Drop off at Oak's

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Officer Jenny rang the doorbell and we were greeted with the all too familiar voice of Professor Oak asking who it was. Knowing how excited I was I had to grab Marissa’s hand quickly to get her to calm down, or at least focus on a different excitement.
The Jenny with us explained the rough situation and asked if he could let us in or come down to the gate to which he happily said he would come to the gate and guide us in himself since he was between activities.
Before long the elder gentleman made his way down the stairs, looking just as we remembered and kindly welcomed us in. He opened the gate and led us up the stairs, through the front door of his lab/home and to a small meeting area where we could talk.
As Jenny began to speak I held up my hand for attention, causing her to trail off before really getting to the explanation.
“I think it may be best for me to explain, I trust that Saffron’s Officer Jenny relayed things to you accurately and that you would also relay it accurately as well but it is always best in academics to get information from the source.” I began, speaking rather quickly. Officer Jenny only replied with a dumbfounded look.
“Your driving style was very different from Saffron’s and your hat pin is different, I am assuming thats the symbol for Viridian City while hers was for Saffron. You look similar but there are some obvious differences. I was raised by Rangers, I was trained to spot even the smallest of details.”
“That is a wonderful eye for detail young man, but what is this explanation you feel like you owe and how does it involve me?” Professor Oak asked, ever the inquisitive personality.
“Well I am only just starting to piece it all together and it is all going to make zero sense as I explain it. But keep an open mind, don't shoot me down immediately just because it sounds like a lie.”
“I would never, research requires an open mind because the moment you decide that something is impossible you stop caring about the facts presented before you.” Oak said with quite a large amount of confidence.
“Then let’s begin. First off we asked Officer Jenny in Saffron to take us to Professor Oak because we just showed up in the city and had no idea where we were or where our parents were. At the time the only thing we could do was follow our parents’ advice and that was seek out Professor Oak if we ever got separated.” I let that statement settle and looked to Oak to see if he had any questions at this point.
“I’m not sure what to tell you, I know a lot of people thanks to my research but there aren’t many I have that kind of bond with. Could you give me their names?”
“Just for confirmation, my parents were David and Tracy Prunus. They were Pokémon Rangers.”
“I’m sorry but I don’t know anyone by that name.” Professor Oak looked apologetic.
“I figured as much, there are two Professor Oaks where we come from, one is a grizzled old man with enough pokemon knowledge to be a threat to just about anyone. And the other is a young man who fights with that knowledge and an adventurous spirit. He apparently fights with the ferocity of a hundred trainers.” I smiled as I said this but Oak just looked at me quizzically.
“There are two?” He seemed to not even believe the words coming out of his mouth.
“And neither is you. You are not our Oak, you are different. Kinder, gentler, a man who collects knowledge for the sake of knowledge. So between your answers and our memories, I can only conclude that Arceus brought us to a different world. Why us? We don’t know.” I finished my little piece knowing that Oak would ask me for so much more information at this little bomb.
“What do you mean not your Oak and that you are from a different world? I know it has been largely theorized that there are aliens and that even Pokémon came from space, and there are even theories on other dimensions existing but this would blow all of that out of the water. That there are not only other worlds but also dimensions and other versions of people we know? That there are even Pokémon in those worlds? This would be quite the discovery.” He was getting more excitable by the second. It was almost like watching a child talk about their favorite toy.
“That would be great and I would be happy to help but there are bigger issues to cover Professor.” I interrupted his thoughts and he quickly composed himself before gesturing for me to continue.
“Where we come from there is an all out war across the world against Team Rocket, our parents fought against them, as did our Professor Oaks. It was a rough life to live but we made the most of it. Providing medical care to Pokémon is against the law in the regions that Team Rocket controls. By removing the police force and removing the medical care it wasn't hard to force people under their control. Is your Pokémon injured and need medical attention? Join Team Rocket. Want to have authority or remove the chance of being stolen from? Join Team Rocket. It wasn't great.”
The two adults listening suddenly had deep frowns and concerned faces. “That is just terrible.” Oak decided to speak his mind on the situation.
“Marissa’s dad provided medical care when and where he could, pretending it was just part of work on the ranch, sometimes wild Pokémon just come and go and he can’t stop them from getting into his herb and berry supply for the Pokémon breeding. Or at least thats the excuse he gave. Eventually Team Rocket got tired of excuses and decided to make an example of them. My parents were there too and they weren’t going to take that lying down so they put up a fight. Next thing we knew everything was on fire, we were doing our best to hide as our parents said, and then there was an explosion. I guess someone used the move self destruct. Then the world went dark and we both heard the voice of Arceus telling us that he would take us somewhere safe with some our parents stuff. Next thing we knew, we were in an alley in Saffron City in clothes that were too large and with backpacks full of stuff that our parents had.”
“So you are stuck here, and have no way to go back…” Officer Jenny said, finally understanding the whole situation.
“Yep. Not that we really want to, we already miss our parents and in that situation its safer to assume they are dead. I know that sounds dark or like I don’t care but I will mourn them in my own way in my own time, for now I need to look at the facts until I can secure a life for Missa, thats what I call Marissa by the way, and I. We don’t want to go back to that war torn world, this place is peaceful and we feel like we have a better chance here than there.”
“You have a point, if anything I would have to say you came out ahead in this. No offense meant obviously. But what is your next step since I am not the Professor Oak you were hoping to meet?” Professor Oak finally spoke after absorbing the whole of the situation.
“Well, we have more information to share, and we obviously need a place to stay. Would it be at all possible to stay with you? I don’t think theres any orphanages around here.”
“My first question is are you sure thats what you want? I am a stranger after all. And then I should point out that I am already helping raise my grandson, and doing plenty of research, and caring for various trainers Pokémon. I don’t think I have the time to take care of two more children on my own.”
“We understand. Missa knows a lot about caring for pokemon and I have an eye for detail so perhaps we could help out with research and caring for Pokémon in order to cover the cost of a bed or two, just so we have a place to sleep. And with how caring the town seems maybe we could get some help from the rest of the town? A burden shared equally results in lighter work for all afterall.” I suggested, this was kinda a last ditch effort, I don't really know where things are going to go from here if he says no.
Professor Oak sat there for a few moments and thought about it but to me it seemed like ages and then he finally replied. “I will allow you to stay here if you help out with the Pokémon, I can’t have you working on the research though because that can be dangerous. As for food, clothes, and an education I will provide what I can when I can but it is up to you two to seek help from the rest of the town, do you understand? I won’t neglect you but if it seems like you aren't making an effort to keep yourselves cared for then I will send you to somewhere that can care for you.”
“Understood, we won’t let you down. Come on Missa, let’s go introduce ourselves to the rest of the town.” I waved to Missa to follow along with me and headed out the room, pausing to listen through the door I closed behind me.
“Are you sure you want to do this? What if they are lying?” Asked Viridian’s Jenny.
“Oh they aren’t a concern, they are just kids who went through a traumatic event. I will file the proper paperwork to be considered their guardian in the next few days.”
“And what if they don’t keep up with what they promised?”
“Then they threw away a perfectly good chance at the future they themselves said they wanted. I may want to help them but I can’t coddle them after what they have been through.”
“Okay, as long as you are aware. I will be heading back now.”
Missa and I took off so as not to be caught eavesdropping and headed out into the tiny yet spacious Pallet Town.
We meandered down the road a ways, taking a couple different turns before winding up on the same path that we had seen Ash walk down so many times in the tv show, the path to his house. If we were going to convince the whole town of the plan then we had to convince her, and if we were going to convince her then we would probably need to lay it on thick.
Which of course means leave it to Missa.
I placed a hand on Missa’s back to move her in front of me as we approached the door, she would probably forgive me later for making her handle this situation.
She took a breath or two and then knocked on the door. It was a few moments before we heard a muffled “coming” in the distance.
Before long the door was open and a disheveled looking woman was at the door, clearly at her wits end while trying to keep up with the five year old boy she was now restraining with one arm.
“Hi, we are new to the area and thought that we should introduce ourselves.” Missa said with a smile.
“Well aren’t you polite.”
“Thank you. We wanted to get to know the people here since we will be living with Professor Oak starting tomorrow.”
“With Professor Oak? Are you relatives of his?”
“No, we’re orphans, our parents sent us to him and he decided to honor their last wish. So it was a pleasure meeting you.”
“Oh you sweet little babies, I am so sorry you lost your parents. So you siblings will be moving into Professor Oaks place? Are you sure that you will be okay?”
“He said that we would need help from the town since he has to focus on his research but it’s okay, Andrew and I are quick learners. Also we aren’t siblings, hes my best friend.”
“Oh, so from two families, oh dear. You two have been through a lot. What kind of help do you need?”
“We don’t want to bother, we’ll just find a way to make it work.”
“Young lady, you aren’t a bother, tell me what he said you will need or I will ask him myself. I’m pretty sure I can whip up some support from around here. It’s up to all of us to raise the next generation.”
“As I said, I don't want to be a bother, so we will just head to the next house, should be able to finish getting to every house before sunset.” Missa turned around and grabbed my wrist, heading for the gate.
“Hold it you two, take my boy with you, it will be easier to navigate the area with someone who lives here.” She set the boy down who took off like an olympic sprinter and was already through the gate before we got it completely open.
“Come on, let’s go to all the houses and say hi, I know all the shortcuts. And when we are done we can play with Pokémon. Do you like Pokémon?” The boy’s mouth moved as fast as his legs did.
“We love them.” Missa replied for the both of us with a smile.
“All of you need to be home by dark. And don’t think I won’t be talking with Samuel about all of this! We aren’t done!” we had already headed off down the road but could still hear Mrs. Ketchum’s voice down the road. We may have just gotten Professor Oak in trouble.
The rest of the day was quite fun, we spent most of our time chasing after Ash as he zoomed through the streets, gave our greetings to the locals. About halfway through the list they started greeting us at the gate and saying that Delia had told them we were coming.
This was a wonderfully friendly place and I just knew we were going to love it here. And true to his word Ash showed us many shortcuts so we had finished the route far earlier than we planned and wound up just chasing pokémon around the town. Nothing too harmful, many were startled at first but seemed to be enjoying it by the end.
To be fair, Ash had that kind of infectious personality.
The only house we didn't get to introduce ourselves at was the Oak household, we heard the noise of someone moving around inside but whoever it was refused to answer the door so we just left it be.

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