Miss Big Shot

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"Congratulations, miss big shot." Genevieve squealed, throwing her arms around Penelope and squeezing her so tightly that, had she actually eaten anything that day, it would have been all over the floor.

Edwina beamed proudly right next to them, shoving a drink into Penelope's hands. "Another amazing publication for the great Penelope Featherington!" She boasted loudly to the room, raising her own glass in the air. The party goers erupted into cheers before going back to their music and mingling.

"Oh my God, stop," Penelope begged, shoving her blushing face into her hands. "You know I hate all this attention." The two women giggled, nudging her into a better mood. Somehow, that always worked. She smiled up at her two friends slash coworkers. "Seriously, I couldn't have done it without you two. The in style and human interest sections were spectacular this month."

Edwina and Genevieve rolled their eyes in unison as Genevieve protested, "That's sweet, love, but even Agatha Danbury recognizes that the success of this magazine is riding on your coattails."

"No pressure then," Penelope huffed, taking a sip of her lemon drop to calm her nerves.

"Oh my God, is that James Debling?" Edwina gasped, and Genevieve craned her neck obnoxiously to glance at the person over Penelope's shoulder.

Penelope stared down at her drink, swirling her straw. "Ha, very funny, Ed," she snorted. "If James Debling showed his face at my launch party after what he did, I'd castrate him," she said darkly, taking another swig.

"Um, Penelope..." Genevieve tried to cut her off, but Penelope ignored them, continuing her rant. "The next time I see James Debling, I will rip out his cold dead heart and smash it in his stupid, smug face," she grumbled.

"Good to see you, Penny," a familiar male voice called out behind her.

Penelope's eyes grew wide in shock and she nearly choked. "James!" She exclaimed, turning around slowly, silently wishing the earth would swallow her whole.

James smirked, that same condescending one he always wore when they dated. "This is really amazing, Penelope. I'm proud of you," he said, sounding almost sincere as he gestured to the party, the one that was dedicated to Whistledown magazine's most recent success. How did he even get an invite, Penelope wondered.

"Thanks, James," she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest uncomfortably. He couldn't have said that once while we were dating? "Listen, what you just heard-" She began, feeling the need to explain. She was a bit harsh, she'll admit. But one, she didn't know he was there, and two, the wounds were still fresh. I mean, three months is not nearly long enough to get over someone you were practically engaged to.

He chuckled softly, leaning into her. "It's alright, Penny. I probably deserve it after everything." Not knowing how else to get out of the situation, she joined his laughter, though it sounded obviously pained and uncomfortable. "Is there any way we can talk actually?" He whispered, aware of the two notorious gossips hovering over them.

"Oh," Penelope squeaked out. "Sure."

"I feel bad about the way things ended between us," James said as soon as he had dragged them about ten feet away from her friends.

"You mean when you dumped me in the middle of a fancy restaurant on the night of our three year anniversary?" Penelope replied bitterly, almost on instinct.

He at least had the decency to look ashamed. Then again, the man was a narcissist and a terribly good actor. "I know, and I'm sorry," he insisted. "I was an ass. Like a huge ass." Penelope let out a loud laugh. At least they could agree on that. James scratched the back of his neck in what he probably assumed was an endearing gesture.

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