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Pete's pov ~

I am skeptical of walking with him to the VIP section but that would be better. It's anyway difficult to kill him infront of crowd and then escape safely.

I walked behind him it's a small walk but felt longer than it supposed to be. He's really handsome and has to- die - for physique. I have never seen anybody as attractive as him but sadly he's gonna die today that to with my hands.

I don't know whom should I pity him or myself. He turned the knob and opened the door as soon as we reached the room. I walked inside with him following me. The click of the door being locked was my sign to attack. But before I could make a move he pulled me harshly making me land on his chest my face to close to his bare torso peeking from under the silk shirt.

Though I had seen his picture and knew he was handsome the moment I saw him in the club but this close he is breathtaking. I don't know why am I feeling this nervous in presence of a guy. Something like this has never happened before. Am I feeling this way because I know of his sexuality but would that make a difference I have known other men who are gay worked with them closely as well but this restlessness is new.

This can't be happening, I can't be distracted at work that to at a life threatening one. Come on Pete get a hold of yourself and push okay. 3..2..1 push oh wait. Whats happening with me. Why is he so close. And what's happening are we kissing. Seriously he's kissing me. Yes he is.

This is my first kiss and no lie it's amazing, it's hard to explain what I am feeling. There's just a strange feeling crawling under my skin, making me shiver. The way his tongue is caressing my lips and inside is so intoxicating it's like l am floating.

I can literally feel the warmth spreading in my body. Why's body behaving this why can't I move. Push Pete push. Ohh damn why is it so hard for me to move a damn muscle. What is he doing to me. He's slowly moving down and nibbling on my jawline it's tickling but hot. I want more. But how can I,

A moan left me unintentionally. I couldn't believe it was me who made that sound. It's so embarassing how can I react this way. I need to stop acting like some sex crazed guy.

I was contemplating how to stop when it did stop and I landed on the soft matress. I now realised how crazy this dimly lit red room looked. There were several tools like whips, handcuffs, paddles and I don't know what else hanging on the wall right next to the bed. There was a whole tray of multiple flavoured condoms and lube bottles on the night stand.

Slowly it sinked in what a terrible situation I am caught in, and the best escape for me now is to complete my work and vanish in thin air. But since the only weapon I have is the glass shard that I have in my pant's pocket is hard to reach without him noticing it. The way he's looking at me like some hungry beast eyeing his feast is scary.

He moved fast and we were close again and that made my breath hitched. His lips were back on mine, while his hand travelled to my hair, caressing and pushing it that deepend our kiss further.

Pete come back to your sense stop feeling anything this is your time get hold of yourself and attack. You can't let this man's beauty sway you." Pete concentrate he's not handsome just focus ", I scolded myself internally.

Managing to use the sensible part of my brain I slowly shifted us in a way that my left hand could reach into my pocket without drawing his attention. Slowly slowly, I finally did get a hold of it. He was constantly peppering kisses on any part of me that was visible to him. That was a constant distraction but I can focus and complete the task successfully in any situation after all I am one of the best man Pattaya's Mafia has. I cannot fail with that thought I brought the glass piece and aimed to stab him directly in throat from where carotid artery travels to reach human brain.

As soon as I pierced the skin I expected a splatter of blood all over but instead what I felt was a strong strangling grip on my throat I opened my eyes that I didn't realise I had closed before attacking him. There he was one hand caught in a way to protect himself from the stab and the other on my throat.

Though I missed my target the shard did pierce through his skin just below his elbow. And a stream of blood dripped and covered his hands while more drops of blood kept falling. But his face looked least affected from the injury. He had a sinister smile that creeped me out .

"Bad try sweetheart", he said with a mocking expression I coughed a few times, he was choking me with the hold he had on my neck. "What should I be more upset about that you tried to kill me or you thought it was so easy to kill me?", the creepy smile he's wearing I can tell he's actually crazy but isn't that how all these mafia people are crazy absolute crazy.

He came closer and tightened his grip on my neck in a way that he was no more choking my breath but the pain I felt on the lateral sides of my throat intensified. "Now sweetheart tell me?", he asked firmly.

I knew what he is asking and that's exactly what I am forbidden to spill. One thing you must know if you are the part of Mafia never take anyone's name if you are caught because then there's no way out for you. Either of the party is gonna kill you for sure so the best way to deal a situation like this is to keep your mouth shut and try to escape. And once you escape try to as underground as possible and return back to your owner.

He came further close. So close that his warm breaths were hitting my face and his expensive cologne was all I could breath. I have never smelled anything similar though I could tell it was a warm earthy smell of his body with an overlying chocolate fragrance. I was lost in my thoughts when his words pulled me out. "Either you tell me who or or.... Let me think what I should do. Ummm I guess I'll have to kill you darling. So come on be quick I don't have much time to waste give me the name and walk out or you leave dead", he said and licked my cheek that sent a strange shiver down my spine. What's wrong with me one after another I am facing these strange feelings that I never felt before. He then slightly loosened his so maybe I can talk.

But no I won't talk there's nothing to talk. All I know is I can't die here I have made promises to my grandmother there's no way I am gonna leave her alone. She needs me, she will definitely call me soon. Like she does every week. She would be worried if I don't get back to her. Pete gather your strength you need to get out of this. Take him by surprise and we can escape my concious motivated me. With that I pretend to speak something that made him loosen his grip further. But instead of speaking I aimed for his nose and landed a strong head butt. Since he didn't see that coming I almost busted his nose, he tried to strangle me but I dodged. I stood up, out of his grip now and made my way towards the gate. It opened instantly walking out I calmed my breath to avoid catching attention and locked the door from outside.

Having secured the lock, I tried to recall all the possible exists and I knew the fire exit was the closest. When I reached the end of the corridor I could clearly see the door moving I knew any moment he would take down the door and come out looking for me.

I ran my way out of the exit but when I was about to exit the premises I could see all the guards on attention looking here and there I concealed myself behind a the huge dustbins. I am wondering how to get out of the boundary now. There are too many gaurds it's next to impossible to walk out through the exit gate. The best way possible was to jump across the boundary wall though it was high I know I could do it.

I peeped around and saw no one though I heard footsteps from behind I ran towards the boundary and made my jump. I heard two gun shots , I knew someone saw me but I am safe now. I ran towards the secluded road instead of the main road. I ran away without even looking behind till I was breathless. I took a pause and like I had expected nobody was coming after me. Yes I finally escaped can't even imagine what would have happened if I didn't. Suddenly my brain recalled his handsome face. I wish I never get to see that face again or either one of is gonna die. I finally walked my way to the motel and slept for don't know how long.


Hello guys I hope you like this part it was a long one.Do let me know your opinions or any suggestions. Do vote if you like.

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