Chamber of secrets - Chapter 9

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Tom's POV:

I should have eliminated that vile little wretch when I had the opportunity, he will undoubtedly return. They always do. I would do the same. Damn it. Why did I spare him. Now he will seek retribution. Or worse, involve the ministry. Oh well,  dear Theodore, they wanted me on their side from the start. I could see in his eyes that he distrusts me. Even though I did murder old Hepzibah Smith, the house-elf confessed, he has no chance in a trial. .I must stay vigilant and prepared for whatever may come. I cannot afford to let my guard down, not with Theodore lurking in the shadows. I will wait for the right moment and strike when it presents itself. Until then, I will maintain the façade of the innocent and unsuspecting ally. Even his wife will be swayed to my side, and I will strip away every bit of pride he has left and crush it. He will be so diminished that he will believe he can ride a bicycle between the tiles.I will make him regret ever crossing me, and he will pay dearly for underestimating my cunning and determination. I will bide my time and strike when he least expects it. Theodore will rue the day he dared to oppose me.Thoughts race through my mind as I stroll the corridors of Hogwarts, moving farther from Eva's chambers. I ponder how she could make such a foolish decision to marry this man. She does not seem like someone unable to secure a better match. Her choice diminishes her appeal for my schemes, indicating a lack of strength in her mind. However, perhaps there is a valid explanation for this misstep. I struggle to identify what draws me to her, but if she proves to be valuable, I will retain her. If not, she will serve as a source of annoyance for Theodore by my side.
I wonder what her choice will be in the end. She seems smart enough to understand my plans for the wizarding world. Muggles pose a threat to our existence every day. If if they are weak, they will never be one of us, nor comprehend the true meaning of power and cunning.

As the grand tapestry of my schemes unfolds, I find myself consumed by a hunger for power that knows no bounds. Theodore's fate is sealed, his future a mere formality in the grand design of my conquest. The wheels are in motion, and there is no turning back. The game is afoot, and I am the player who will emerge victorious, no matter the cost. Off to the chamber of secrets it is.. Wondering of Myrthle is still around..

As I approach the entrance to the chamber, a sense of anticipation is gripping me. The air grows colder, and a faint hiss seems to emanate from the hidden depths below. 
With a steady hand, I reach out and push open the entrance to the chamber, the stone grinding against stone in a protest of ages. The darkness within seems to swallow the feeble light of my wand, casting eerie shadows that danced along the walls. I descend into the depths. This is where I will find the key to unlocking my ultimate power, where I will uncover the secrets that would ensure my victory over everyone who dares to oppose me.
As I move deeper into the chamber, the air grows heavier, laden with the weight of centuries-old magic. I can sense the presence of something ancient and powerful, something that has been waiting for this moment, for me.. I hear the noise of water dripping down the walls, sending echoes through the halls. And then, in the dim light of my wand, I see her.
Myrtle Warren, well.. her ghost, her eyes filled with a sorrow that seem trying to pierce my very soul. She floats before me, a specter of the past, a reminder of the price of my ambition. Poor thing does not even say a word... I notice a small smirk escaping my lips.
I will unlock the chambers secrets, and ensure that no one would ever again stand in my way. Theodore's fate is sealed, and mine is to rise above all, to become the master of this world of magic and mystery. They need a strong lead and I certainly am one.
With a determined step, I move forward, ready to embrace the darkness and claim my rightful place as the one true ruler of Hogwarts and beyond. The game is afoot, and I am the player who will emerge victorious, no matter the cost. Myrtle's wails fade into the shadows as I embrace the unknown, ready to seize my destiny.. 

 The time for action is near, and I must gather my allies and set my plans in motion. The pieces are falling into place, and soon, the wizarding world will tremble at the might of my ambition. The meeting I have in mind will be the first step towards securing my dominance, a strategic move that will set the stage for the grand unveiling of my true power. The game is afoot, and I am the mastermind orchestrating every move, every calculated step towards ultimate victory.

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