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Calum and I had always argued, but ever since I refused to tell Michael I still loved him, Calum and I were really fighting. 

"You're selfish!" he yelled at me, "You broke his heart the least you could do is go on one last date with the kid!"

"You don't know anything about me and Michael," I said, trying to keep myself calm. We were just studying and doing homework when Calum asked me if it was true that I went to spend Christmas break with Luke back home. 

"I know that you left for two weeks with some guy that you barely even know instead of staying here with the guy who you claim to love more than anything!"

"Who said I still loved Michael?" I said, shocking myself as the words left my mouth.

"I know you do," Calum scoffed, "You're just confused because you've been hanging out with Luke ever since that seizure that you had. You just feel obligated to hang out with Luke because you feel you owe it to him after he saved your life."

"You don't know anything about me and Luke either!" I yelled, "Stop trying to make me feel bad because Michael didn't want me to leave and go to school! I'm selfish?! You know how selfish you sound right now?"

"Whatever Rose, you could have found a way to keep the relationship going whether you were here or he was there. You were wrong for not telling him you got accepted in the first place!"

"Screw you!" I yelled at him, my mind racing in different directions, "You act like I'm always wrong! I'm supposed to be your friend too, stop trying to make me feel bad."

"No, screw you!" he yelled at me, "Get out."

"Get out?" I asked, not believing that he was actually kicking me out.

"Yeah, get out!" he yelled louder this time. 

I rolled my eyes grabbed my things and started to walk out the door and down the hallway, when I noticed Michael was walking my way. 

"For Christ sake," I mumbled, but kept walking towards him. I expected him to say something, anything, but instead he completely ignored me. He acted like I wasn't there, like he couldn't see me. 

"Whatever," I said to myself and walked to my dorm room to find Payton puckering her lips in the mirror and applying more lip gloss as she did. 

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"A date," she replied casually, "Toss me that bra over there, this one is bothering me."

"With who?" I asked her, tossing the bra like she asked me to. 

"Actually it's um, it's Calum," she informed me, a small smile on her face.

"Calum?!" I practically shouted.

"Keep it down!" she threw a pillow laying on the floor at my face, "Yes Calum."

"How-? How did-?" I trailed off, "Explain."

"Well over Christmas break I was lonely and Calum and Michael were here so one day I decided to go see what they were up to and we all went down to the beach just to hangout, and I don't know, Calum and I just really bonded well."

"So he asked you on a date?"

"Yeah," Payton nodded, "We're going out to a dinner then a movie, I hope we get ice-cream after too. I really like ice-cream, you know?"

"Trust me I know," I smiled, "I hope you have a good time tonight."

"If this turns out to be a nice date, you, Luke, Cal, and I should all go on a double date!" she said excitedly, "That'd be so much fun!"

"Okay me and Luke are just friends and Calum wouldn't do that anyway," I said to her, "It would be going against Michael and he wants me to be with Michael, no one else."

"Oh right," Payton nodded, "Does he not like Luke for you or something?"

"It's not that, it's just that he doesn't want me with any one who isn't Michael," I replied, "We were literally just arguing about it before I got here. That's all we've been doing lately is arguing about the same thing, it's tiring."

"I'm gonna go," I said after a few minutes of silence. I called Luke on my way out of the room and asked him if he could pick me up because I wasn't feeling well and wanted to just hang out with him for a while. 

Shortly after he was in the parking lot waiting for me and unfortunately, Michael was out there on the phone with someone, who? I had no idea. 

His eyes fell right on me as I got into Luke's car, but instead of giving me a dirty look he only looked at the floor and went back to his conversation. 

"Your ex-boyfriend doesn't seem to happy," Luke said as he started to drive off. 

"He's not," I muttered, "Neither is his best friend apparently."

Luke didn't respond, not until we actually got to his house and made ourselves comfortable inside, he put on the television and tossed me a bag of my favorite chips.

"So, explain what's happening," he said, laying on the couch, while I lied next to him, facing opposite ways. 

"Well okay so me and Calum haven't been the same since I got back from our little Christmas trip, he's really mad at me for going! He said that I'm selfish and that Michael doesn't deserve this from me and how I did Michael way worse than he did me, and I don't know, he keeps making it seem like I'm the bad guy."

"Why is Calum mad? Does he like you or something?"

"No he just likes me and Michael together because it was when we were the happiest," I admitted, "Ever since we broke up we've both been different."

"Well yeah but that's normal, that's what a break up does to people, it changes them for better or for worse you have to live with it," Luke responded, "Calum needs a reality check, it wasn't like you and Michael were going to get married."

"Yeah well, tell him that," I muttered. 

"I will," Luke said, "Michael and your friend are annoying me."

"Please don't actually tell him that," I rolled my eyes, taking in another mouthful of chips.

There was a knock at the door and I frowned and so did Luke and then his eyes went wide, "Shit, I forgot I told Ashton to come over."

"I can leave," I suggested but Luke shook his head.

"Cassidy's with him, I was actually going to call you a little after you called me to see what you were doing," he admitted. 

I smiled and he answered the door and in walked in Ashton and his little, well not girlfriend, friends with benefits? Sex buddies? I don't really know, something like that. 

"Hey guys!" Cassidy said cheerfully, "Rose! I didn't know you were coming."

"Neither did she," Luke said.

"It's nice to see you again," I smiled at the girl. She was so beautiful, I would kill to look like her and that isn't metaphorical. 

"It's so great to see you!" she exclaimed, "I'm sorry I haven't been texting you lately, I've kind of been busy with some stuff."

"Stuff?" Luke asked.

"Xavier," she simply responded. 

Ashton looked over at her confused and so did I, and then Luke butt in, "Your boyfriend, Xavier?"

"He's coming into town soon," she admitted, "And I kind of have to talk to him about some things in person."

Ashton looked over at Luke and raised his eyebrows, "Oh really?"

"Yeah," Cassidy smiled at him, "Nothing to worry about."

We all sat in the living room, just talking, laughing watching different movies and somewhere along the way I ended up falling asleep and when I woke up the next morning, I was lying in Luke's bed next to him, cuddled like the last time I had slept over. 


it was so boring bc its a filler but its gonna get really exciting soon I SWEAR OKAY

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