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I FORGOT TO CLICK UPDATW IM SORRY😭😭😭. I literally was about to write another chapter and peeped ts said unpublished😭

3rd Person POV.
*not edited*

Short chapter*

Dylan stared at the man that laid on her lap with a frown. His phone was ringing but she refused to answer it.

Last time she did, she found out he was a damn murder. Literally.

It was about 4 and he's been sleeping for about 3 hours with his face pressed into her stomach. She moved his head multiple times so he could breathe properly but he just put it right back.

She looked at the time and sighed, attempting to get up and not wake him up. That didn't work because as soon as she attempted to get up so did he.

"Nia, where you going baby?" He asked wrapping his hands around her

"Zy'air I have to go"

"Why you callin' me by my name Nia?"

"...It's your name"

"Call me what you always call me. Ion like hearin' dat."

"You literally said you didn't like that name..." Dylan said

They've been talking again for a couple of days now. She didn't bring up the fact he literally made her feel the best she ever felt, which was because she was still standoff-ish towards him.

He could easily tell she didn't forgive him.

She wasn't as touchy with him. She wasn't touching his ear or playing with his hair, or tracing his tattoos, she let him lay in his original spot though. She called him by his name since he basically demanded for her talk to him.

But he took what he could get for right now

The last 3 weeks he felt like he was going crazy.

Well, crazier than he already was.

"I change my mind mami..."

She side eyed him

"Okay Zy...I have to go, my dad is waiting"

His eyes opened and he eyed her, making eye contact.

He knew she didn't know what type of business her dad got into sometimes. It was very fucking obvious she didn't.

"He'll be 'aight"

"...but I want to talk to him.. we barely spoke all month" she replied with a sad feeling coming over her

He saw how her mood changed. That caught his interest.

"Why y'all ain't talking mami" he asked, which sounded more like a demand. Like always

"I don't know.." her hand unintentionally went to his hair, playing with a loc "he doesn't believe I can be without him I guess. Even though he never said it, I know he thinks I can't... Every time we talk and I think it's going good it always changes when he ask me am I ready to come home, like he expects me to fail.."

Zy'air listened while looking up at her

"How that make you feel pretty?"

"A little sad"


Imma kill that bitch

"You ca' do anything you put your mind to pretty girl. If he'on believe in you, fuck 'em. Aight?"

She nodded her head silently in deep thought.


"Nia baby"

"..Do you hurt innocent people? Like kids and stuff?"

"I don't believe in harmin' kids. Of course it's some people that want me to, but ion accept 'dat shit. I try my best not to hurt innocent people, but when I first started doin' this they do get caught in between shit sometimes.

I know what I'm doin' now, so no, not no more"

She stared at him surprised at the fact he just spoke like it was normal. Well, it was to him.

"Okay Zy" she said cutting her thought off, attention to take his arms from around her.

He closed his eyes, letting her try to move his arm. After a few second he heard an irritated exhale.

"He doesn't like when people's late Zy'air!"

"I'a beat his ass if he say sum to you Dylan"

"Well then it's a good thing you don't know him! Let gooooo Zy" she fussed trying to move his arm again, and ended up getting nowhere once again.


Zy'air mugged hearing his middle name.

Now he knew he was irritating her. He placed a kiss on her exposed stomach and opened his eyes before moving his hands.

She immediately got up going towards her closet, taking up the bodybyraven set. Taking her towel from off the hook before walking back out.

"Nia baby"

"Hmm?" She hummed in response turning her head towards him

"Lemme go in wit' you" he spoke keeping the smile off his face when he saw her eyes widen.

He liked messing with her. Her reaction were always funny to him.

"No Zy!"

"Oh you want 'dem dumbass turtle to die. We gotta save the water mami."

Of course he was playing, though his tone might not sound like it. He didn't expect her to say yes to that, but if she did they wouldn't even still be in the room.

"The turtles aren't going to die Zy" Dylan rolled her eyes trying to keep a serious face, failing horribly as a smile broke out. "Use the shower downstairs, your clothes are over there"

She continued while pointing to the small drawer on the night stand

"Mmm" he hummed silently following her directions

Opening the drawer seeing multiple pieces of black clothes that were obviously his, he took up the a few that consisted of black sweatpants, a back Tee, a wife beater, and of course underwear before walking downstairs to the guest bathroom.

Short was chapter, sorry. I just wanted to write cause I told yall I would. A yn I'm tired asf bro😭

 A yn I'm tired asf bro😭

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