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(context) it had been two weeks since the last time they saw kenny. and marjorie had finally began to realise that she was safe. now, reece and marjorie were going to be going on a romantic trip to paris. however they would driving through the euro tunnel.

(btw yes i am now beginning to add mialotte into the storyline so hope you are happy !!)


marjorie had packed the night prior. since it was may, she included summery clothes but still had long trousers and jumpers.

reece, on the other hand, just rammed things into the bag hoping for the best. the pair set off late night, in order to arrive early morning on the next day. this was just so they could make the most of this romantic getaway.

"come on then you" reece tried to act enthusiastic. but that was impossible at 12am at night.

"ugh. why cant we set off at 7am. like a normal couple." marjorie rolled her eyes.

"because marjorie, we will arrive in paris early, meaning no queues or no business."

"ugh." marjorie muttered under her breath.

they set off for the 3 hour journey at 12:10. marjorie rested her head on reeces shoulder the full journey. then, after an hour or so she fell into a deep sleep. everytime they got stuck in minor traffic, reece stroked her hair. he thought it was so cute of her to fall asleep on him. she slept like a baby for the 3 hour journey to the euro tunnel. but then, reece had to wake her up to show passports.

"darling wake up" reece proded marjorie.

"huh! where am i." marjorie was extremely confused by the whole situation.

"darling you have been asleep the whole 3 hours to get to the tunnel."

"oh. soooo, whyd you wake me up" marjorie yawned.

"because its customs, hunny." reece smiled.



due to the time, they quickly passed through customs. and by this point, marjorie had finally woken up. well, at least enough since it was 3am.

the drive through the tunnel was boring. it was like driving through one long pringles can. the further you went in, the longer it felt like it took. around 40 minutes later, they had offically arrived for the romantic getaway. France.

they had landed in Calais. 3 hours away from paris. after a speedy security check they were en route once again. this time, in France. marjorie, like before, fell asleep again. this time dreaming of the trip they were going to have (and the hot chocolates). reece smirked as she dozed off to sleep.

after 2 hours, marjorie woke up.

"reece.. im hungry." marjorie yawned.

"there is some snacks under the seat" reece smirked. marjorie had litterally packed all the snacks and placed them there so he had no clue why she was asking.

"okay..!" marjorie smiled.

she grabbed a granola yoghurt pot. then, marge poured the yoghurt over the granola and mixed. she thought to herself how she really ought to start bringing those too work. they were so handy.

"do you want any food, love?" marjorie asked.

"no hun, we are 10 minutes off paris." reece smiled.


at 7am they got to the hotel. the name was:

"hotel lutetia"

it was one on paris finest hotels. and reece, using his fathers money of course, booked the most luxurious and expensive rooms on the market. the room had a balcony, over looking the eiffel tower and saint-germain-des-pres. a super king bed with a walk in wardobe. sitting area looking over the gorgous landscape. and a new marble covered bathroom, with intrically placed tiles and a large bath to die for.

"reece. this is perfect. i love you so much" marjorie ran and hugged him.

reece caught marjorie in his arms. this was the upmost luxury that he was invisioning in his mind. his eyes, however, could not stop admireing the amazing view.

"marjorie, shall we get changed?" reece smiled.

"yes of course!"

at this point, the weather was just above 15°. reece wore a grey ralph lauren sweater, with dark blue jeans. and his matching sliver watch and chain. marjorie wore black bootd, tights, a short-ish black skirt and grey jumper. reece thought she looked stunning. marjorie thought he looked handsome.

"reece you look amazing" marjorie said whilst kissing his cheek.

"so do you, my love"

they headed into the main city centre. at this point it was 10am. and god they were starving.

on the road corner there was a quaint little café. it was called 'cafe de flore'. it was so beautiful. the way the greenery surrounded it was amazing.

"shall we go in here?" reece smiled.

"yes!!" marjorie was so giddy.

the pair headed into the café. reece ordered a hot chocolate and pain au chocolat. marjorie bought an almond crossiant and a hot chocolate. they sat down at a window seat. the view of people rushing, trees encasing buildings that stood high. it looked like a dream.

that sat and ate, they both agreeded this was the best meal they had ever had.

"reece, do you know how much i love you" marjorie said.

"hopefully alot" reece joked.

"reece, there is not anyone on this earth i love more than you. i want to spend the rest of our lives together."

as the pair leant in to kiss, marjories phone buzzed. it was charlotte. the two quickly kissed, and she answered the phone.

"charlotte? is everything okay." marjorie said.

"so you know how you said if autumn wasnt here sorscha would be assistant manager for the day."


"well. rodger has sent someone."

"who? sibhoan" marjorie rolled her eyes.

"no. someone far far worse." charlotte was cut off by somebody in the background.

"hello charlotte. i see you on the phone with marjorie already. welp. today is going to be a long day for you."

it was amelia roberts...


oooh cliffhanger...

i do apoligise but i had to start adding mialotte into the storyline.

1007 words ♡

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