Chapter 4

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Woodsboro, California 27 September 1996

Serena heard commotion in the bathroom and just as she was about to open the door Sidney came flying out of the bathroom straight into the young girl causing them both to topple over. That didn't stop Sidney she got up as fast as humanly possible and ran down to the principals office in the process she had grabbed Serenas wrist and dragged her along too.

She was forced to enter the office with Sid and listen to her ask what Mr. Himbry was planning on doing with all these 'masked pranksters'. Mr. Himbry had called them that, before he assured Sidney that he had expelled the pranksters and that school would be suspended until further notice. Serena comforted her angry friend that looked as if she was about to burst into tears at any second, as the girls walked down the hall they met up with Tatum. Classes had already been suspended, Serena thought that the principal would wait 'till the end of the day but he didn't.

Sidney blabbering her sob story to Tatum while Serena went to find Stu and walk with him. She left the two girls as they walked down the hall, Stu grabbed her shoulders making her jump a little bit in surprise. "You ass." She said hitting his shoulder lightly and giggling, "Hey Serena, do you want to come to a party at my place tonight?" Stu asked with a hopeful expression on his face. Serenas usually pale face turned a slight tint of red she gave the boy a excited nod. "If you don't mind, coming early think you could?" Stu asked as they walked towards Sidney and Tatum, 'Early?' Serena was completely baffled by that question but she didn't hesitate to agree the brown eyed boy lent down and kissed Serena on the cheeck as a thank you then proceeded to run off and invite Sid as well as his girl friend Tatum.

Serena couldn't wrap her head around what just happened, he kissed her. She didn't know why and she didn't care her face now fully red and the heat rushed to her cheeks and ears making her heartbeat awfully noticeable. "Why do you look so happy?" Billy asked in a knowing voice, Serena didn't even care that her brother snuck up on her usually she'd be mad but now she was just staring hoping to relive the moment that had happened only a minute ago. "He kissed me." Serena said turning to Billy, "It was only on the cheek but still." Her voice raised to a higher pitch, Billy looked at her with a slight upward smile and told her that he and Stu were going to the video store before going to his house if she'd like to join them, he looked as if he just came from the principals office but that wasnt need for concernat the moment. Billy loved his sister but never really said it but the two were inseparable and always went places together no matter how much they insulted each other or fought they always stuck together. He knew she liked Stu and that Stu liked her but he was dating Tatum. It was fine because she wouldn't be in the way much longer, Serena and Billy both knew this.

Randy was riding on a cart by the time Serena, Billy and Stu walked in. Billy went to go get horror movies for Stu while he went to go bug and interrogate Randy, Serena just stood near by Stu watching what he was doing. She waited for him to do something stupid and, he did. Sneaking up behind Randy Stu slapped the disks out of Randy's hands and laughed not long after the boys started speaking about the party and how the store is having a lot of horror movie sales. But that convo tired the boys soon enough and they started speaking about the killers including suspects and who they suspect it is, Randy soon became cocky and blamed the whole thing on Billy and his sister. Saying he killed them and the sister got them distracted by phoning them as Randy turned around he was greeted by Billy grabbing his collar, the boy stuttered not knowing what to say while Billy harassed him.

Eventually the confrontation ended, Billy and Stu looked pleased with themselves. Randy soon caught Serenas eyes and his face dropped. He didn't know what to say he knew she was in earshot when he saw where she was standing he started to walk up to Serena but she just left walking with Billy out of the store and towards Stu's car that was parked outside the store. It had been nearly 20 minutes before Stu came waltzing out of the store with a few movies in hand climbing into the car. Stu dropped off Billy at the grocery store. He was dressed so nice, you swapped seats and climbed into the front right next to Stu as he drove over to your place.

"Go get into a change of clothes." He said after she gave him a confused look as to why they were there. Quickly Serena got out of the car and walked into the house with Stu right behind her she'd invited him in to try help her pick what to wear. She brought out a long sleeve blck crop top with torn jeans, after he'd said no to her first 4 outfits! They were settled and happy with the outfit combination, once Stu left the room she got changed and tied her long white hair into a messy bun. A pair of black boots were added and the outfit was perfect, now it was time to go to the party. Billy had already arrived home he didn't change his outfit but he grabbed a flannel and a jacket. The three excitedly walked to the car hoping the night ended up going their way. The party was only in 2 hours but they couldn't wait to set up and prepare everything the way they wanted it to be.

Stu went and put a few beers in the fridge in the garage, twisting the light slightly do that it wouldn't be on later that night. Serena stayed in the kitchen securing a few more things. Billy went to get everything else set up and ready for the quests and for himself

18 January 2024

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