how is the party?" He asks.

"I don't know I just got here."

"eh, It's okay you didn't miss much" He laughs lightly

"Where are you from, sorry it just your accent is so ... not American"

He chuckles in the Irish accent "I'm from Ireland."  

This man I hardly knew him but he was nice, and charming, there was just something about him but, I couldn't date him and bring him into all this unneeded drama for him. Brooke pops up

"Hey, Avalon can I talk to you for a second?"

"sure" I reply

"Sorry, I will be right back" I tell Niall.

"Avalon! Tom is here and is looking for you and it won't take him that long to find you so you better start running."

"Ugh, I just started talking to a really cute guy but okay."

I go back to Niall "Hey, I'm really sorry but, I really have to go" I speak fastliy

 "Oh, Okay can-" I cut him off "Sorry but I really need to go!"

I rush out, but Tom was right behind me and grabs me by the hair as I scream "What the fuck are you doing here!" He screamed angrily.

"None your fucking business!"

He slaps me and pulls me in the car by my hair. "Don't you talk to me like that young lady!"

He slaps me again "You here me"

"Yes" I mumble while sobbing

"Good" He says has he makes his way around the car I notice Niall looking out the window, I turn away quickly in shame.        

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