Window 🌶

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Summary - you and Rafe have a thing and he sneak into your room during the evening

You had just said goodnight to your parents and gone up to your room. You planned to study a little before bed since you have a test tomorrow and it's stressing you out.

You set out all your textbooks and worksheets in the desk and slipped into something more comfortable. The night was going by very slowly until you heard a tap at your window.

As you turned away from your books you saw none other than Rafe Cameron himself.

The two of you have had a fling going on recently. It stared when he ordered a drink from you at your work and you've seen a lot of each other around recently. The first time you hooked up it was at his when his parents were out at a dinner but it took you by surprise that he came all the way here this time round instead.

You open the window for him confused and excited as he climbed inside knocking a few things over as he did. You quickly hush him with a hand over his mouth as you listen out for your parents.

"What are you doing here" you whisper yell.

You weren't seen as the type of girl Rafe would get with. You stayed in school, worked hard and weren't much of the outgoing type. Hell if your parents found out you'd be dead, part of that fact makes it all more exciting.

"You didn't answer my text" he said nonchalantly.

"Yeah my phone was on charge..." you say gesturing to your phone by your bedside table

"Well I was coming anyways" he shrugged wandering around your room.

Come to think of it Rafe actually hadn't been inside your room before. He'd only seen it from various selfies you would send from time to time. Now that you are thinking about it, it's embarrassing and quite messy.

Rafe spins around with a red bra in his hand smiling "did you leave this out for me?" He joked

"Ugh no and shut up" you say snatching the bra from him and shoving it in a drawer.

You hear him snicker as he walks over to your desk full of school books. "Wow nerd alert"

You roll your eyes in annoyance at him. As fun as he was on occasion the other times he can just be a dick and super annoying.

"Yeah I have to study, so you should leave"

You don't want him to leave but you also don't want him to think your desperate, you want to stand your ground and make it interesting.

"I can wait" he says with a wink.

You sit back down and continued reading through your notes trying to forget about Rafe who is literally laying in your bed.


"Ok seriously y/n how long are you gonna nerd out like that for?" Rafe groans from your bed

"Relax it's only been 10 minutes"

You didn't have to look away to know he had gotten up and was standing beside you. You didn't have to see him staring to feel it. Your leg bounced up and down due to anticipation from Rafe and the fact that you don't understand a single thing you've written down.

"You're stressed" he mumbles kneeling down. Even kneeling he's still taller than you on your chair.

"No shit Sherlock" you say tapping a pen on the table continuously.

Suddenly you feel and hand graze your bare thigh. You went wearing anything but small pj shorts and a tank top. Despite your nerves your legs stops bouncing under his touch.

"You just need to relax baby" his breath lingered in your neck as he moved his hand higher up your thigh.

You placed your own hand on his and turned to look at him. Your faces merely inches apart. Rafe tucked away a piece of your hair and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.

"Honey?" Your mother called from the door.

Your eyes widen as you scramble to turn feet and shove Rafe into the corner of your room out of sight.

"Uhh yeah hold on" you say opening the door only slightly careful not to invite her in "yeah?"

"Rose called, she wanted to know if you had seen that Rafe boy of theirs?"

You could feel his daring eyes burn into the side of your heads as you shook yours no. "Uh I haven't, we don't talk at all..."

"Apparently he was supposed to do some chores but he's gone MIA" your mother laughed. You plaster a fake laugh as she says goodnight to you and you wait for her to head back to her room until you shut the door.

Letting out a sigh of relief you turn to Rafe flustered once more. Before he can make a snarky remark you stride over and smash your lips together.

"Shut up" you say breathlessly

"Wasn't gonna say anything" he smirks. You roll you eyes as his strong hand grips you throat and pushes you up against the wall

"Don't roll your eyes at me" he hissed attacking you lips with his once more.

You feel your senses get loose as you both loose yourselves in the moment. Soon enough rage pushes you onto your bed and climbs over you trialing kisses down your neck and collar bone.

However you decide to take control this time and flip the two of you over taking him by surprise. You straddle his waist and pull his shirt off. Rafe is caught off guards and flips the two of you back so he's on top and rips off your own shirt.

"Hey I liked th..." he cuts you off as his lips reach one of your nipples

"I'll buy you another love" he mumbles with his face between your boobs.

Rage trails his kisses further and further down until he is right above your waistband. He looks at you for permission and you say yes as he tugs off your shorts leaving you bare.

"No panties ?" He smirks looking up at you

"I wasn't expecting company" you argue as he presses feathery kisses around your clit.

He's teasing you and you hate it. Soft whimpers leave you mouth as you slap a hand over your lips knowing your parents are a few doors down. "Rafe"

"What do you want princess" he mumbles kissing die your thighs.

You pull him back up and smash your lips together once more "you, I want you now"

It's doesn't take anything else for rafe to slip inside of you. He covers your moan with a kiss and makes sure you stay silent.

"Be as loud as you want at mine but I sit wanna wake up the whole house baby ok?"

You nod as he gently places his hand over your lips containing every whimper you let out as he thrust inside of you hitting all the right places over and over again.

You feel the familiar feeling in your stomach twisting as you approach climax. "Rafe I'm gonna..."

"I know baby me to"

With a few more thrust you bite down on his hand suppressing your final loans as his thrust get sloppier and less frequent.

After you're both finished he collapses into of your out of breath. "Fuck that was good" rafe mutters.

Shortly after catching his breath he heads to your on suite to grab an warm towel and cleans you up. Usually you do that yourself but he is really being a gentlemen tonight so you don't mention it.

"Thank you" you whisper.

Rafe kisses your thigh and lays beside you once you're all cleaned up. You out and arm over him and he holds you for a while until you fall asleep.

A/n ooooh spicy. Low-key love the window trope.

Rafe Cameron Oneshots//ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now