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3rd Person POV.
*not edited*

"Wassup Nia" Dylan turned her head in the direction waving her hand at Ace.

Zy'air looked up from his phone staring at him for a bit.

"Don't call her dat." He said loud enough for him to hear before walking in to the couch

He sat down watching as Dylan said hi to everybody. Her and Niyah came over to Meech's house again.

"I'm going for the computer charger Dylan"

"Okay!" She said as she picked up Nyla who was now rubbing herself against her leggings. Walking over to Zyair, sitting on the couch.

"Do yall remember Jay? The dude that was here a few weeks ago?" Niyah said walking back in the room with the charger and going towards the nearest outlet

"Tell me why he was found dead with his girlfriend"

Reece dramatically covered his mouth, as if he didn't know exactly what happened.

Zy'air didn't look up from his phone, he didn't care. He just continued scrolling through his phone but listened to the conversation. Feeling a tap on his he looked seeing Nyla tapping him with her paw, he put his hand out and watched as she moved got up, climbing on his hoodie.

"What?" He mumbled watching as she got jumped off telling him she wanted to go outside

Of course he got up walking towards the back door while she followed behind. He opened the door and watched as she ran outside in the grass, sitting on the chair in the corner.

After a few minutes passed the door opened and Dylan put her head out, a smile showing on her face when she saw him.

"I couldn't find you Zy"

"I was right here mami, C'mere" he said and watched as she walked towards him, before pulling her down on him.

"What you bout to do today?"

"Just study with Niyah, finals are tomorrow so we're trying to study as much as we can"

He nodded knowing she's been studying all week, even on Saturday she studied a bit.

"You gon do good pretty, you smart"

"Thank you Zy, what are you doing today?"

"Im leaving in a bit mami, gotta to give somebody some paperwork. Ion know how long imma be there tho."


Zy'air placed the stack of papers on the table before sitting in the chair, waiting for the notification that a payment came through on his phone so he can leave.

Omar picked up the paper before going through it. Though his focus was far for that at the moment, and he's never been one to say what wasn't on his mind.

"How you know my daughter six?"

Zy'air stared at him. He knew one of his main senders was Dylan's father, he didn't care. Of course he didn't know this was Dylan's dad up until recently, when he met Kingston.

"Mutual friends, send the rest'a my money."

"My daughter doesn't need to be involved with you. She's innocent and you? You crazy as fuck. Leave her alone."

"Send me my money by 5. Tell Dylan sum, imma kill yo' dumbass"

He wasn't about to sit here and argue with him. He would kill him if he tried to take her away from him, it was a simply fix in his eyes.

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