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Our waiter set the chips down and I looked across the table at Violet who was on her phone probably texting her boyfriend who she met in high school and started dating in college, she's twenty-three, five years older than I am. It was only my first year in college and thanksgiving was right around the corner and I couldn't have been happier. I planned to go with my sister to her house which was a couple hours from here but her boyfriend would gladly pay my ticket considering he wanted to meet me for the longest time.

"How have you been feeling?" she asked me, still not looking up from her phone.

I nodded and grabbed a chip, "Fine, head doesn't hurt anymore, bright lights don't bother me, I think my concussion is gone if I'm being honest."

"You still can't go to volleyball for a few more days though," Violet stated the obvious. I rolled my eyes and sighed, I had been missing the court for quite a while and I couldn't wait to go back. No one would tell me who spiked the ball but I would find out, I would question Molly first and then Hannah.

"How's that Luke kid?" Violet asked, taking a sip of her Pepsi.

I frowned and shrugged, "Um, fine I guess?"

"You don't talk to him?" Violet looked almost, hurt? Why did she care if I talked to this Luke kid, I didn't know anything about him except that he wanted to be a doctor.

"Am I supposed to?" I thanked the waiter when my food came.

She scoffed, "Um, I think it's the least you could do after he saved your life?!"

"He's done that before," I rolled my eyes, "But you don't see him texting all those people, do you? Besides he only gave me his number to flirt with me, I doubt he just wants to talk."

"He gave you his number?" she smiled.

I mentally face-palmed, why did I do that? Oh right, I am the master of making stupid decisions, "Yes, he did."

"Have you texted him?" Violet started eating. I took a bite of my quesadilla and shook my head, I knew why he gave me his number and I wasn't going to use it.

He wanted me to text him so he could get to know me, know my fears, hopes, etc. He then hoped that we would get together but I know how that story goes. It all ends in slammed doors, tears, broken hearts, and more. I don't need that especially when the only thing I want to focus on is my school work and getting into the medical field.

"Why not?" she asked me, "When was the last time you had a boyfriend?"

"Let me think," I pretended to think about her question, "Oh that's right, I haven't!" Violet choked on her food and people looked at us and I rolled my eyes, "Have you guys never seen someone choking?"

"Oh my God," Violet took a sip of her drink, "When I was in high school I had boyfriend after boyfriend trying to find the right one."

"Maybe that's why you cried so much," I muttered.

She rolled her eyes, "Rose it wouldn't kill you to talk to the kid, he literally brought you back to life after your heart stopped beating."

"Like I said before he's done that with other people."

We finished our food rather quickly and I was so full I thought I might explode. I got into her car and received a text from Luke, how did I know it was him? He told me that I was needed at the hospital immediately because they found something in my scans that they didn't see before.

I immediately freaked out, who wouldn't? What if there was a bigger problem and I was like internally bleeding or something? I made Violet drive me as quickly as possible and told her to wait in the car. I wanted to run but I knew I shouldn't so I power walked into the hospital.

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