When you're Sick (Head Cannons)

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(guys these are just my opinons lmao if you don't like it just cancel it out or smth x)

When You're Sick 😇

01 - He Would think you're mad at him in the beginning for not wanting to go out.

02 - When he realises you're sick he will buy you all your favourite things.

03 - Doesn't care if he gets sick to he will be over 24/7 helping you.

04 - Refuses to believe he is sick, if you get him sick he will pretend to be fine lmao.

05 - Won't let you out of bed even if you feel better he wants to make sure your completely fine before you leave the house.

06 - helps you was your hair and brush it in the shower. Tries to learn how to braid it.

07 - big softie but will deny it all when its over.

08 - Lets you wear his t shirts and hoodies.

09 - morning coffee runs for you.

10 - Runs hot baths for you and buys fancy body washes and bath bombs etc;

11 - depending on how long you're sick and how bad it is but he would still try and yk hit on occasion cause you're so hot ofc.

12 - probably the ONLY time he will do face masks and girly self care things with you. Will also deny it infront of his friends. (he would low key enjoy it tho).

13 - He would watch you do arts and crafts, like if your painting or making jewellery he would sit and admire you as you do it. If you ask him to join in he would try but i doubt he is a very good painter 💔.

14 - ONLY time he would EVER let you do makeup on him, you'd have to pull puppy eyes and pretend to be dying for him to say yes but with commitment he will 🙏🏻.

15 - Living room dance parties at night. He would think its ridiculous but if you're into it he is as well.

A/n - i think these are cute but to be honest i doubt they are rafe type things to do lmao. Im staying delusional tho xx

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