Chapter 1

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When I looked into your eyes,
I discover a new world I never knew existed — a world where I feel safe,
cherished and loved to my core,
Your ability to dissolve my worries is a gift i'll forever treasure.

Shehnaaz's POV

I still miss you. From the day I left. I knew what I was doing was wrong but you never deserved someone like me. I could've thought about myself and your happiness that I knew wouldn't remain longer because you could have never been happy with me. I don't know if you hate me today but I'll be okay if you do. I wish I couldn't have met you like that, maybe things would have been different if we had met in different situations or time. Only if destiny favours us. But I don't regret a single moment I spent with you. I will always be thankful to you for coming into my life and making me feel that even I can be loved by someone. I hope you are happy in your life.

You know my son turns 5 this year. He often asks about his father. By the time he is growing, his questions are being more difficult to answer. But whenever he questions me about his dad I only describe you and talk about you. I never talk about his real father because I don't have a single happy memory with him that I can share with my son and he feels happy listening to that. I don't want my little gem to know all those things that still haunt me. The pain his father gave me, I don't want to break that heart and be filled with hate for his father. His eyes sparkle and his face shows immense joy when I tell him about his father. After you, he is the reason I'm alive. I just want to give all the love to him that I couldn't give you. I don't know if you'll ever forgive me but there will not be a single moment in my life when I won't miss you Sidharth.

POV ends.

She close the diary and hide it under the pillow when she listen the sound of door opening.

"What are you doing here anvay??"

She asked engulfing him in her arms. He was still sleepy. No matter how many times he try to sleep in his room but he end up coming in her room. What can you expect from a 5 year kid.

"Why are you hiding that mumma?? How many times I have to tell you that you don't need that diary. We need a diary when we don't have someone to share things with. But you have me and you can share whatever you want. I promise I'll always listen to you will never interrupt."

"And how many times I have to tell you that you are just a baby... A cute little munchkin who always troubles mumma"

She pinched his nose and he whined.

"Mummaaa... You are the one who always troubles me. I don't know what would have happened to you if I wasn't there. You can't even take a proper care of yourself."

He smiled mischievously.

"I am watching... You have started talking too much nowadays "

"Did I say something wrong?? You are a doctor and you fell sick a week ago"

"Lemme show you..."

She tickled and he started laughing hard.

" Noo... Mummaa... It's a cheating"

He was screaming and laughing loudly. Shehnaaz stopped and he was still holding his breath.

"You are a big cheater. Now you don't have any answer and that's why you are doing this"

" You want me to do that again"

"No noo sorry... Now I m not saying anything"

" Okay then close your eyes and sleep. You have your school tomorrow. It's already late"

" Good night mumma"

She kissed his forehead and kept the diary in the drawer, locked it before sleeping.

It's 7am in the morning. Shehnaaz waked up anvay who show so many tantrums.

"Anvay you have 5 minutes get ready or i will leave without you"

"I am coming mumma... You always do that to me. I can't even get a rest for one day"

"Don't tell me you get tired by sleeping whole night"

She look at him picking her stuff and smile. He huffed and go to washroom stomping his feet. Shehnaaz shook her head and came downstairs. She dropped him to his school after breakfast and left for hospital.

"Dhruv you know I can't leave anvay alone. He is just a kid. How will he manage for one week without me??!! It's not possible.. so I m not going for any camp and don't force me"

"But shehnaaz I won't be able to handle the situation all alone. We need doctors as many as possible. The situation there is worse than you think. We can take him with us"

"Are you serious??"

Shehnaaz looked at him in disbelief.

"Don't worry I'll send doctors from the hospital"

"And who will stay here? Only you?!!"

"You don't have to think about that. Now I have to go bye"

"But shehnaaz...."

She cut the call.

"Ohh god... This girl never listens to me"

He made a crying face and looked at his friend janvi who laughed at him.

"Bro you need to stop dreaming about her. You know nothing about her past and whatever happened now she doesn't seem interested in anybody"

"You know I will stop trying the day she will give a chance to someone in her life even if that person is not me at least I will be sure that she is not alone"

"And whenever you start saying something like this I got worried about you. No matter how many times you say that you will be happy in her choice but I know that you couldn't handle that. She will break your heart very badly and you won't be able to blame her either"

"Why are you thinking all the negative possibilities?? You know na I don't have to impress shehnaaz but anvay.. and that is the only difficult task"

"But he already likes you"

"That is a different thing janvi. Accepting me as a dad?? I don't think he is still ready for that"

"Hmmm but if not you... I can't imagine anybody else"

Dhruv smile listening that.

"I just want her to realise that soon..."


How's it?? I know everything is blur right now but you all will slowly understand everything. The story will run in flashback. 👀

I am here again after a quite long break but I expect the same support from you all. Your votes and comments really encourage a lot to write further.😊

Thank you🤗

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