You sat during a storm in a back alley as you hold a gun tightly in both hands. Your attire consisted of a black crop, cargo pants, and combat boots wishing you had brought a jacket as you were soaked to the bone. Patiently, you side eyed the entrance to a ware house across the road that was in perfect alignment of your vision. Finally, you witnessed a twentieth member enter the abandon building, and you make a fair judgement that the quantity was enough to take down Angelus Mortem. The few left behind will scatter like rats fearing that they'll be next. They always do anyway.

You stand tucking your guns under your crossed arms as you walk towards the traffic that separated you from their demise. You propped your back against the bricked wall in making sure the sidewalk was clear from mayhem. Once alone, you knocked on the door. It eventually opened as the fool peeks his head out for you to put your barrel up against his temple. You take the shot, and you make your entrance. You knew you had an initial time of a few seconds which you use to your advantage in take out the two closest beings. Three down. Seventeen to go. You scanned the crowd in seeing if someone was reaching for a weapon. In that, you noticed someone running for the alter, and you fired at the man him never making it. He might of just been reaching for shelter, but alters are known to carry knives. Sixteen. Three decide to lunge at you feeling as if the numbers were on their side earning three fatal injuries. Thirteen. Your attention falls to the seeing two edging closer to the back entrance while the crowd begs you to spare their lives. You don't talk for that consumes time. They runaways crash to the concrete with a thud. Eleven. You prevent a population problem by thinning out the right flank by three people. Eight.

" Everyone just fucking run!"

A herd migrates to the back, and you were a fury of bullets always hitting your desired area. Four. They freeze as the female tells you how she had so much to live for. You stared at the woman being disgusted by her.

" You watched them rape and kill those poor women-."

" I had no choice! I didn't know it was like this-."

Bang. She crumbles. You have a stare down with the last three.

" You could let them go."

" Mister! Help us! She's fucking crazy!"

You don't turn your head away from them, but you do halt in wondering whose at your back side. An ally? You find yourself in a bad position.

" Sir, we have Stonelings that are worth a fortune. They're behind the alter-."

" I'll be taking those and finding them a suitable home. You can no longer hide or run from the Solstice Alliance."

" Fuck you bitch-."

His brains ruptures from you bullet.


The man falls to his knees begging for mercy while the other finally reaches the door. You shoot him through the heart, and you shut up the other one as well.

Zero. Twenty casualties under five minutes. You were now facing your guest to find him directly behind you. He chuckles finding you cute.

" That won't kill me darling. What's your name?"

A God... Shit.

" None of your business. Are you going to let me go?"

He brushes the weapon to the side, and you relax a bit seeing he meant no harm.

" After you show me what a Stoneling is. I'm curious."

You start walking backwards a few steps before turning around in a jogging formation. You found a jar behind the altar for where else would it be? They begin to glow at your presence, and you could hear a variety of frequencies arise from them. That was a little gift you always kept to yourself for a few reasons, and as you come closer to the man, he becomes fascinated.

" What do they do?"

Has he really no idea about these? You could hear sirens in the distance, and he, understanding the circumstance, notions you to walk with him. You nod before placing the guns in the hands of two dead individuals making sure their fingers prints are firmly on there. Lesson number one when it comes to assassination: always wear gloves.

" Smart girl. I like you."

You pick up the jar as you turn off the warehouse light hiding you deed. You both were now on the sidewalk briskly walking away from the crime scene.

" You never answered my question."

You finally take in his appearance; his red flowing hair reaching past his shoulders, and his eyes a piercing green. He wore a trench coat as he roomed over you in height.

" They're children. Once their energy is strong enough, you bound them to your eggs."

" Really? That's fascinating. Demonstrate."

" Hell no."

He chuckles finding you quite funny.

" I'm joking. Im surprised I've never heard of this aspect. I must tell my friends back in the East."

" Well, I guess we should separate."

" Maybe once you explain how you're also a God."

You sigh for you wouldn't call it that exactly; this being a common reaction from the few ones you've met.

" I'm not. Just a strong immortal."

" No. You're a God alright. A nature deity to be exact."

" You're not human Y/n so stop trying to be one!"

" Just a lot of breeding is all."

" Denial doesn't look good on you. How about we go get a drink."

You shake your head stating you had to get to back to your apartment to properly put up the Stonelings.

" Fine. Then we get a drink. Lighten up a bit. It'll be fun."

You pursesd your lips together in thought, and you guess it would be nice to enjoy the Californian air.

" Fine. Just one think."

" Yes! Come on now! The night is young my friend!"

You shake your head at him as your gaze falls onto the night sky.

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