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Zy'air POV.
*not edited*

Maybe there's something wrong with me.


But I couldn't find it in myself to care. I do things for a reason, you can ask anybody. I'm sure they'll say I'm a reasonable person.

Well at least think they will...

I listen as the door open downstairs and a calming sensation washed over my body.

I sit in the corner of the room watching the door, waiting patiently.

The footsteps walk up the stairs and I sit up in the chair. The black clothes blending me in perfectly with the darkness of the room.

Life was so funny to me. All my life I tried getting away from the darkness. I've tried getting away from what the world views as bad.

But most times, darkness seems to be the only thing the welcomed me with open arms. I welcomed it back, and maybe that was my mistake.

Yet.. I still never understood.

At the age of 24 what seemed to be the only good thing walked in my life, and I lost it. Then she walked back in my life again. She found me again.


Why did the world keep bring us together? I don't know.

The most kindest person I've ever met in my life. The only person that I can ever say truly helped me. Ever.

She's the only person that could've held that above my head.

But she didn't.

Not even in the slightest way.

The knob to the moved a bit before it opened and I watched as two people walked in basically eating each others face off. His hand moved to the switch and turned it on completely focused on the woman in front of him.

Who the fuck this nigga think he is?

Looking at her as she wore the clothes I picked. The color I liked to see on her.

Talking to her.

Asking about her.

Touching her hand. Her shoulder.

Making her believe he wanted to be friends.

She didn't need him as a fucking friend. She had me.


And yet all of the interest he shown in her leads to fucking nothing as he guided the unknown woman to the bed.

How agonizing it was to watch him.

Putting the freshly rolled blunt to my mouth before lighting it and somehow that seems to catch her attention.

I watched as the lady screamed before pulling up her dress that was falling down her shoulders

"What the fuck?" He mumbled pulling away from her before looking in the direction she looked in seeing me.

I stood up from the chair I've been sitting in for almost 40 minutes before walking towards the two.

"How long you been wit' him?" I asked pointing the pistol between them.

The silence at my question did nothing but irritate me.

I pulled the trigger, watching as the bullet hit shoulder and he let out a noise.

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