Chapter 3

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When Lena woke up at 6 a.m. she had a feeling that her day was going to be hell. And she was absolutely right. Well, besides the fact that Kara surprised Lena on her way to work with a steaming cup of coffee from Noonans. But after that, it was a downward spiral. Her morning began with the firing of a member of her R&D department for misconduct. This 15-minute affair became an hour-long problem as said person turned into the incredible hulk and trashed one of her labs. Which meant she had to do damage control and meet with multiple people. After that whole fiasco, she entered her own personal hell for 2 hours, listening to old, privileged, sexist white men bitch and complain about pretty much anything and everything. After that, it was go, go, go from one meeting to the next with no breaks in between.

Lena had barely walked out of the meeting with her marketing team when she noticed Jess fuming from behind her desk. She raised an eyebrow at her assistant and eyed the pencil snapped in two.

Jess took a deep breath and schooled her features into a calm and rational expression. She turned to Lena with a tight smile on her face. "Miss Danvers' very scary-looking FBI sister just invited herself into your office."

Lena smiled, "It's fine, Jess. I don't have anything scheduled for the rest of the day, am I right?"

Jess glanced down at her computer. She clicked a few buttons before looking up again. "That would be correct, Miss. Luthor. Would you like me to order you some lunch?"

"Not today. Kara's coming by later with Sushi." Lena smiled fondly at the mention of her girlfriend. She let out a sigh, oh god, she had a girlfriend.

"Of course, Miss. Luthor. And should I make a note that no one is to disturb you?" Jess gave her a pointed look.

Lena blushed slightly. Did everyone know about what happened the other day? Lena shook herself from that thought. First, she had to deal with Alex Danvers.

Lena strode very slowly (although she would never admit it) towards her office. If Alex Danvers was here under the guise of FBI business, it probably meant that it was DEO related. Either that or they were going to be having a talk about yesterday. Although, the eldest Danvers was in quite a state of shock, so hopefully she was still too embarrassed to say anything just yet. Lena sucked in a deep breath as she strode into her office. She squared her shoulders, determined to not let Alex see her waver. She was not going to be weakened in her own office.

Alex was standing in the corner, staring out the balcony doors. Lena strode right past her, taking a seat at her desk. She pretended to do something important on her computer for a minute or two before lowering the screen. Not acknowledging her right away was a power play and the eldest Danvers knew it.

"Good morning, Agent Danvers," Lena said sarcastically. "To what do I owe the pleasure? I'm assuming this isn't a social call."

Alex turned around. If she was annoyed at having to wait so long she didn't express it. Instead, she just gave Lena an unimpressed look. "I don't have time to listen to your smarmy remarks, Miss. Luthor."

Lena smirked. She had been told by many that she could be very patronizing at times. It was nice to know that no one, especially Alex Danvers, was immune to her 'charms'. "Have a seat, Agent Danvers."

Alex glanced at the seat, probably mentally debating whether or not to stand instead. Choosing to remain polite, she plopped down in the seat across from Lena.

"I don't know whether to hug you or strangle you."

Oh. Straight to the point then. Lena motioned Alex to continue her spiel. It was probably best to let Alex get everything off her chest from the get-go. They were (hopefully) going to be in each other's lives for a long time and it would be beneficial for all parties involved to clear the air before things got too tense.

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