Vaccation pt.1 😇

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Of course your parents agreed to spend a weekend in the Bahamas. Your father and ward were business partners on lost occasions and good friends on the others. You had gotten to know the Cameron's over the past couple year and your been good friends with Sarah since you first met.

"I can't believe you!" You boast thought the other end of the phone.

Turns out Sarah got sick right before the four of you left. Now you had to spend the weekend alone with parents. Wheezie wasn't going because she had school projects to finish and hates swimming so it's would've just been you and Sarah.

When the day finally came for your arrival you were met with ward and rose... and Rafe.

You and Rafe had not gotten along in the past before but though childish arguments you both decided to stay away. His reactions seems to be as surprised as yours.

"Y/n" Ward smiles greeting you "I thought you were staying with Sarah?"

The burden of your mix up starts to set in place as you laugh a little "she told me if I didn't enjoy myself she'd die of illness" you joke.

Sarah didn't want to be a burden and encouraged you to go on the trip even if she wasn't and you weren't going to turn down a fancy vacation so here you are.

"Should be all good anyways welcome !" Ward says

You make brief eye contact with Rafe as the parents greet eachother. Shit now there's awkward silence.

"I uh didn't realize you were coming" you say to him trying to start a form of small talk to pass the time.

"Yeah I uh took Sarah's place I guess..."

You nod your head and very thankfully your phone starts to buzz in your back pockets. It's one of your friends back home calling to check in, you walk somewhere a little more private and explain to kie the situation.

"Rafes there?" She repeats back to you

"Yeah but I mean we won't be hanging out so it should be fine"

"Good luck babe" kie laughs before you hang up the phone and follow your parents into the hotel.


You had been waiting in the reception for about 15 minutes now and you were starting to get bored. Your phone was almost dead and you just wanted to get setup in your room and chill for the rest of the day.

You bounce you knee up and down as ward says something to Rafe with unease in his tone. Rafe folks his eyes and walks up to the hotel worker and argues about something.

"Y/n" ward calls. You stand up and walk over to him "I only booked three rooms since you and Sarah were sharing and these guys are completely full..."

You look at him confused "okay... what do you mean?"

"You're going to have to share with Rafe"

Wow. Just wow. You could barley stay sane for five minutes when your speaking to Rafe. You always bickered like children and it's always some petty disagreement. You could see but the cringe one wards eyes that he realizes this to but there's nothing else he can do.

"Ugh fine" you sigh. Ward says thank you and apologizes as he hands you the key. Rafe strides back over and give his dad a flare before grabbing his bag as the two of you head up to your room.

It's fine. You'll survive, well your pretty sure you will. It's not like you have to speak to eachother the whole time. You can just dump your stuff and avoid it until the night. Plus you'd be in separate beds anyways so really what's the big deal.

The big deal is that Rafe looks furious. Like he's ready to rip your head off. You think about saying sorry to ease the tension but in all honesty you haven't done anything wrong at all so there's no need to comfort him for being a douche.

After an awkward elevator ride you finally find your room. It's on one of the top floors and has the number 22 labeled at the top of the door frame.

You get your your key and try to unlock the door. You turn the lock but it doesn't open properly and only turns halfway. Your cheeks start to heat up in embarrassment as you turn it again.

"What's taking so long?" Rafe grunts as he comes up beside you

"I think it it's stuck" you utter trying to turn it again. Rafe goes to grab the key but you nudge his hand away

"I got it" you argue.

"Obviously you don't" Rafe banters the key is still stuck and Rafe pushes you aside trying to unlock it himself.  You smirk as he struggles like you did but it's soon washed off your face as Rafe is able to open the door.

"What'd I tell you" he mutters letting the door shut on you.

Asshole. You push your way in a dump you bag in the kitchen and take a breather before you hear the angry sound of Rafe Cameron once more

"Fuckin hell!"

You roll your eyes and finally make your way into your bedroom. Only to find Rafe there... standing in front of... one. Bed.

"Yippee" you sigh dumping your bag on the end of it. You can't deal with that right now you can argue about it later. You plugged your charger in as Rafe wondered about the place looking for another place to sleep but to his disappointment there isn't even a couch.

As Rafe walks back to it the room he looks over the area again. The room is very nice and there's a fancy bath and shower in suite added to it.

"We can just put a pillow in the middle it's fine" you mumble in a tired tone. You planned on taking a nap once you got here but now you're not so sure.

"Or you could sleep on the floor" Rafe shrugs

"As if" you scoff. You head out to the balcony to pass time and chill out on the lounge chairs. You've been putting off even thinking about the night time until it comes. The worst part is that neither of you had plans and both wanted to stay in the hotel room until tomorrow.

After another 25 mins you start to get warm and head back inside only to find Rafe is not there. So in perfect timing you decide to get changed into some more comfy clothes and take a nap so you can head down to the bar later and not be half asleep.

To be continued...

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