Chapter 13

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I think this will probably be the last chapter. I didn't like the turn it took and I'm to lazy to change it 😭, tell me if I should change the last 2 parts and I will but I'm so unsure. And thank you so much for 1k reads!!!

"We are here." He said proudly, we were infront of an abandoned building. Stu was standing outside the door, his hands covered in dried blood, some not so dry and dripping off his fingers. I got out of the car slowly and looked over at Billy who was walking over to Stu, I walked at a slowed pace. He ran up to me and wrapped his long arms around me, I could see slightly into the building, it wad dark but I could see, Flesh?

He lead me into the building happily, I gasped once I entered. Carrie tied up naked and bloody with drool leaking out of her mouth and soaking the cloth that was keeping her quiet. I hated Carrie but seeing her like this isn't something I'd ever expect to see. I look back at Stu and Billy who were smiling proudly, "What do you think Siri baby?" Stu spoke up, he'd never called me that before, well, he calls me Siri all the time but - baby. That was new, I looked at Carrie a smirk appeared on the corner of my lips.

"Whats there to think, Stu?" I look at him. His face drops he thinks I don't like it, just before I could say anything I saw Billy pointing. His fingers guided to Carrie she had my name carved into her stomach and behind her my name was written in blood.


I didn't know what to do when Serena asked stu what there was to think, I thought she either didn't understand or she didn't like what'd he'd done for her. I pointed towards the names, Serenas name had been indicated twice in order to show that it was all for her, she saw the name and was completely fascinated. There was yet again another smirk that formed on her lips, I saw Stus excitement when he realized slowly he walked up behind her and placed his hands around her shoulders laying his chin on her head. "Its all for you Siri." Stu states before walking away towards Carrie as he drags Serena over to her.

Serena doesn't know what to do, despite the fact that she was just as screwed as Stu.


I just got a call from Stu it sounded urgent, I had no Idea what to do but he told me all I had to do was come over to his place, as soon as humanly possible. I was rushing around the house grabbing shoes and keys. "Why are you in such a rush Bill?" Serena asked me as she exited her room completely and utterly confused. I just waved her off and didn't bother answering her and rushed out of the house over to Stus house, I entered - his parents weren't home - again. They barely ever were anyway, he led me upstairs and the look on his face was a look between shick and absolute amusement. I didn't understand what could trigger a look like that until Stu opened his bedroom door. His girlfriend - laying dead - was on the floor only with a duvet covering her slightly. He told me it was a mistake but I couldn't believe him.

Not even two months after the incident occured Serena comes up to us and says she has a drastic thing to ask us, both of us confused share a look before nodding our heads. She explains her plan to kill Sydney and all her stupid friends, but before I could even blink Stu was nodding his head and said yes happily almost at the top of his voice. I looked a Stu and Serena I thought 'What the hell, this might be fun?' And nodded my head, agreeing to kill my girlfriend and all her little friends. Never in my life would I ever have guessed that I - Billy Loomis and my best friend would be killers. Serena I saw it long ago, she wasn't afraid of causing pain to someone and hurting them, or things. She'd killed animals before I only knew because sometimes I would go into her room when she wasn't home when we were kids and there would be a box of dead animals. If the animals weren't in the box then there was a lot of blood just staining the bottom. I never confronted her about it or told anybody, I figured it was a stage that would pass-


I was brought back from my thoughts when I heard Serena and Stu laughing while the sound of loud whimpering followed. I knew Stu killed and would do it again but I never took him for a, well, a sociopath nor my sister. She was so small and looked to innocent to be doing evil things like this. Me on the other hand, I'd always dreamed of trying out murdering because of the adrenaline rush that came with it, or so previous murderers have said, so it was a dream come true when Serena asked me to kill with her.

At first I was obviously weary because I had no idea if Serena or Stu would plan properly but after hearing the plan I lit up, it was immaculate and perfectly arranged. I got to chose who I killed and so did Stu, she didn't care so I chose my victims: Casey, Principal Himbry, Tatum, Randy and Sydney. And Stu chose his: Steve, Dewey (who he didn't kill) and Neil Prescott.

Of course he got to kill Kenny as well but he wasn't supposed to be there that also gave Serena free range to kill Gale Weathers. A nosey reporter that could have lived but, oh well? With Serena feeling better it was almost time for us to go back to school. I'd left Stu and Serena with Carrie, as I drove back home. I liked being in a car alone, loud music and peace so I could think about that night over and over again.

I don't really know if I'm ready to go back to school but dad was forcing us to go. He said he didn't want as at home for to long. So I guess we have to go back...

10 May 2024

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