Road to Oak's

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“What’s wrong you two?” Officer Jenny asked, noticing us tense up.
“It’s… nothing, nothing worth burdening you with. Thank you for your help so far, we really appreciate it.” I quickly tried to cover for us, which she seemed to notice but decided not to push, she must have figured we were already dealing with enough without an interrogation.
“Alright then, let’s get you two inside. We will be going to Professor Oak’s in the morning.” she explained and then ushered us into the Pokémon Center.
As soon as the door opened up Marissa bolted through and practically tackled a near panicked Chansey that quickly calmed down as it realized she was just hugging it and nuzzling into its side while saying Chansey over and over again.
Nurse Joy came out from behind the counter as Officer Jenny rapidly approached to separate Marissa from the Pokémon but I quickly stepped in to try to stop the fake tantrum bound to be started if they did separate her. She was having too much fun with this role.
“Sorry, but if Chansey isn’t busy or bothered by it can you just let Marissa hold onto it for a while? She is probably missing her dad’s.” I added causing both of the women to pause.
Nurse Joy turned to me along with Officer Jenny, both giving me the main attention.
“Who are you two? And why is Jenny here?” Nurse Joy asked, looking around the group. Chansey didn't seem too bothered and just started dragging Marissa around as it tended to its basic duties out front.
“Escort job, these two are on a trip to Professor Oak, apparently its directions from their parents who are currently missing.” Officer Jenny responded with a shrug.
“Oh my.” Nurse Joy replied.
“I am Andrew Prunus and that is my best friend Marissa. It’s a long and dark story but it ends with us being here, happy and safe. If she doesn't mind I would prefer Officer Jenny fill you in on the details she knows, I’d rather not think too much about it at the moment.” I struggled my way through the statement but I guess thanks to having social anxiety and the framing of the issue it came out sounding more like grief.
“Well, welcome to the Pokémon Center, my name is Nurse Joy and I am in charge here. I am guessing you three will be staying in one of the trainer accomodations, if so there is room enough for the three of you. And I don’t mind her hanging around Chansey but if it has to go to the back for an examination or treatment, then she has to let go and let Chansey do its job. Okay?” She spoke in those sing song tones that people use to talk with children, on some level it was insulting but what was there to do about it. At least she cared enough to show it.
“Thank you, I will keep her busy if that should happen. Her dad was a Pokémon Doctor though and she learned a lot from him so she will want to help whenever and wherever she can.” I gave my quick little explanation and then moved off to a seating spot on the side where I wouldn’t be likely to be bothered, just watching Marissa run around with Chansey.
We had both studied the Pokémon games, the anime, and even the manga thoroughly because it was fun and nostalgic, so we had a rough idea of how to do most things related to Pokémon. We would be able to at least help with rudimentary stuff, the kinds of things you would be able to ask a skilled child to do.
I didn’t get to sit there long before another child, though this one older to be a trainer, burst through the doors carrying a Farfetch’d pulling Nuse Joy away from the conversation with Officer Jenny.
The boy quickly explained that he was ambushed by people in weird black suits and they forced him into a Pokémon battle, they had stolen one of his Pokémon and poisoned the other. Nurse Joy was about to take the Farfetch’d from the boy when a loud voice interrupted the two of them.
“Stop!” Marissa had shouted from near the edge of the desk.
Nurse Joy turned to Marissa looking slightly irate but still had the sense to ask what she wanted and why she had shouted.
To which Marissa took up a commanding tone and replied “Chansey, get a washcloth and a bowl of warm soapy water. I will also need some Remeyo weed or Heal Powder if you don't have the fresh plant, a few Pecha berries and a mortar and pestle. Nurse Joy do not touch that Pokémon, trainer set it on the desk and back away, then go wash your hands and arms. You should change your clothes too just in case, Sludge can cause rashes if its not washed away quickly.”
“How do you even know it’s Sludge that poisoned the Farfetch’d and not some other attack?” Nurse Joy asked, choosing to take a step back as instructed.
“I saw it under its wing, and its leek is already wilting, a sign that its been exposed to a strong poison.” She replied with pride as Chansey went about collecting items in the back.
“I understand the Remeyo weed and the berries but why the washcloth and water?” Nurse Joy quizzed, she clearly had an inkling of the answer already but wanted to see how much Marissa knew. Not the battle to pick but to each their own. Speaking of which Officer Jenny took off after the trainer and was now waiting outside the restroom to question him further as to what exactly had happened.
If this was done by who I think it was, they won’t let a quarry like Farfetch’d get away that easily so Officer Jenny is probably thinking along the same lines and seeking confirmation before acting.
“Herbal medicine is more effective than mass produced stuff in cases like this but it is bitter, pecha berries are sweet and also help with poison, so by mixing in appropriate ratios you get a strong medicine without the bitterness so Pokémon are more likely to take it. As for the washcloth and water-” Chansey returned at just that moment, carefully balancing everything on a cart.
Marissa quickly snatched the bowl and washcloth, dashed up to the counter and started wiping under Farfetch’d’s wings, then once she was satisfied with the results there moved to wiping down the rest of its body, soaking the wash cloth in the warm soapy water in between.
“Warm soapy water dissolves sludge produced by Pokémon, you have to get the sludge off of them before administering medicine because if you don’t then they can wind up poisoned again. And with fowl feathers you have to be extra gentle so as not to cause permanent harm, thats why you use a cloth instead of a sponge and use a bowl of water instead of flowing water.” She spoke with certainty as she worked, and when she finished wiping the Farfetch’d down she moved to the mortar and pestle, tossing in her ingredients, sitting down and placing the bowl in her lap.
As she ground down the ingredients to paste the trainer walked up and gave his thanks, then watched curiously as Marissa worked. For someone who just lost his Pokémon he was strangely calm. I wonder what Officer Jenny said to him to get him out of that panicked state.
After a few minutes of grinding Marissa wiped her brow and stood up with the results, holding them out for Nurse Joy to examine. “Done, it’s ready to be administered to the patient.”
Nurse Joy just stared in surprise for a few moments before taking the mortar from her and dipped a finger in to test the medicine herself before choosing to give it to the Farfetch’d. Only seconds passed before the Farfetch’d jumped up and was full of energy again and Marissa just beamed at it while hugging Chansey, when did she get over there again?
“It seems Farfetch’d has made a full recovery, and a shocking one at that. I am impressed, but the washing isn't in the normal education for Pokémon doctors so where did you or your dad learn that one?” Nurse Joy quickly went back to addressing the curious child who was glued to her Chansey.
“That’s because it wasn’t my dad that taught me it, it was my mom. She was a Pokémon breeder, and thanks to Team Rocket we had more than a little experience with sludge. A clean Pokémon is a healthy Pokémon and a healthy Pokémon is a happy Pokémon.” She said with a grin while refusing to let go of the giant pink egg.
“Such a dreadful reason for such wonderful knowledge. You would probably make a wonderful Pokémon Doctor or Breeder when you grow up if you continue to build on what your parents taught you. But you won’t have to worry about nasty Team Rocket here, Officer Jenny already called over to the local police and organized an increase in patrols and a manhunt to try to get this poor trainer’s pokemon back. We don’t take situations like this lightly.”
And while I fully paid attention to every word coming from Nurse Joy, Marissa on the otherhand seemed to lose focus in the middle of the first sentence only to immediately groan out “I’m huuuuuuungry!” as soon as Nurse Joy finished talking.
This elicited a chuckle from Nurse Joy who looked at me and asked if I was too, to which I nodded, I already talked too much today. She guided us to a little cafeteria like area and told us that Chansey would bring out some food for us both if we just waited for it at the booth. Officer Jenny had separated from us already and was standing guard at the entrance to the center.
The meal was delicious, curry and rice, so much flavor, its great. I would get this so rarely in my past life cause I suck at cooking and I was the only one willing to cook it in my house. After filling our bellies I could immediately tell that Marissa was getting tired, and I wasn't exactly far off either.
I asked Chansey to show us to the room and climbed into the lowest bunk, setting my backpack above the pillow so I would feel if anyone tried to touch it. After climbing under the blankets I raised up one side and patted it to signal that Marissa could join me and once we were cuddled up together it really didn't take long for the two of us to pass out.
The day had been more draining than I was aware of, or maybe it was just these young bodies that we were in but I was completely out, unaware of when Officer Jenny came in during the night. After a long nights rest we were gently shaken awake by Jenny and then walked out to the cafeteria we had eaten in before.
Breakfast consisted of pancakes and eggs which was awesome but neither me nor Marissa were in the mood to talk all that much. After breakfast we were shuffled off into the police car again, though this one had some slight differences, so the Jennys must have switched places.
The ride to Professor Oak’s lab was swift but bumpy, most of the roads were dirt roads and Officer Jenny made little to no effort to slow down. This one seemed eager to get the job done and return. After flying down the dirt roads we came to a screeching halt in front of an iron gate connected to a brick wall with steps behind it. This was definitely the Oak’s lab I remember.

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