Are they good at slow dancing

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Steven Universe
Pretty decent.
He can tap dance in flip-flops I think he can do something as simple as waltzing. Gets extremely flustered and messes up sometimes though.

If anything she'll be the one teaching you. She would sing along with the music playing and try to get you to join.

She can just doesn't like to.
Only did it once for your birthday. No amount of convincing could make her do it again.

Of course she can.
She gets so giddy whenever you ask her. Would either complement or give you instructive criticism on your form.

I wouldn't say she can't...
Wants to get better so you'll happily teach her. Even though she steps on your feet a lot.

You always say accept her offer to dance with her..Whenever she felt like it. She doesn't dance a lot so enjoy it while it lasts.

Blue Diamond(you're as tall or almost as tall as her in this one)
She doesn't like to dance in public. She likes it better if you are together in her room. The way her hair would flow as you twirled her made the moments even more ethical.

Yellow Diamond(also a tall, non-human)
Surprisingly yes.
And you were gobsmacked. She's always so busy so you never knew she could. Was very confused at your shocked expression after, thinking she did something wrong.

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