Chpt 4 It Really Is You

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Natalie: He...Henry is it re...really you?

Henry: yes mom it's really me I promise.

Natalie a short beautiful woman with black hair would cover her mouth with her hands and started to cry then she lunges at Henry wrapping her arms around him tight not daring to let go out of fear he will leave and disappear again when she hugged him tightly Henry was trying not to wince in pain he still wasn't fully heal after his fight with Aggamath and Malice and on top of his fresh wounds thanks to a Kondor he heard heavy footsteps coming they're way so he looked up to see a tall blond hair man with a beard smoking a cigarette who was confused as to why his wife was hugging a stranger.

???: is everything ok Natalie? why are you crying? why are you hugging this boy? and who is this boy standing in front of us?

Natalie: oh Adam can't you see *crying* our boy is finally home! HENRY is finally home!! my baby boy is back! my precious sweet baby boy is back!!!

Henry: *chuckles* he...hey dad long time see huh? oh look grew a beard now you look wayyyy much older.

Adam: boy is that really you?

Henry: yes it's me I still remember when you was supposed to watch me but you decided that looking at-

Adam: it really is you *hugs him* my boy your home your really home!

Henry: *smiles* yeah... yeah I am.

Natalie: oh come in come in sit down and let me fix you something to eat you must be starving.

Smiling at the gesture he walked inside of the nice house with his mother still by his side hugging him until she reluctantly left to fix him something to eat 'oh yes some real Earth food I can't wait' as he sat down at the table his father looked at him still in shock but nevertheless he was happy that his second child was back home.

Adam: i'm so glad your home kid.

Henry: yeah same I see you moved? nice house I had went back to our old place but found you wasn't there I...I thought you left me behind I...I was so scared.

Natalie: oh honey we will never leave you behind we left the house due to bad memories but I still kept coming back hoping you would still come around the corner smiling and happy unfortunately you never did so I had to move on I'm so so so so sorry we...we didn't want to go.

Henry: no I understand I promise I do I was never mad at you guys for moving I was mad at myself for being the cause but now I'm back to make things right.

His two parents where happy they could finally be a family again as his mom was cooking Henry father Adam was telling him stories and achievements that each family did he even told an embarrassing moment that happen to him at the job making Henry laugh and not no regular laugh but a real genuine laugh. His father was supper embarrassed to tell that story he almost regrated doing it almost but when he heard his son laugh he just couldn't help but smile he really miss his son's laughter going through the house. Soon the front door would be open and a somewhat deep and tired voice could be heard along with more energetic and high pitch voice then the door closed a little blond hair girl would run pass him and straight into their dad who picked her up and puts her in a bear hug while slightly swaying her left to right she sat on his lap and started to talk about her day. Next person to come in was a tall boy with black curly hair around 6'0 maybe a slight more taller Henry couldn't tell without his visor he walked by not even seeing Henry 'what am I invisible? I know I don't have my suit on' the tall boy walked up to his mom and side hugged her they was talking about their day and what they did almost like he wasn't there it made him feel uneasy made him start to think that his family was truly better without him. 'Maybe this wasn't a good Idea to come back I mean they already look so happy yeah terrible idea I should get out of here and start working on my ship then set sail away' nodding his head in agreement he slowly got up making sure to not make a sound or show he was moving and starts his movement to the door just when he reached the knob he heard his mom say something.

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