Chapter 3: Zany lessons

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"Ok sibs! Today we teach Ivy all about being Zany! Isn't that right Ivy?" Yakko asked as he held Ivy in his arms. "Ya!" She said excitedly as she clapped her hands together in excitement. "Alright then, Wakko can you hold Ivy?" Yakko asked as he placed Ivy into his arms. Suddenly the living room turned into a classroom with some simple cartoon logic. There were 3 desks, one with a high chair for Ivy. Then at the front of the classroom was a chalk board and Yakko standing holding a pointer stick. He tapped the pointer stick onto the board to get his siblings attention. "Good morning class, please sit down!" He ordered as Wakko placed Ivy into her high chair and him and Dot then sat down. "Ok everyone! Welcome to Zany lessons with Yakko!" He said as he pointed to the words on the chalk board. "Now tell me sibs, what does being Zany mean?" Yakko asked. Wakko eagerly raised his hand while Dot rolled her eyes, she didn't like playing classroom at all, not unless she was the teacher. "Yes Wakko?" Yakko called on him. "Being Zany means being Crazier than everyone else!" Wakko said proudly. 

"Exactly!" Yakko exclaimed. "Now! Today we will be teaching Ivy here how to properly be Zany! And it starts with 3 easy steps... Dot, do you know the answer?" Yakko pestered at Dot who was groaning. "Obviously, I'm not a baby! No offence Ivy."  Dot said as she sighed. "We need to choose the victim to bug, think outside the box and never have too big and precise of a plan." Dot recited as if she was bored of those words, I mean she had heard Yakko say them at least a 100 times. "Yes! That's exactly right!" "Now, how about a little song!" Yakko said happily. "Oh boy." Dot groaned. "Don't be so happy!" Yakko exclaimed with a chuckle as he pulled down a white sheet from nowhere's. "Ahem, you see..." Yakko began as he started to sing...

Only one zany 🤪- song written by: me! To the tune of "only one of you" from Animaniacs! (Use video above to sing along!)

🎶 There are a billion different ways of being Zany, 

and theres a billion different things that you can use..

 like your mallet and a wall, a drawing and a song and maybe

an anvil.... Or two! 🎶 

🎶 there are a billion trillion different kinds of crazy, 

and a billion trillion ways to be Zany! 

Yes, the industry is large, there's tons of toons at large...

But none of them are Zany as can be! 

there is only 4 of them, and they are special! Yes they stand out among the other toons it's true! Yes the universe is large and whoever is in charge, made crazy things but only 4 are true! 🎶 

Small musical Interlude..

🎶 oh a one and a two and a three and a four! 

A thousand and a million and a billion or more- 

There are goofys, there are wackys and theres kookys, 

there are cuckoos and looney tooneys too! 🎶 

🎶 Even though they may seem good, and 

although they really could- they aren't nearly as Zany, as we! 🎶 

 🎶 A lot of little jokes make up this planet, and a lot of other types of comedy-

But there's only one that's true, it belongs to the ones who- 

run around crazy like fools! 🎶 

 🎶 There is only 4 of them, and they are special! 

Yes there is no one else exactly like they are!

Cause they're unique, and they're terrific, 

and they're kinda real specific!

Cause there is no one else the same, 

As Yakko Wakko n Dot..

And don't forget Ivy!

We all are just the same!

Cause they're the only ones,

Who are Zanyyyy!!

Ba ba do, ba ba do, ba ba do ba! 🎶 

Yakko finished, panting from the music number. "Yayy yay!" Ivy cheered her big brother on with a few small claps. "Why thank you sweetie! Now! Do you think you're ready to go out and torment Ralph for the first time!" Yakko asked her. "Yah!" She said enthusiastically as she put her arms out gesturing for Yakko to help her out. "Up!" She said. He then helped her down onto the ground and she walked towards the tower door, they opened it for her and they were on their way. So the Warners with Ivy in Yakkos arms made their way to Ralph who was sitting in the booth at the front of the lot taking a nap. "Look at Ralph, he's sleeping! This is the perfect chance! Cmon!" He said as he lead his siblings to quietly sneak up to his booth. "Shh we have to be very quiet!" Wakko whispered to Ivy, she just giggled. This was going to be so much fun!

"Ready? Steady.." Yakko whispered as they opened the booth door ever so carefully, so as not to disturb ralph. "Ivy, go and smack him in the face!" Yakko ordered. "Aye aye!" She said eagerly in reply as she snuck into the booth and climbed slowly up onto Ralph. Ivy looked over and Yakko gave her the signal that all was ready. "Bam!" She shouted as she smacked Ralph in the face causing him to wake up. "AGH!" He shouted after being jolted awake. "Baby warner?" Ralph questioned as Ivy then ran like crazy, her siblings following as Ralph got out his net to chase them. "I'll get you, you warner!" He shouted as he caught up to Ivy, the Warners then running off in the opposite direction as they had planned. "Are you sure she can do it!?" Dot asked Yakko as they watched Ivy being chased. "Positive. She's a Warner, she has it in her blood." Yakko said proudly, he knew she could do it. 

Ivy got a little scared when she saw how close Ralph was, but she calmed her self down, took a deep breath and ran faster as she ran underneath a random bridge that was in front of her, Ralph, being as stupid as he is didn't realize it was a trap. He smacked right into the wall forgetting that toons were different than humans and that this was literally cartoon logic. "Up, goofy!" Ivy babbled as she waved from on-top of a sound stage. Ralph noticed there was a ladder. Perfect! Now he had a direct way up to Ivy. He darted for the stairs when suddenly, without warning a massive anvil dropped onto him. Ivy giggled. This was fun! "Ughh.." he groaned in defeat. Ivy came down the stairs and helped lift the anvil off of him. "Ugh.. thank you.." he said as he then realized who had helped him. "Hey-" TWACK! Ivy smacked him in the head with her mallet to finish him off. "Yay! Sissy did it!" Dot cheered as she ran to give Ivy a hug along with Wakko and Yakko. 

"We knew you could do it! And we're proud of you!" Wakko said as he kissed ivy's forehead. Ivy giggled. "Now, how about some ice cream?" Yakko suggested. "YAYYY!" All 3 younger siblings cheered.

A/n: hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 😆 sorry if it's short but I think I'm going to keep most chapters around 1000-1200 words unless it's a special chapter. Anyways, bye guys! Don't forget to vote and comment! See you soon!

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