Cigarettes || Chapter THREE 🚬

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Mr. Puzzles woke up to a soft breathing in his arms. He barely remembered what happened last night; it was all a blur. His screen lit up as he opened his eyes, looking at the sleeping Y/N in his arms. A somewhat familiar spark was in his head, but he couldn't recall where he felt that from.

Despite wanting more rest, he sat up, carefully placing Y/N back on the bed as they enjoyed their rest. Mr. Puzzles smiled faintly as he walked out the door, closing it quietly behind him. He sighed, walking toward his studio. There was a long day ahead of him...


It was quite late when Y/N woke up from their slumber. They slowly opened their eyes, remembering the event from last night-the nightmare...the crying...Mr. Puzzles came to cheer them up...wait. Mr. Puzzles! Where was he?

Y/N sat up in a jolt, wondering where the TV man was. He was not in here; there were barely any traces of him. They got out of bed, attempting to look for him. It was a little hard, considering they were half asleep, but they managed.

They walked down the empty halls of the mansion. It was quite weird that Mr. Puzzles even owned this, considering he's the only one living there. There weren't even any assistants or butlers, just a dusty empty mansion.

Y/N's train of thought was interrupted by a bang from a room at the end of the hallway, followed by loud typing. They cautiously walked toward the noise, following the wall. The closer they got, the louder it was.

Y/N questioned to themselves what was behind that door. It could've been anyone-anything for goodness sake. Their hand reached the door handle as the typing grew even more aggressive. They braced themselves, then opened the door.

The room was covered in small clouds of smoke, causing Y/N to softly cough and attempt to waft it away from their face. It wasn't the super dramatic smoke effect like someone would see in a movie, but it came from somewhere else. Y/N quickly learned this as they noticed the cigarette butts scattered on the floor.

Worried, Y/N made it farther into the room, revealing a man hunched at a computer like his life depended on it. He was humming along to some tune as he took a cigarette out of his mouth, smoke quickly following it. Y/N silently rushed up to the man.

"Mr...Puzzles?" they said quietly, attempting to catch the person's attention. He glanced over, still typing away. "Oh, hello there, Y/N. Sorry for waking you; I was just working on some things."

Y/N sighed, pulling up a chair and sitting next to Mr. Puzzles. "You...seem like you're overworking yourself. Are you sure you're alright...?" they asked worriedly. They've never seen anyone this focused yet so worried at the same time.

"Ah, sorry! I was just working on my business. This happens with many people that run businesses! There's nothing to worry about," he said, rushing his sentences. Y/N would not take that for an answer. They placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a worried look. "Please...what's wrong?"

Mr. Puzzles looked over and sighed, pulling up a new tab.


"By now, almost everyone knows about Puzzlevision, claiming to be the best at everything. Yet, after recent events involving the founder's new shows, there have been multiple protesters, claiming the people involved were taken against their own will, playing in a show that they never wanted to be a part of. Is this the end of Puzzlevision? More news after these announcements."


"So, Jarquavius Johnson, what are your thoughts on the recent protests against Puzzlevision?"

"I'm glad you asked, Demetrius Demarcus Bartholomew James the Third. The protests have been a struggle for multiple people. Even if there aren't many people protesting, mostly because everyone forgot about Puzzlevision, there are still many protests being held at multiple Puzzlevision headquarters. This could mean multiple things about it's founder, Mr. Puzzles. Currently, it seems that he is either trying to brush those 5 shows away, or attempt to make an apology to all of his fans. Either way, this has caused multiple Puzzlevision products to be returned in fear of being hacked or spied on."

"Hmm...I see, I see. So, if Mr. Puzzles doesn't act fast, his entire company would crash down. This is not looking good for Puzzlevision. We don't have any other news about this topic yet, but we will keep this updated. Farewell for now."


The tab closed, returning back to the things that Mr. Puzzles was working on. He sighed. "So, yeah. That's what I'm working on. But, I'll be ok. I just need some concentration and maybe another pack of cigarettes and Puzzlevision will be up and rolling again!" The typing started once more, leaving an awkward silence.

After a couple moments, Mr. Puzzles glanced over to a concerned Y/N, staring up at him. "Hey, it's not your fault. There's nothing to worry about!" Mr. Puzzles said, smiling faintly. He patted Y/N's head as the typing continued.

"You...shouldn't do this," Y/N said after their moment of silence.

"But I have to. To keep the company," Mr. Puzzles counter-argued, his fingers still typing away.

"No...I mean, you shouldn't do this because you're under so much pressure. You have so many things to do, and you're bunching them all up in attempts to make people like you. It's...not healthy," Y/N remarked.

"Well, I mean, it's not THAT ba-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Mr. Puzzles was cut off with Y/N grabbing his arms with one hand, and turning his head to theirs with the other hand.

"Look," they said, staring up at him. They made sure he was listening. "I barely just met you, but I care about you, and you're putting too many burdens on yourself. You need a break every now and then...ok?" They smiled sweetly as they continued.

"I don't know much about your personal life, but I know that smoking cigarettes while overworking is not a good way to spend a life. Please...just listen to me this once."

Mr. Puzzles' sighed, leaning his head into Y/N's hand. He placed one of his hands on theirs as he spoke. "I...guess I might've been overworking a little. Thanks for keeping me in check..."

He smiled at the thought that Y/N actually cared about him. Like a friend. A friend was all he could ask for. He felt the spark once again as he closed his eyes, resting on Y/N's hand. Y/N smiled back, feeling something of their own as well.


Words - 1129

Hi again! Author here. Sorry for the inconsistent writing lol. I binged this chapter again, but I didn't really have time to work on it this week because of testing and resting. But yay its a new chapter! I'll try to get at least ONE chapter out every week, but if not that probably means I have no motivation or I'm dead. I'll try to get the next chapter to have more words.

But yeah thanks for reading!

Have a good.

"You're the only channel I'll love" || A Mr. Puzzles x Reader fic 📺Where stories live. Discover now