16 1 0

Hinami put her books away after I helped her with her work and I saw her unlock Hetare's cage. I watched as he flew around the room, landing on the top of a bookshelf and chirping down at me. Hinami tried to get him to come down but he didn't listen, so I stood up and walked over to him. 

"Hetare, come on down little guy." I said, reaching upwards and wincing when I felt a throbbing pain coming from my stomach. 

Oh yeah, I had been kicked into a wall at the restaurant. 

"Ms. Ari, are you okay?" I heard Hinami ask, and I turned around and looked down at her. 

"I'm fine, just a little sore that's all." I said, trying to reassure her. She nodded and hopped up on the edge of the couch and extended a hand towards the cockatiel once again, successfully coaxing him towards her. He landed on her hand and flapped his wings and she gently put him back in the cage before placing it down on the coffee table once again. 

"You seem to be good with birds Hinami. Do you like them?" I asked and headed towards the window, peeking out. I saw Kaneki and what looked like another man with brown hair talking before Kaneki flung the other mans arm around his shoulder and began walking down the street and out of sight. I narrowed my eyes, but decided to ignore it. It was none of my business anyways. 

Hinami hummed in response, a happy smile on her face as she played with Hetare. "Yeah, I love birds! We found Hetare when he was injured, so I decided to take care of him. Touka doesn't seem to like him very much though..." She trailed off, looking down. I sighed softly and turned to look at her and before I could speak, the door opened.

In walked Fumiko, her right hand bandaged. My eyes widened briefly before I walked over to her. "Jesus, Fumiko are you alright?" I asked firmly, gripping her shoulders. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, nodding in response. 

"I'm fine... just groggy." She mumbled and I felt the tension leave my body.

"God, I thought you..." I started, not wanting to finish my sentence when I remembered Hinami was with me. I shook my head and Fumiko looked at me. 

"I'm fine, Ari. If anything, I should be the worried one... " She said, looking back at Hinami and she waved shyly. Fumiko smiled and waved back before turning her attention to me again. 

"I'm alive. Does your hand hurt?" I motioned towards her bandaged hand and she shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. I narrowed my eyes, concern etched onto my face.

"Eh, doesn't hurt that much. But god, I can't believe I was tricked by that fraud. I swear I'll kill him the next time I see him!" She said angrily and I flicked her forehead, annoyed. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Nothing." I spat, helping her towards the couch and sitting her down. She mocked me under her breath and I sighed. "You hungry? I was about to head out to grab something to eat." I said, partially lying. Not like I could eat the food anyway.

Hinami looked at me, a worried look on her face. "But um... Mr. Yoshimura asked you to stay here, and you're still injured." She said, wringing her hands. I kneeled in front of her and spoke.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I won't be long, since the convenience store is just down the street." I tried to make my voice sound as reassuring as possible. Hinami huffed and looked down. "Fumiko will be with you, okay? I'd say she's pretty cool to hang out with." Hinami gave Fumiko a quick glance and nodded, offering her a flash of a smile.

I got up and headed for the door, placing my hand on the handle and taking a quick peek back at the two. They were already chatting it up and I walked out and headed downstairs. I looked around, taking a quick sniff and noticing the various coffee blends and beans stored in jars behind the counter. The shop was closed for the day and the sun was setting, so I had to be quick. I headed towards the front door and stepped out, zipping up my hoodie and heading in the direction of the convenience store.

I stepped inside, the bell overhead of me dinging. I was overwhelmed with the disgusting scents of food that filled my nostrils. I held back a gag and headed over to the sandwich section, picking out a simple egg sandwich for Fumiko. I also grabbed a tea for her, and I noticed they had instant coffee. I snatched one up and headed to the counter, pulling out my wallet.

"That'll be 1200 yen." The cashier said, a grumpy look on her face. I clicked my tongue when I realized I only had a few bills left and I put one on the counter. She took it rather aggressively from me and opened the cash register, practically tossing me my change. She threw everything in a plastic bag and I didn't bother saying thanks and left, beyond annoyed.

"Couldn't even bag the damn stuff without an attitude, huh?" I grumbled, rolling my eyes. I started heading back towards Anteiku when I noticed a faint but peculiar smell in the air. It was oddly familiar, but I didn't know what it was. It was almost like a homecooked meal or something. I couldn't describe it. 

Being the curious dumbass I was, I turned around to follow the scent while securing the grocery bag on my arm and taking a turn down a dim alleyway. The sun was setting already and the street lamps had begun to flicker on. It had gotten slightly chillier out so I pulled my hood over my head. I sniffed, continuing heading in the direction of the smell. It was getting stronger, and I realized I was in a rural neighborhood of some sort. The streets were quiet, except for the occasional car horn and dog barking in the distance.

I couldn't shake off this weird feeling I was getting, so I continued walking, the old and battered sneakers I was wearing hitting the pavement with a quiet tap each time I took a step. I took another sniff, realizing the smell had gotten stronger. I looked around, spotting a small cathedral down the street. Though it was faint, I heard a crash come from the building. I broke into a light jog, the bag on my arm rustling as I ran. 

When I reached the cathedral, I tensed up. I slowly walked up to the entrance, pressing my ear up to the wooden door. I listened and heard a familiar voice from inside. 


I furrowed my brows, continuing to listen. Then I heard another voice. One that I could hardly recognize. 

It was that freak from the ghoul restaurant; MM I think his name was? What is he doing here?

I crept towards the side of the building, trying my best to look through the glass stained windows. That's when I heard another voice. It was a males voice I didn't recognize and he shouted a name.

"Tsukiyama!" Screamed the man angrily, and I looked to see it was in fact the man from the ghoul restaurant in the 7th ward.

So Tsukiyama was his real name, huh? What a nutjob. 

Suddenly, everything went silent before a loud crash was heard and the glass windows shattered, one of the wooden church pews flying out and splintering. I ducked, covering my head with my hands causing the grocery bag to drop to the ground. 


I wiped the shards of glass from my clothes, peeking over the side of the window and inside the church. I watched as Kaneki swung at Tsukiyama, though it was a weak attempt. The purple haired man grabbed Kaneki's arm and punched him in the face. Hard. 

I grimaced slightly, watching as he spat out blood before getting up again and attempting to kick Tsukiyama. Kaneki missed and in return was kicked in the stomach, which sent him flying back into the other pews. Suddenly, there was a flash of blue and I spotted Touka, standing behind Tsukiyama. I looked at the man, realizing his eyes had been slashed and I stared. Blood gushed from the wounds, soiling his freshly pressed suit. 

"My, my. This isn't good." Said the purple haired man, seemingly unfazed by Touka's attack. Instead, he pulled out a handkerchief and simply wiped away the blood and I watched in both awe and horror as he had already healed. He sighed dramatically, pinching the bridge of his nose. Touka grimaced angrily. "So many uninvited guests... Oh well, this is a perfect time for me to warm up it seems." He said, smirking. 

"I'll mess you up so bad, you won't even be able to eat Tsukiyama." Touka spat, glaring at the man while rolling her shoulders back. 

"Oh come now, why would you want to do that Miss Kirishima? Is it because I've been snooping around the café?" He retorted, shaking his head in dismay.

"You actually have a brain under that ugly haircut of yours? How surprising." She snarled, crossing her arms as she spoke. I swear I could see a vein pop out of Tsukiyama's temple. "I saw that these two idiots were up to something, so I followed 'em. And what d'you know? You were here. Besides..." She paused, exhaling quietly before continuing. "Nishiki, I don't care about. But if Anteiku loses a member, that means more work for me."

So the brown haired man's name was Nishiki. Noted.

Tsukiyama grinned and chuckled. "My, that's so kind of you... But Miss Kirishima, it's not very like you. Perhaps you've grown soft. You used to be like a well-sharpened knife. Maybe if you had the skill you used to have back then, that strike of yours would've taken a full ten seconds to recover from." He said mockingly, and Touka clicked her tongue. 

"That was just a greeting. Don't want it to end too quick, do you?" She snarled, staring at Tsukiyama coldly. Suddenly, he threw his jacket off and slammed his foot down on Touka. She dodged just in time, and managed to kick at his head which he blocked with his arm. 

I watched as the two fought viscously, not holding back. I didn't know if I should even try to help out, but I couldn't sit around like a headless chicken. I glanced at Kaneki and Nishiki, the two injured as they tried to think of a plan. That's when Kaneki's eyes locked onto mine and his mouth opened for a split second before he closed it and swallowed nervously. I motioned towards the two fighting and he seemed to understand. He then glanced at Touka and Tsukiyama who were still going at it and jumped into action, once again kicking his head. This time, it connected and the man went flying back into the pews. That left Nishiki on the ground, looking nearly half dead. 

I silently slipped through the window and into the church, crouching behind a few tables and headed towards the injured man. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked up at me, shaking violently. "Who the hell are you? You reek." He hissed while adjusting his busted glasses, and I scoffed. Not the first time someone's said that to me.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out four eyes." I responded coldly, putting my hands under his arms and hoisting him up. He winced and I looked down to see he had several cuts and bruises on his body. "Can you walk?" I asked, side eyeing him as he coughed. 

"Yeah, sort of..." He mumbled and I helped him so he rested behind a pillar and out of sight. I crouched down next to him and was about to speak when I watched Touka and Kaneki attack Tsukiyama in unison, only for him to block them both. He kicked Touka in the stomach and grabbed Kaneki's hand, twisting his arm and kneeing his elbow causing it to break. He cried out and collapsed on the floor before Tsukiyama stabbed his hand right through Kaneki's abdomen. He licked the blood off his hand and his eyes widened as he began rambling about flavor and harmony. I scoffed.

What a freak. 

Touka jumped at him and without a warning Tsukiyama released his kagune. The purple spiral-like blade cut right through her stomach, causing her to collapse to the floor as blood pooled at her knees. Kaneki laid there, his body limp. I slowly stood up.  

I couldn't just sit back and watch these two get pummeled by this scumbag. Besides, I still remember a few fighting techniques from when I was younger... I think. 

"Hey." I said loudly, stepping out from behind the pillar and glaring at Tsukiyama with cold grey eyes. He turned around, a surprised look on his face. He smiled at me, his arms opening up as he laughed loudly. 

"My, what a surprise! Aren't you the young woman who was brought into the restaurant by Mr. Chronos? It's lovely to see you! What was your name again? Ms. Fujimoto I believe... He spoke highly of you, you know." He said happily, folding his hands together. "Have you come to join us tonight? I supposed another guest wouldn't hurt."

I kept my face expressionless as he spoke, and took a deep breath.

"Like hell I would." I said flatly, staring at Tsukiyama. He took a step towards me and I tilted my head to the side, cracking my neck in the process. 

"Oh, Ms. Fujimoto it would-" Before he could finish, I hurtled myself at the man at lighting speed. Tsukiyama was too slow to realize that I was going to rip through him, and I would've, if not for the fact that his kagune coiled up and blocked me from making contact with him. That forced me to change my course and drop to the ground, before leaping to the side and avoiding his kagune that extended towards me like a spring. "Oh, you're a quick one! I like that..." He said excitedly, charging at me without hesitation. 

He jabbed at me with his kagune repeatedly, and I nimbly dodged each of his attacks only managing to sustain small cuts on my arms and thighs. I straightened up, rolling my shoulders back as Tsukiyama repositioned himself.

He's fast but predictable. 

I watched as Tsukiyama grinded his teeth rabidly and in the blink of an eye, I saw a flash of purple before feeling an unbearable stinging pain across my chest. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of me and I suddenly went flying back into the stone wall, choking on air. It was like every bone in my body had been shattered. I crumpled to the floor, struggling to breathe before a foot came crashing down on my back. My still healing ribs cracked once again, causing me to cry out. Tsukiyama dug his heel into my spine, applying an inhuman amount of pressure. I gagged, feeling a sharp pain surge through my body.  

Well, isn't this a familiar feeling... Is this seriously how I'm gonna go out? 

"Aw, too slow." He said mockingly, raising his arm and his kagune pierced right through my right shoulder. Then the left one. I bit my cheek to stifle my cries of pain and he wiped off the blood off with his index finger and licked it, sighing contently. "You and Kaneki both taste very similar... how interesting." He pondered, continuously digging his heel into the fresh wounds. Blood spurted from them and pooled in front of me, the warm liquid staining my face and hair as I laid there unable to move. I felt like I was paralyzed, and my eyelids became heavy before I blacked out. 


"Get up." I heard a familiar voice speak and I looked up to see the other me. She stared down at my and gripped my chin, forcing me to look up at her. "Don't just sit there and die. You know what you're capable of. Kill this waste of space and be done with it." She hissed, looking back at Tsukiyama with unfathomable hatred in her eyes.

"I can't. I don't want to. I'd rather die than kill." I said quietly, letting my body go limp. I wouldn't give in. I wouldn't listen to her. 

She let go of my chin and stood up, glaring down at me. Suddenly, her gaze went dark before her right eye became ghoul-like.

"Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you." 


A sudden shock traveled through my body and I awoke with a jolt as I felt my right eye sting and my kakugan took its place involuntarily. I shoved Tsukiyama's foot off me with so much force he staggered backwards as I sat on my knees and hunched over as my own kagune formed slowly but painfully for the first time. I twitched and trembled, feeling the burning sensation come from my skin where it formed. It was a foreign sensation, one I had never felt in my life until now.

From my upper back sprouted white wings with red veins branching out from the base that illuminated the church while red tentacle-like appendages formed from my lower back. They ripped through my shirt and hoodie, leaving gaping holes in the fabric. They thrashed around, destroying the pews and I screamed as I tried to get them under control.

It felt like every vein was pumping fire throughout my entire body. My head spun as my entire being itched to tear Tsukiyama limb for limb and I sprinted towards him, swiping at his head with the red tentacled kagune. He ducked and I growled angrily and pulled back before twisting away and coming back again with a much stronger swipe. This time, I managed to pierce through his right thigh, causing him to hiss in pain. 

"Well, well, well! What do we have here? Such beautiful kagune you possess Ms. Fujimoto... it must be your first time using it, hmm?" He said tauntingly, extending his own kagune at me. I dodged it swiftly, suddenly feeling much lighter on my feet. It was almost like I wasn't in control of my own body or kagune. They were both very different and resided in two different locations, and I was having difficulties controlling them at the same time.

But in that moment, restraint was the last thing on my mind. I was pissed. This fuckface broke my ribs for the second time in the past two weeks. Of course I wanted his head on a stick.

"Get the hell back here, you pompous son of a bitch!" I hissed angrily, charging at him. I dropped to the floor and swept to the side, avoiding his kick. I dashed at him, slamming my winged kagune down on him, and he used his own like a shield. Sparks flew as we collided, and I pulled back and used the red tentacles to pierce through the left side of his abdomen repeatedly and he spat up blood, his ghoulish eyes widening. He stumbled backwards and I reached out towards him, my hands nearly about to wrap around his neck when I felt someone deliver a swift kick to my stomach causing me to go flying backwards. My kagune disintegrated as I gagged and glared at Touka angrily. 


I saw a bright flash of red as she stood in front of me, her own kagune had formed; it looked like a phoenix wing. "I'll deal with him." She said, turning around to look at Tsukiyama before leaping at him as they began to fight. I gripped my arm, my hand clenching into a fist as I bit my lip hard enough for it to bleed and I trembled violently. I fought back my instincts, trying to prevent my kagune from forming again. I didn't want to use it again. I wouldn't allow myself to.

C'mon. Don't give in. You're not one of them. 

I looked back and saw Kaneki staring at me with wide eyes as he held his broken arm. Nishiki looked worse than before and he began crawling towards the alter before grabbing Tsukiyama by his tie, causing him to become distracted. Before he could react, Touka severed his right arm completely off and he staggered for a few moments before collapsing to the ground, seemingly dead due to blood loss. 

Everyone stared at Tsukiyama's body, their shoulders relaxing when they realized he had been defeated. Nishiki crawled up to the alter, where a young woman laid tied up and blindfolded. He began to untie her restraints when Touka walked up behind them, kagune still blazing. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. 

"Move, Nishiki." She said coldly, glaring down at him and the woman. "She knows what we are. She's too much of a risk to let live. If you wanna stay alive..." She trailed off, and Nishiki turned to look at her. She was silent for a few moments as they stared at one another, exchanging words silently. 

"Touka, she's like Hide to me... or Yoriko to you. I understand why you're doing this, but if Yoriko finds out what you are..." Kaneki started, pausing. The names he mentioned weren't familiar to me, but I assumed they were friends. Kaneki continued. "Could you kill her?" 

Touka tensed up for a moment before she yelled in response. "Shut the hell up! I'm doing this so that doesn't happen!" Her kagune suddenly released a shower of what looked like small blades at the young woman, and my eyes widened. Nishiki shielded her, his body being cut into repeatedly. When Touka stopped, the young woman must've said something that caught her off guard, because Touka sprinted out of the church and out of sight. 

Nishiki and the woman hugged each other, quietly talking to one another. I glanced back at where Touka had ran out and I slowly stood up, wrapping my arms around my abdomen to keep my ribs from shifting. When I felt a sharp pain shoot from my back, I nearly toppled over as I shuffled towards the exit and Kaneki called out to me.

"Um... Are you alright? Do you need help?" He asked, still holding his broken arm. I nodded curtly.

"I'm fine." I said coldly, continuing to limp my way out the door and onto the street. 

How the hell am I gonna explain this to Fumiko? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2024 ⏰

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