~Dark thoughts ~ Chapter 11

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As I drift in and out of consciousness, the world around me blurs into a haze of fleeting images and muffled sounds. The steady beeping of magical instruments and the soft murmur of voices blend together in a surreal symphony. I feel a cool sensation on my forehead, a comforting touch that anchors me to reality amidst the swirling chaos of my mind. "Now leave! All of you, she needs rest. Hushhh!"  A bang follows after the muffled voices I hear.
Slowly, like a fog lifting, my senses start to sharpen, bringing the hospital wing into focus. Madam Pomfrey moves around me with practiced efficiency, her expression a mix of concern and determination. The warm glow of enchanted candles bathes the room in a soft light, casting gentle shadows on the walls. As I lie here, my thoughts drift back to the mysterious encounter in the dark corridor, the cloaked figure and their cryptic warnings echoing in my memory. Who was behind the attack, and what dark forces were at play within the walls of Hogwarts? The questions swirl in my mind, elusive and unanswered. Madam Pomfrey's soothing voice breaks through my thoughts, her words a balm to my troubled mind. "What happened to you my dear..?" Her eyes meet mine, I can sense her sadness for my condition as I gather my strengh to speak, "In .. In the corridor.. 3rd floor.." - but the pain overmans me and I slowly let my gaze down, sueezing my eyes in hope of relief.
Mrs. Pomfrey tends to my wound with expert care, her healing magic knitting together flesh and bone with delicate precision. The pain is so strong I can barely breathe, but ebbs away after what feels like hours, replaced by a sense of relief and gratitude for her skillful ministrations.
I examine my body, still feeling a bit of enduring pain, "Thank you Madam.." I whisper low. 
She nods, "Professor Dumbledore wishes to see you, should I send him away?" I can see her concern and a bit of cheekiness in Madam Pomfreys voice, she really doesn't like it if someone disturbs the healing process of her patients. I deny her request and sowly sit up, feeling weak but grateful for Madam Pomfrey's care. "No, that's quite alright. Please show him in," I reply, mustering a small smile. Madam Pomfrey nods, her expression softening slightly before she turns to leave the infirmary. I take a deep breath, preparing myself to face Albus and whatever news or task he may have for me. As the door opens, Albus Dumbledore enters, his eyes twinkling with a mix of wisdom and concern. "My dear, I'm glad to see you're awake. How are you feeling?" he inquires, his voice a gentle melody that soothes my frayed nerves. I muster a weak smile, "Better now, Professor. Thank you for coming to check on me." Dumbledore takes a seat beside my bed, softly folding his jacket, resting it on his arms. "I've heard about what transpired in the corridor in the third floor. Dark times are upon us, and we must remain vigilant," he says gravely, his words weighted with a sense of foreboding. I nod, a knot of worry forming in my stomach at his somber tone. "What do you need from me, Professor?" I ask, steeling myself for whatever task or mission he may delegate. Dumbledore fixes me with a piercing gaze, "I need your courage, your loyalty, and your determination. But befor any of this, I need you to heal." he replies, his voice grave yet filled with unwavering confidence in my abilities. I take a deep breath before I speak, "Do you believe Tom woul-", before I can finish my sentence Albus interrupts shaking his head slightly, "I do not believe he would risk to be caught. Not for now. At least I would like to believe so. Maybe he has enemies.." 
I can't help but think of Theodore.. but he would not be strong enough, he doesn't possess this amount of magic, despite that, it felt very dark, nothing I have ever felt before. 
I slowly nod, I really hope Tom has nothing to do with it, despite knowing better... he after all, seems to be drawn to the darkness. And I seem to be drawn towards him, what does that even say about me. What if I am lost too..Lost in contemplation, I feel a touch on my hand, a gentle squeeze that draws me back to the present. Dumbledore's eyes hold mine, a silent understanding passing between us. "Remember, my dear, courage is not the absence of fear, but the strength to keep going despite it," he says softly, his voice a beacon of wisdom in the darkness. With a deep breath, I nod, a renewed resolve blossoming within me. Whatever lay ahead, I knew I had to confront it with unwavering determination and a heart steeled against the encroaching shadows. Dumbledore's presence beside me is a source of comfort, a pillar of strength in uncertain times.


-Several weeks passed -

I lean in the hallway in front of the library, holding my books towards my chest, students passing as I'm lost in thoughts. Ever since the insident in the 3rd floor, I feel as if I'm not myself.
But I am me. I can't explain this feeling to anyone, not even Albus could help me. 
Waiting for Tom I look at my pocket watch. "Always late." I mumble as I hear the snorting voice of a too familiar arrogant voice and someone touched my hand that holds my books. "It is hard to be perfect and on time at the same time, people always demand my presence, Miss Orlov..." I feel his breath on my ear as he said my name. 
Rude behavior as always, I roll my eyes, "Let's go .. "  I demand to Tom as I enter the library without care of his following.
Tom follows me into the library, his presence casting a shadow over my thoughts. As I walk through the aisle of towering bookshelves, the air tinged with the scent of ancient parchment and magic, I can feel his gaze lingering on me, an unspoken tension crackling between us.. Despite my efforts to remain composed, his proximity unsettles me and I can't help it, stirring a mix of emotions I struggle to identify.. I find a secluded table tucked away in a quiet corner, away from prying eyes and curious whispers. Tom takes a seat across me, his eyes fixed on mine with an intensity that sends a shiver down my spine. "What is it that you wanted to discuss, Tom?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady despite the turmoil roiling within me. And I'm sure he notices.. of course he does, he always dows. How embarassing..
He leans back in his chair, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he studies me.
His raspy voice let's my heart skip one beat,"Oh, my dear Eva, always so eager to unravel mysteries," he remarks cryptically, his tone laced with an enigmatic charm that both intrigues and unnerves me. "But perhaps today, we shall delve into a different kind of mystery," he continues, his gaze penetrating. I feel a prickle of unease at his words, a sense of foreboding creeping into my consciousness. "What do you mean, Tom?" I inquire, a sense of wariness seeping into my voice as I observe the enigmatic glint in his eyes.
A quirk of a smile dances across his lips as he leans forward, his voice dropping to a low murmur that sends a shiver down my spine. "There are darker forces at play here, Eva. Secrets..." he whispers, his words hanging in the air like a sinister promise. Before he can continue, a sudden commotion at the entrance of the library breaks the tense atmosphere. Professor Dumbledore strides in, his gaze sweeping over the room before settling on the two of us with a knowing look. "Tom, Eva.. a word if I may," he beckons, his expression unreadable as he approaches your table.
As I exchange a fleeting glance with Tom, a sense of apprehension grips me. 
Upon Professor Dumbledore's arrival, a palpable tension fills the air, thick with unspoken truths and hidden agendas. Tom's gaze lingers on me for a moment longer before he inclines his head in a semblance of acquiescence. Albus voice cuts the air,
 "There are matters at hand that require our attention." ~ 

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