Chapter 17

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Vihaan stopped the car in front of their mansion and looked at shehnaaz who was lost in her thoughts. He cleared his throat.

"Uh... Bhabhi..."

She looked up.

"Hum ghr aa gye"

"Okay... Thank you"

"Kya m bhi chlu aapke sath??"

"Nhi... Bilkul nhi... Koi jrurat nhi h m nhi chahti ki woh mera gussa tum pr nikale or kuch aisa vaisa kr de... Subah usne jo kiya woh m bhuli nhi hu"

"Pr bhabhi aap-"



She came out of the car and moved inside when vihaan left. She opened the door. The living area was a mess. Empty beer bottles on the floor.... a half-empty bottle of whiskey clutched in his hand.

"Welcome back my love"

Shehnaaz looked at him who felt like a stranger... a man with eyes as cold as ice and a heart as hard as stone.

"Finally you come back... I missed you so much..."

Kabir chuckled... a dry, humorless sound but shehnaaz didn't flicker... Not even a bit. There was no fear in her eyes.

"You see shehnaaz... I'm not the one who's changed... It's you... You've changed me... You've made me... stronger."

His words were a chilling reminder of the darkness that had consumed him. He was no longer the man she loved. He was a monster and she was his captive.

"What do you want from me?"

She asked.. her voice barely whispered.

He leaned closer... his breath warm against her ear.

"I want you to suffer, shehnaaz.. I want you to feel the pain I've felt. I want you to know what it's like to lose everything."

He dropped the bottle which was in his hand and it broke into pieces. He moved back to the table and she was still standing on the door. He slammed his fist on the table and the stack of glasses stumbled.

Each glass he picked up was held with reverence before being thrown on the floor. They shattered against the polished floor creating a shimmering carpet of broken glass. He made his way across the room... his movements becoming more furious... the sound of shattering glass growing louder. He turned towards her... his eyes burning with a fierce intensity and looked at her... 


He whispered... his voice hoarse with emotion. 

"Welcome to the HELL!!"

His echoed in the whole mansion.


He said... His voice was cold and emotionless. He gestured towards the shimmering carpet of broken glass. She looked at him... her eyes reflecting the cold light of the shattered glass and then at the path he had created. There was no fear in her eyes, no hesitation, only a cold expression with acceptance. 

She took a step... her foot on the glasses... the sound echoing in the silent room. She walked... her movements were precise... her expressions were unreadable... her steps were a silent witness to her own shattered heart. He watched her with his gaze unwavering as she walked across the broken glass.

She stopped walking and looked straight in his eyes with her fierce eyes.

"You think it can still scare me? Think again...."

She looked him straight in the eye... her gaze unwavering.

"You're nothing but a fading shadow of my past...."

She took a step closer... her steps were calm yet commanding.

"This won't work on me anymore...."

An evil smile came on his lips. He gave a sarcastic laugh.

"You think you're some kind of hero now because you survived this?? You think you can escape from me... You are still just a puppet dancing on my tunes"

"I am not a puppet... If you think you can control me then forget it"

"So you got some strength... May I know where this is coming from??"

"I got it from myself... From the fire that burns within me after knowing that you are the murderer of my parents"

"Those parents?? Who never treated you as their own child... Who sold you to a stranger just for business profit??"


"Don't tell me you didn't know but you know what shehnaaz... You deserved that... You deserve this pain... You always did and I thought... Never mind"

Just then the doorbell rings.

"Lagta h tumhara tohfa aa gya"

He moved towards the music system... He reached out his fingers over the volume knob and then changed music heading towards the front door. He opened the door revealing a girl standing there.

"Come in..."

He said while his eyes were fixed on shehnaaz in the living room. 

"I need you to see something" 

He stepped aside and gestured at the girl on the door to enter. He didn't look at her... his gaze locked on the shehnaaz who stood frozen... her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and disbelief. 

"This is what you've done to me"

He said... his voice is a low growl. 

"This is the pain you've caused" 

He gestured towards the girl on the door... his eyes never leaving shehnaaz. 

"This is what you've made me become." 

He moved closer to the girl on the door... his hand reaching out to touch her arm.  He felt a strange sense of satisfaction as he saw the fear in his shehnaaz's eyes.  He wanted her to see... to understand the pain he was feeling... the pain she had caused. 

"Look at her... This is what you've done to me.... You've made me a monster." 

He pulled the girl closer... his hand slid on her waist. He could feel her trembling but he didn't care. He wanted his wife to see the damage she had done. He pressed his lips on hers and kissed her pinning her to the wall. Shehnaaz closed her eyes and tears rolled from her eyes.

He turned back to his wife and his eyes were burning with a cold fury. 

"Get out... Get out of my house... You know our room... which is not yours anymore is not free for tonight... So you can't stay here... You'll have to spend the night outside" 

He pushed her towards the door putting his hand on her back and forcing her to move. He watched as she stumbled out while her eyes filled with shock and disbelief. He slammed the door shut on her face.

Shehnaaz was walking on the empty road. Each step she took felt heavy. She didn't know where she was going. She lost her will to live. She stopped on the edge of the pull. She closed her eyes letting the cool breeze feeling over her face. She felt a sense of peace.

But then she felt a sudden pain in her feet which brings her back to the harsh reality of her situation. She looked down and saw glasses pierced in her feet... The blood staining the dusty road dark crimson.

She gazed at the water and her heart started beating fast. She closed her eyes. She wanted peace. She wanted to get rid of this pain. And she gave up letting the water take her.

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