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He ended up grabbing my hand on the way back to the car. I was kind of sad that we already had to leave, but it was almost two in the morning, and we both were tired. He got out of the car with me when he parked in front of my apartment building. His hands were buried in his pockets, and he shyly looked down at me. "I really liked spending time with you today," he finally said. I smiled a little, fidgeting with my fingers. "I really liked it too," I answered.

We just stood there for a moment. "Can I hug you?" he finally asked. I blushed a little and nodded, slinging my arms around his waist as soon as he pulled me close. His arms were slung around my shoulders, gently pressing me against his body. I closed my eyes for a moment while breathing in his sweet perfume. "Can you drive home? Aren't you too tired?" I asked. He chuckled. "I'll manage. Minho will kill me if I don't bring his car back safely," he joked and pulled away from me. "Will you text me when you get home?" I asked and looked up at him. He smiled and nodded.


Jeongin came home just ten minutes later. He walked in and saw that there were still lights on in the living room. He walked in confused, just to see Chan and Hyunjin still awake. "Where were you?" Hyunjin asked surprised at his late return. Jeongin had only told Minho what he was doing because he needed his car, and it looks like Minho kept it to himself, just like Jeongin had asked him. "Oh... I went out," Jeongin quickly answered. "Alone?" Hyunjin asked confused. Chan started to grin. "Did you go on a date?" he asked curiously, "with that Suki girl?" "Wait, who is Suki?" Hyunjin asked surprised.

Jeongin sighed. This was why he didn't tell them. They would just tease him. "Our Baby Bread has a crush," Chan explained to Hyunjin with a smile on his lips. Jeongin rolled his eyes. "I was hanging out with her," he quickly said. They would know if he lied to them; he was just so bad at it. "Where did you take her?" Hyunjin asked excitedly. "Stargazing," Jeongin said a little embarrassed. Chan whistled through his teeth. "I didn't know you could be so romantic," he laughed. "Shut up," Jeongin said embarrassed. "Are you seeing her again?" Hyunjin asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "I didn't ask her yet," Jeongin mumbled. "But do you like her?" Chan asked, now a more serious tone, not so teasing anymore. Jeongin let himself fall onto the sofa. "I think I like her a lot," he mumbled.


"Wait, you went on a date and you didn't tell me?" my friend Nami said surprised. "I don't really know if it was a date!" I said and sighed, packing up my books to head to my next class. "From what you told me, it was definitely a date," she said and grinned. "Yes... but what if he's just being friendly?" I asked, furrowing my brows. "I don't want to get my hopes up." Nami rolled her eyes. "You need to stop being so scared of falling in love," she said. "But I don't want to get hurt again. Can you blame me?" I said and looked at her.

She sighed. "You need to stop living in a dream world and start to respond to people in your real life. I mean, it sounded like he was so sweet. Isn't that exactly what you want?" she asked. "Yes... but boys are always nice in the beginning. And anyway... he has like a million girls lining up for him, so why would he choose me?" I asked and stopped walking in front of my next room. "Why would he have a million girls lining up for him?" she asked confused. I looked around to make sure nobody was listening to us. "It's I.N," I whispered. Nami started to laugh. "Yeah. Nice joke," she said, but when she saw my serious face, she stopped immediately. "Are we talking about the same person? Like the I.N from Stray Kids?" I nodded my head. She looked at me in disbelief. "Girl, what did you get yourself into?" she mumbled.

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