14. Satisfaction

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As the others disappeared around the first turn in the road, Valerie hugged Sev and exclaimed, "Finally alone, my love!"

He leaned on the doorjamb and answered her, "Well, yes, the truth is that I already wanted to be alone for a while. So much intensity overwhelms me, I'm exhausted, I don't even have the strength to speak."

"Yeah, I already noticed when you let us look at the bedrooms alone, right?" sympathetic and somewhat concerned.

"Of course, I'm very tired."

"I'm also exhausted."

"Of course, Valerie, for us it's three in the morning."

"I don't understand how you can stand the Time-Turner almost daily."

"I don't know how I'm getting it either, it will be because I eat well and try to sleep a lot. At first, when I didn't understand the consequences it could bring me, I ended up having thirty-four hour days."

"What are you saying?" she asked very alarmed.

"What you are hearing. And today, in addition, I woke up at six in the morning, and although I took a half-hour nap at noon with the Restorative potion that has been worth me for an hour and a half, it can be said that I have been on my feet for twenty-one hours."

"Ugh... poor..." suffering. "You should have slept in the afternoon."

"Yeah, I didn't think about it," he said. "But I also wanted to help my fifth-grade classmates. They have also done a lot for me and I won't see them all summer."

"Always looking out for others before yourself," with tender reproach, caressing his face. "Why didn't you also teach them to occlude?"

"Ugh... Because they weren't compromised in any secret and before Easter there were too many of us to learn Occlumency. We had a month and a half to learn eight people, we used the clearing every afternoon, and especially Jack had a hard time."


"And after Easter there was no time for anything," Sev added. "Are you hungry?"

"No, it's only been two hours since we ate, and I'm so sleepy that I only think about sleeping."

"Okay, then wait for me to go to the bathroom and we'll go up to bed. Can you get me water from the well to wash my hands?"

"Of course."

Sev used the latrine and then Valerie helped him wash his hands by pouring water on them. They used what it left over to drink again. They entered the house with their Lumos, Valerie grabbed the alarm clock from the kitchen and they immediately went to the bedroom she had chosen.

Before they entered he told her, "Stay right at the door so we can use the Time Turner."

"And why don't we use it here? No one has come near this door."

"True, you are right. Let's go then."

Sev took out the Time-Turner and clamped his Lumos between his teeth.

Valerie laughed. "What are you doing with your wand in your mouth?"

"Have you never caught it with your mouth when you need both hands?"

"It never would have crossed my mind."

"I do it very often," he said.

"You're going to destroy it."

The Year of the Revolution VII. The Power of BondsWhere stories live. Discover now