Chpt 1 Crash Landing

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Henry: damn I knew I should of never have landed here but no I just had to get a new part for my ship.

???: where are you boy?!?! I'm not finished with you!!!

Henry: I need to find my ship and get the hell off this planet before he kills me.

Looking around the area trying to see if his ship is anywhere nearby and lucky for him his ship is not to far so he decides to run for it only for him to be blasted by a beam of black and red electricity causing him to fall but Henry quickly did a safety roll then dodges another beam he stood up and looked at the figure he was tall with a long tail, sharp claws and teeth with two wings and he was freighting.

Henry: oh hey there Aggamath you found me how's ruling the planet going??

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Henry: oh hey there Aggamath you found me how's ruling the planet going??

Aggamath: I had enough of your little games boy!

Henry: awww and here I thought we was best friends and that you enjoyed my games.

Aggamath swinged his tail at Henry who barely dodge out the way  but Aggamath used his arm to slammed his fist onto Henry with enough force that it made his body bounce off the ground grabbing him with a swift motion he threw Henry's body making it skip across the ground into a wall. Henry quickly got back on his feet just in time to side flip over another blast heading his way then Henry decides to send a blast of ice spikes towards Aggamath who blocked it with his wings and with impressive speeds rush at Henry grabs his throat and starts to squeeze it and proceeds to slammed him down on the ground and dragged him across throwing him into a building. Henry tried to get up but was punched in his stomach then Aggamath charged up a black and red flame ball shooting at him which was so hot it burn through his suit and it was supposed to be fire proof and resistance but he can see it wasn't next the tall dark figure swiped his talons at him causing there to be deep claw marks in his skin. Aggamath was about to get ready and finish him off when Henry used three of his knives stabbing them each in his hand then they all exploded they were powerful enough to make Aggamath let him go before hitting the ground Henry activated his jetpack and rocket boosters and started to fly away. Barley dodging a blast coming from Aggamath Henry quickly lands on a building and hid behind a wall to try and catch his breath and ret his body that was in extreme pain he touch his freshly bleeding wound and wince yeah he definitely need to get off this place.

Henry: damn he burn a hole in my suit and slash through it damnit that's going to take a while to fix where the hell am I? no doubt further away from my ship but where?

Aggamath: you will suffer for coming here!!

The ruler of this planet smashes his arm through the walls trying to grab Henry but the young boy dodges out the way in time he ran outside then threw multiple smoke bombs on the ground creating one giant smoke screen blocking Aggamath vision with this little distraction Henry was now finally make it to his ship. Now in his aircraft vehicle he begins to start it up and when it started to hover over the ground Henry begins to fly out of the planet and of course Aggamath had to send a little present his way which was a electricity bolt damaging it luckily it was a small piece so he still got away. Once he gotten far away from the planet Hellworld he turn on autopilot pressing a button on his suit it would start to unravel itself and turn into two bracelets you see Henry has one of the most powerful weapon in the galaxies is what some would say these bracelets are called The Sinful Twins. Created by two people the left bracelet is magical base which allows the user magical abilities while the right one is more technology based meaning it gives it user almost unlimited weapons, suit regeneration and more. Now with his suit off he can clearly see his wounds were more serious then he thought for one there are four claw marks on his stomach which is definitely leaving a scare walking into his small medical room he laid down on the medical bed where a small droid scanned his entire body. When the droid was finish it showed a holographic chart of his body the list was a lot longer then he thought for one he had multiple broken rib bones, a concussion, slash marks, bruises, and internal bleeding, he took out a piece of  white light crystal  and breaks it causing a white mist to wrap around his body healing him but not all the way so he grab some bandages and other medical supplies and started patching himself up so he called Zane to check his body.

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