Chpt 5 I Will Always Protect You

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It's been one week since Henry came back and within that one week he has learned everything his family did over the years his older brother Josh is going to college to become a lawyer his father's company has been getting a lot more money which in turn allows it to get better funding so they can create more technologies his mother has become one of the head doctors as for his younger sister well she made three friends and made a macaroni necklace. Henry was walking to the park with his little sister who begged him with puppy dog eyes to take her and of course he couldn't say no so he put on some shoes and took her towards the park and sat in the bench watching her play with the other kids. She looked over waving at him with a huge smile on her face then she continue to play with the other kids as he was watching he caught a glimpse of a strange man dressed in all black with only his face showing staring deeply at the kids playing.

Henry: *whispering* Zane do a quick scan on that man over there and run through Earth crime database and see if you can match anything with him and when you do send it to my bracelet.

Zane: *whispering* yes master I'm on it... done I had sent it to you.

Henry: thank you bud.

Bringing his left bracelet up he swiped left causing a screen to pull up showing the face of the man who was standing there and begins to look over what he had seen.

Henry: *whispering* Name is Jack Turner and he's a pedophile went to prison for 30 years for kidnapping and raping a child under the age of 10 he was also deem mentally unstable which helped reduce his sentencing he of course was sent to the mental hospital where he was pronounce to be "clean" only for him to be caught trying to rape a eight year old boy in the bathrooms at Disneyworld where he was once again sent to prison and back to the hospital now he's free but unfortunately for him he pick the wrong day to try something.

And with a twisted smirk on his face Jack started to walked towards the kids and without any warning he quickly runs grabbing his victim who was a small girl around 3 feet 11 inches tall she had blond hair she was Amanda his little sister. She screamed when Jack picked her up and starts to run away with the little girl with little to no hesitation Henry got up on his feet and chased after the man who he quickly caught up to kicking his back hard enough making him let go of Amanda in which Henry caught her before she touched the ground. She was crying very heavily gripping Henry's shirt tightly not daring to let go out of fear that she could be taken away again seeing his little sister who he just meant crying like that really pissed him off it was difficult to place her down due to her not wanting to leave but he promise he will be back so gently placing her down he walked up to the down man with no emotion showing scaring the poor soul. Jack seen people look at him with anger for what he did but that just made him want to do it more in fact he even laugh in their faces at the sad attempt to make him flinch but this boy was different he showed no emotion it was just a blank stare even his eyes gotten darker now Jack was truly terrified but he won't let some kid frighten him anymore he tried to get up but was kicked back down from the teenager who nodded for him to try again only to be kicked down yet again.

Henry: come on get up already *kicks him down* I said...Get...Up.

Jack just stayed on the ground but he was picked up by his collar of his shirt looking directly at the teen's cold blank black eyes Henry slammed him down on the ground then proceeds to punch him over and over again until a random person came and pulled him off Jack who was now knocked out with his blood everywhere. Now calming down the random civilian called 911 where the ambulance came picked up Jack and brought him to the hospital leaving Henry and his sister to be sitting on the curb waiting for their parents to come by Henry notice his sister hugging his body tighter and shaking nervously putting his arm around her holding her tighter to his side calming her down.

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