December 8th

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Lucy is sitting at the kitchen island when Abigail appears out her room. "Morning sweetie," Lucy smiles softly at her. "Hey mom.. im wondering can you drop me off at school today?" Abigail asks hoping it's a yes.

"Why? You walk every other day perfectly fine Abi" Lucy replies, using the nickname shes gave her daughter since she was born. "Forget it I'll walk, bye mom" she gives in and leaves the apartment for school.

Abigail arrives at school and walks through the busy crowds to get to class. First period, biology. It's a terrible start to a Thursday morning but she just has to deal with it. Abigail walks in and takes her assigned seat at the back of the class and begins her work.

Meanwhile, Lucy heads off to work for the day, a long long day. They've got a case on Rosalind Dyer, LA's most known serial killer. She hopes it goes by fast, boy she was wrong.

time skip to lunch

Abigail never really had many friends but she could never tell her mom that, she didn't want to disappoint her in anyway although she feels she already has. She takes her usual space at the back of the cafeteria where nobody really sits, it's peaceful. Abigail brings out her lunch and puts in her AirPods, is she was alone atleast she could listen to music.

It was fine until the usual group of girls came over, they always have something to say to Abigail and she hates it. The girls surround her and their queen bee, Tilly, she's had it out for Abigail since like, forever.

"Oh your alone again how great!" Tilly says to her then spots her lunch, "aw who made this? You daddy? Oh wait you don't have one, must've been your mom if she even had time for you today!" The group starts to laugh at Abigail, shes debating whether to just stand up and run out or not.

"Staying quiet now huh?" Another girl, Poppy says to her. "can yous please leave me alone" Abigail whispers out. "What's that? Speak up" Tilly starts on her again. Going with her original plan, Abigail bolts out the cafeteria with her back and hides in a bathroom stall.

Around 10 minutes later the bell goes and Abigail goes to class, her last class. It goes by pretty quick, not much happened but she then heads home at the bell. She had to speed walk so Tilly and her cleek wouldn't find her and annoy her anymore than they have.

Once home, Abigail locks the door, puts her bag down and heads to her room. Whilst she is changing into comfy clothes her phone wouldn't stop buzzing. Eventually she gives in and reads the messages. There's lots, like.. LOTS.. they all go across the lines of what usually is said, get a dad, just leave this school, you're unwanted, etc.

This has been going on for months and she's at breaking point, she just can't take it. She's heard of people doing this before so she may as well. She feels there's no other option at this point and she's home alone. Her mom won't find out anytime soon and she would love to keep it that way.

TW: sh

Abigail heads to where she placed her bag and takes out her pencil case, digging through it looking for the sharpener. Once found, she takes it apart and keeps the blade and hides in her room, leaning against the door breathing heavily. Is she really doing this? Yep, guess so. She made one cut on her wrist, then it soon became two, two became too many to even count. She craved the feeling. She felt free, it was a perfect escape in her eyes. To make sure her mom doesn't find out she gets her jewellery box and under the foamy layer she hides the blade there, soon they'll be more than just the one.

Tw overrr

At 7pm Lucy comes home and shouts out, "honey I'm home! How was your day? Can I come in?" 

"Yeah come in, my day was okay.. I guess" Abigail replies, turning off her phone. "What do you mean you guess? Anything happen?" Lucy is quick to pitch in, "no it was just kind of boring I guess.." Abigail quickly covers her lie.

"Okay.. I'm gonna head out for an hour or two, I had a rough day at work. I'll be back around 9 or 10 hopefully. I love you" Lucy tells her daughter, earlier today she was working a long, tiring case involving Rosiland Dyer, LA's most known female serial killer. She hoped Abigail would be fine on her own, she's 14. She'll be fine.

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