Chapter 4: Shopping day

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"Ivy! Wake uppp!" Yakko called happily in a sing song voice as he entered her room. She awoke immediately with a small little yawn. "Aww aren't you cute! Now cmon! We've got to get ready to go to the mall!" Yakko exclaimed, then Dot burst through the door upon hearing Yakko. "Mall?" She asked, curlers still in hair, no makeup on. "Yes sister sibling, Scratchys picking us up in an hour." Yakko said as he slowly brushed Ivys fur with her hair brush, Ivy making small little puppy like noises as he did (since they're literally like dogs lol) "one hour?" Dot exclaimed as she then exited the room in a hurry. "Dot fast!" Ivy exclaimed with a giggle. Yakko smiled at her remark. "Alright sister sib, let's get your diaper changed!" Yakko said as he placed Ivy down onto the changing mat, Ivy instantly making a fuss. "Ok, this shouldn't be too hard... even though I'm terrible at it." Yakko groaned as he started to change her.

Normally Dot did her diaper change but Dot was busy and would always throw a fuss when she had to do it. "Ew..." Yakko said as he noticed the horrible smell coming from her diaper. "That's it, Dots doing this whether she likes it or not!" Yakko said as he marched to the bathroom where Dot was getting ready. "Dot, diaper duty is all yours!" Yakko shouted at the bathroom door. "I'm busy!" She shouted back. "I said diaper duty Dot, now!" Yakko shouted once again. "I SAID IM BUSY!!!!" She shouted once again. "Oh my." Yakko said nearly going deaf at the yelling. "Wakko?" Yakko called. "Nope!" Wakko shouted back, already knowing the question. "Ugh. FINE" Yakko sighed as he went back to the room to change Ivys diaper. "I hate being the older sibling." 


"Alright sibs, are we ready yet?" Yakko called to his siblings. "Yup!" Wakko said running to Yakko who was already half out the door with Ivy in his arms. Ivy wore her usual yellow shirt with a green heart and had sunglasses and a yellow bucket hat on. Wakko had his money in his blue backpack in his wallet and some other necessities like his phone and headphones. "Where's Dot?" Yakko asked as Wakko went outside with Yakko. "Here!" Dot said as she exited her room wearing a fancy dress like she was about to go to a runway show. She also had a full face of makeup and a designer purse. "Dot. We're going to the mall." Yakko stated as he just stared at her in confusion. "Yeah, I know!" "So... what the heck are you wearing?" Yakko asked once again. "Just a little something, Incase we meet any hot guys, now cmon guys! Scratchys here!" Dot said as she walked past her brothers, walking like she was walking down the runway.

"Hi scratchy!" Yakko and Wakko waved from the balcony. As if on cue Ivys eyes filled with horror. "AGHHH!" She shouted as she squirmed, trying to run the other way. "Yeesh, calm down kid. He's not a murderer! It's just scratchy! See!" Yakko tried to get her to look but she covered her eyes. "Seriously what is wrong with you? Why are you so scared of him, cmon let's get into the car!" Yakko said as he brought Ivy down to Scratchansniff car. Wakko followed holding Ivys car seat and set it into the backseat. Ivy locked eyes with Scratchansniff again and started to scream her head off. "Is she alright?" Scratchansniff asked. "I just don't get why she doesn't like you Otto!" Yakko said as he put Ivy into her car seat as she still screamed her head off. "I know why..." Dot said as she cringed at Scratchys face. "Sorry but not sorry.. you do have a creepy face." Dot exclaimed.

"You do have a point Dot!" Wakko agreed. "You do not!" Scratchy refused to believe. "Alright alright, calm down kid!" Yakko tried to calm Ivy as he handed her, her favourite teddy bear. She hugged it tightly, tears still falling down her face, but atleast she stopped screaming. Dot hopped into the back and sat next to Wakko, Ivy nearest to the window behind the drivers seat. She refused to look at Dr scratchandsniff. Finally after what felt like the longest drive ever, they made it to the mall. "Ok sibs, let's get moving!" Yakko exclaimed as he went to get Ivy out of her car seat. He held her as him and his siblings ran to the mall. "Wait! Come back! Don't cause any trouble!" Scratchandsniff yelled as he ran after the crazy sibs. "We will!" Yakko cried out in response as they ran off around the corner. "Ugh. Zhos kids will be ze end of me!" He groaned.


"Woah! Look Ivy! Look at the train!" Wakko shouted as he jumped for joy. A man cam by and stopped in-front of them, many other kids inside the train. "Let's go!" Yakko exclaimed as he and his sibs hopped on the ride, but Dot refused to go on. "But Dot? It'll be so much fun!" Wakko tried to coax her. "No! I am not a baby! Now if you excuse me, I'll be in Sephora looking at makeup, unlike you babys!" Dot said then sticking her tongue out as she marched off. "Uh... one of us is a literal baby though..." Yakko replied, being the smart Alec he was, but Dot had already marched off. "Yay! Here we go Ivy!" Wakko said excitedly, Ivy getting excited as she giggled, raising her hands in the air like she was on a roller coaster. "Away we go!" Yakko exclaimed as they started to move throughout the mall. They passed stores upon stored until they stopped conveniently in-front of a ton of toy stores

"Toys!" Ivy exclaimed as she ran to one of the toy stores filled with bears and Dolls. "Wait up Ivy! Don't want to lose ya!" Yakko said running after her. "Look! Look!" She said as she pointed to a huge mouse plushie that resembled Pinky, the lab mouse from pinky and the brain. "Mousie! Mousie! Pleaseeee?" She begged. "Well... alright if you're going to be so cute!" Yakko giggled as she pinched her little cheeks. "Now cmon, let's get you that mouse!" Yakko exclaimed. "But how? It's on the top shelf?" Wakko asked as he pointed up at it. "We climb! Obviously." Yakko smirked as he began to climb the tall shelf's. "HEY!" A employee instantly yelled. "You can't climb that!" The lady yelled again, she stood angrily in front of Yakko hands on her hips. "I'm guessing I should come down know.. heh." Yakko sarcastically laughed. "Yes." The lady simply stated, she was not a happy camper. 

"Oh alright! NOT!" Yakko yelled as he continued to climb the shelf. "NO! STOP!" The lady yelled as she went to go call security. "Yakko careful! You're going to fa-" before Wakko could finish his sentence the shelf's collapsed and Yakko landed perfectly ontop of them while they laid on the floor. "HEY! YOU!" The lady shouted pointing at Yakko with pure anger in her eyes. "You better run!" She yelled as she began to lunge herself at Yakko, but before she could he grabbed the mouse, dropped some cash so as not to steal (he may be crazy but he would never steal) and then ran with Ivy in arms and Wakko holding his hand. "Bye bye angry lady!" Ivy waved as the lady just stood in pure shock. "SECURITY!" She shouted as she searched for someone to help her. 

The 3 crazy siblings made their way to the food court while Dot was using the makeup testers in sephora. She was making different concoctions with the testers and making a huge mess. (Sigh.. yes she's a Sephora kid) "hey! Kid!" Some older yet still around age 11 yelled from behind her. "Yes you!" The 11 year old snapped back. She wore complete lulu lemon head to toe and was holding a massive Sephora bag. "That's our job idiot! Stop using our testers!" The girl snapped back as she tossed the makeup and skincare onto the floor making a mess. "Hey! Stop! You're making a mess!" Dot yelled back. "Who said you were? Security!" She called out as she walked away from the scene with her "preppy" friend group. "So long, loser!" She shouted as they walked away, giggling. "HEY!" A lady in the store yelled at Dot.

"You just made a huge mess! What do you have to say for yourself!" She yelled. "Uh... bye!" Dot said as she fled from the scene. What she didn't notice was Yakko Wakko and Ivy were running in the opposite direction. They collided and crashed onto the floor, Yakko making sure he was still holding Ivy tightly so she wouldn't fall. "THERE! THERE THEY ARE!" Voices began to shout as people accused them. "Run!" They all shouted as they began to run together. Finally when they got away Yakko stopped at a costume shop. "Ooo!" He said in awe as she exchanged glances with his sibs. "You thinkin, what I'm thinkin?" Yakko hinted. So yes, the 4 siblings ran wild in the store, trying things on, having sword fights! They were having a great time! Until the owner of the store showed up and was not happy.

Yakko was dressed as a knight, Dot was dressed as a queen, Ivy was dressed as Cinderella and Wakko wore a hotdog costume. "Did you guys SERIOUSLY have to tear every single costume out of the packaging!" He yelled angrily at the siblings. "Yes." Yakko said with a smirk. "Wipe that smirk off your face!" The owner shouted. "Run sibs." Yakko stated as he threw some cash in the air to pay for the costumes and ran, with Ivy in hand he led the sibs to the front door where they found scratchandsniff waiting for the siblings. "Zhere you guys are! Are you ready to go?" He asked, then gasped as he saw a crowd full of people with bats who had been following the siblings. 


The end! :p

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