Tape #4

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Eric Losena was a 47 year old man with ideations of unattainable perfection and perverted thoughts on small boys that formed from the extensive abuse and sick mind of his father. He then abducted and kept 5 boys in his basement to act out his perfect child fantasy, at least until they started to die off one by one due to sparse dieting and rigorous schedules of exercise, which led to him disposing of the boys and kidnapping new ones between the years 1997-1998. World renowned psychologist Dr *REDACTED* conducted an interview with Mr Losena to gain insight on the unwell man.

Eric: "Hello, Dr *REDACTED*"

Dr *REDACTED*: "Hi there Mr Losena, or do you prefer Eric?"

Eric: "I would very much prefer Eric. I am not my father."

Dr *REDACTED*: "Of course Eric. How are you feeling?"

Eric: "I'm annoyed, that's all."

Dr *REDACTED*: "Why are you annoyed Eric?"

Eric: "I'm not perfect."

Dr *REDACTED*: *soft chuckle* "Nobody is Eric. We are only human after all."

ric: "No, you don't understand. I have to be perfect. It's required."

Dr *REDACTED*: "Why is it required?"

Eric: *bitter laughter* "What's it to you, doctor? You already have everything. What more could you possibly need?"

Dr *REDACTED*: "Beg pardon?"

Eric: "You have everything I could never get: a stable job, the perfect body, hell, probably even a gorgeous family. Tell me I'm wrong...doc."

Dr *REDACTED*: *clears throat* "W-Well, I never married, so no kids for me, and I highly doubt my body is the epitome of perfection."

Eric: *wry chuckle* "Oh please. At least you look better than the boys I tried to help."

Dr *REDACTED*: "How did you try to help those boys you killed?"

Eric: *laughter* "Just strict dieting and exercise. Not my fault they couldn't handle the pressure."

Dr *REDACTED*: "From what the police report told me, you made them participate in exercises that made them perpetually exhausted and you barely gave them any food, and the ones that did die, you stuffed in the cellar under your house and then went to find more boys to keep it at 5."

Eric: *silence*

Dr *REDACTED*: "Eric? Eric, are you okay?"

Eric: *high pitched screaming and slamming noise*

Dr *REDACTED*: "ERIC ERIC CALM DOWN CALM DOWN!" *door being yanked open and frantic footsteps*

Audio Log ends at 11:59 A.M.

After restraining, sedating, and treating Eric's head wound, Dr *REDACTED* made the psychological report that "although it appears that his father *REDACTED* Losena influenced his behavior of fearing of being imperfect, there is no way to truly know where his obsessions of boys and the number 5 came from. Even with his diagnosis of extreme atelophobia, he is able to distinguish right from wrong and refuses to confess to the whereabouts of his final victim Timmy *REDACTED*, even though it is most likely he is deceased."

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