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"charlotte who was that? that didnt sound like sorscha.." marjorie asked, concerned.

"well.. roger sent mia instead." mia said, but marjorie cut her off.

"WHAT." marjorie gasped. the whole cafe was staring at you.

"is marjorie not happy about me being here" mia laughed.

"no! i am not happy about her being here. tell her to get her mitts off of my staff and my children." marjorie yelled.

"uhmm..." charlotte said.

"dont worry char, i heard all of that. cant wait to get settled in this office. that chair looked comfy." mia smirked.

charlotte was shocked at mias confidence. yet she kind of admired it. charlotte secretly.

"marjorie i just wanted to warn you"

"yes okay, thank you for telling me now. im going to go now since we are in a cafe- reece stop drinking my hot chocolate! sorry, bye char." marjorie rolled her eyes.


"reece i cannot believe your dad." marjorie tutted.

"i know hun. just dont let this ruin the holiday. its just what hes like. well atleast we know why my father got mia to keep coming back to him." reece said

"okay. i need to know why mia is like this though. i think there is something deeper."

"same marge, but lets just sit back and enjoy our holiday." reece smiled.

"i love you" marjorie said

"i love you too"


after they had finished eating, the pair headed into the city centre. they walked around champs-élysées shopping street.

first, reece took marjorie into rolex for a look around. you would never see reece without a watch. reece was looking for silver watch. he knew he probably didnt have enough money on him at that time, but he wanted too see so he could order once they got home.

whilst reece looked at each watch, marjorie couldnt help but think about the nursery. she never left it alone, and now mia was jointly running it she felt on edge. she did trust mia, much to how much she disliked her. yet she still felt uneasy. she loved being on vacation, bt she was just too stressed throughtout it. marjorie wasnt going to tell reece though. not to ruin the holiday.


they went into a few more shops after that. adidas, zara, swarowski, apple since they needed an ipad and dior.

finally, reece had a suprise for marjorie. he was going to let marjorie pick 2 charms and a ring.

"marjorie come on!" reece smiled.

"come on where.!?" marjorie asked.

"into pandora. im going to buy you a ring and 2 charms."

"awhhh reece you are so sweet" marjorie blushed.

they browsed the shop for ages. and finally marjorie decided on a 'sparkling wishbone ring' an 'eifell tower' charm and a 'personalised heart charm'. on one side, she wrote marjorie with a heart below. and on the other, she wrote reece with a heart below.

when reece saw the charm, he almost teared up. reece just ran up and hugged marjorie. mia had never done anything like that before. that was the moment he realised this was true love.

truthfully, reece noticed marjorie was slightly different to usual. he knew that the nursery being alone was bothering her. but instead of asking marjorie about and making her feel uncomfortable, he was going to try and help. he knew that going into pandora seriously took it off of her mind.

by the time they had finished shopping, they quickly bought a sandwich and sat down next to the river.

it was a perfect summers day, too say it was only april. the trees blossomed and the sun shone onto marjories sunglasses. birds chirped, and the world passed by. but to marjorie and reece, time stood still. they sat, and held hands. drinking iced coffee and eating sandwichs. love was in the air in paris.


they finished eating and just sat there, watching time pass by. hoping this moment would last forever.

finally, marjorie broke this beautiful silence.

"well done, my love" marjorie smiled at reece.

"for what?" reece looked puzzled.

"for eating. im so proud of you"

reece kissed marjorie, and they they got up. now they were going to the louvre.

"22 bleeding quid per person" reece sighed.

"reece shut up moaning. you just spent just less than £1000. and one of the things was a bloody ipad!" marjorie laughed.

"touche" reece just admitted she was right.


they walked about 50 mins to the lourve and they were not disappointed. it was huge.

the pair spent about 3 hours walking around the building. they caputured a glimpse of he mona lisa. however that was good to say people queued up for hours upon hours to not even see it. they didnt even queue!

by the time they left, it was 7pm.

"reece shall we just cook at the hotel room. we dont really need a fancy dinner."

"okay darling, whatever you want" reece smiled. he loved treating her, but he also respected her wishes.

they headed up to the room. it was only the second time offically in but god it was impressive. marjorie sat on the balcony, drinking wine. reece joined her and they watched the sunset. when it was fully dark reece set up a camera. they wanted to capture the first time it lit up.

when it finally lit up the whole city, marjorie and reece captured a photo of them kissing next to the eifell tower (on the balcony of course).

it was the perfect moment. this was just the start of one long relstionship. the pair could not wait for the future ahead of them...


next chapter mia will cause chaos!!

i cant remeber if i clarified this but if i did going to again. char and marjorie wont fall out cos it made me sad. sorry! but mia and char will definetely get together. and marge will just accept mia and char. even if she despises mia lol

still in shock from the revelation that autumn used to like mia!!

1002 words ♡

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