133 5 2

Unknown Number
Are you free tonight?


Unknown Number
On what?

On who you are

Unknown Number
It's Jeongin, Silly 😊

Then I'm free

Can I pick you up at eight?

*sends Address*


I looked into the mirror for the thousandth time. I didn't know what was happening tonight. All I knew was that the one and only Yang Jeongin was picking me up any moment now, and I was nervous as hell. I decided to wear a black turtleneck with a black short skirt and paired it with my favorite black boots. I looked for a jacket when my phone rang. I quickly picked it up. "Hello?" I spoke, while grabbing my leather jacket and my little black purse. "I wanted to ring the bell, but I don't know which one," Jeongin laughed at the other end. I giggled. "I'm coming downstairs, wait," I said. "No, I have something for you," he said.

I could just hear him smile at the other end of the phone. "You have something for me?" I laughed, "wait, I'll buzz you in. You have to take the elevator to the ninth floor," I said before hanging up. Soon after, he was standing in front of my apartment door, wearing a white button-down with some dark blue jeans and a matching jean jacket, topped off with some black Adidas shoes. He held a mini cactus in a little pot in his hands, grinning. I smiled and took it from him. "A cactus?" I asked a bit confused, "usually, boys bring flowers."

I didn't expect him to bring me anything at all. Like this wasn't a date to him, or was it? Because when it was, I would be even more nervous. "Flowers wilt, cacti are almost impossible to kill," he answered and grinned, "Oh, and you look beautiful." A giggle escaped my mouth. Wait a minute! A giggle? Why was I giggling like some teenager? It's just a cactus, I needed to relax! "Thank you. Uhm... you can come in for a moment. I just need to find the perfect spot for my new cactus," I said and walked back into my apartment, he trailed in behind me.

"Do you live here on your own?" he asked curiously and started to look at the multiple guitars that hung on the wall. "Yes. I moved in about a month ago because it's near the university," I explained and walked back towards him. I stood in front of him, not really knowing what to do because he was blocking my way outside. I looked up at him and got shaky knees. How could he be even more beautiful in real life than on camera? "What do you study?" he asked interested. I smiled a little. "Music," I said. He rolled his eyes and grinned. "Of course," he answered, "why did I even ask?" "So where are we going?" I asked curiously. He started smiling even wider. "It's a surprise," he said and turned around to walk to the front door.

We walked outside to a fancy black car. "Minho lent it to me. He said if I get a scratch in it he will kill me," Jeongin said nervously and opened the door for me. I giggled and got in. "I'm sure you're a good driver," I said. He got in on the other side and started the car. "I'll just assume you're not going to kidnap me," I joked. "Oh, I totally am. I got you a bed and all in my basement," he answered. I rolled my eyes at that joke. He started laughing. "I'm kidding," he reassured me.

We drove outside the city for a while, till we came to a hill somewhere next to the road. The moon was already shining bright, and you could see the stars for once. In the city, it's always illuminated by all the different lights, and you can rarely see them. "Now I'm scared that you're a serial killer or something. You brought me out somewhere in nowhere," I laughed. "We need to come out of the city so we can do stargazing," he smiled, as he parked the car on the side of the road, "Wait a minute!" He quickly got out of the car and walked around it, opening the door for me again. "You told me to wait so you could open the door for me?" I asked amused. "Looks like it," he answered shyly.

I smiled and took the hand he was holding out to help me out of the car. He took a bag full of blankets and pillows out of the trunk and started walking up the hill. I followed closely. "Should I also carry something?" I asked. "Are you out of your mind? You're not carrying anything when I'm with you," he answered. I felt myself blush. I was getting my hopes up really bad right now. It will crush me. When we were on top of the hill, he laid out the blankets and the pillows nicely. We laid down next to each other, and I sighed when it was just silent for a little while. "It's so quiet out here," I mumbled, looking up at the stars. "I come here quite often because of that. I wrote a lot of songs up here," Jeongin said. I turned my head to look at him. He was looking up to the sky, his hair falling in his face. I had the urge to reach out my hand and stroke his soft cheek, but I held back. "What songs?" I asked curiously.

"We didn't release them. I didn't even show them to the others. They're just for me," he explained. If I moved my pinky just a little bit, our hands would touch. "That's nice. If you write them for yourself and not for the world, it means you truly love music," I said. He turned his head and looked me in the eyes. He had even more beautiful eyes up close. "I've never seen it like that before," he said thoughtfully. "Will you sing one to me?" I asked shyly. He turned to his side so that he could look at me better. "You want me to sing one of them?" he asked surprised. "Yeah. I sang for you two times now. It's only fair," I answered and smiled. He smiled back, then he started to sing one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.


I just wanted to come here to say one quick thing.
Wattpad is doing strange things and doesn't send out notifications when I update this story... I'm trying to fix this issue but it's not working (I had that with past stories too, it's so weird). So just so you know: if you want to continue reading, there is a new chapter every day around the same time, so you can just look 👀
Usually this issue solves itself after a few chapters but still.
Thanks for reading
Love, Anni❤️

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