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Pete's pov ~

I spent a lot of time in gaming zone and had lunch only to realise that finally it was time for me to meet Porsche. I left for the mist where we had decided to meet. I wore sunglasses, cap and mask so that I can't be recognised. Once I did feel like someone was tailing but I was wrong he was just a guy going down the same lane I was.

Sometimes it's so tiring to do such work. The whole world is talking about mental health and how important peace of mind is but all these are just alien terms in this dirty business. I have never been this paranoid in my life even a mere reflection makes me go in full attention mode. Like any moment in a blink of an eyes I'll be dead.

I was waiting for Porsche going through the menu and enjoying the suttle music playing in the background. And then I felt something a shadow moving towards me carefully without catching to much of my attention.

Damn how many times will I have deal with this. I suddenly felt it getting closer and then the shadow layed a firm grip across my shoulder. Right then I swinged his arms around. Turned backwards and was about to kick it when I heard. "Pete ahhh having gone crazy are you going to kill me",he complained. Damn I just realised that I had twisted my friends arm so I immediately let go of it.

"Shiiaaah Pete", Porsche moaned rubbing his arm to soothe the pain. "Porsche ", I called out and finally he paid attention to me keeping his injury aside. We hugged each other. It's been so long that I felt this familiar warmth. I felt vulnerable and protected at the same time.
Does it sounds strange for a bodyguard expecting to feel protected. Strange indeed but do true.

Reuniting with your best friend after spending a tough time away from them is the best feeling.We hugged for a while and then left each other to take a seat on the opposite sides of the table.

We exactly ordered the same that we used except for a dessert that both of us wanted to try back then but never did. Since it was one of the most expensive dishes offered here and way out of our budget.
We chatted but a lot of fun stuffs he also narrated me the whole story of him meeting kinn.

How he ended up being the bodyguard and ranted about how he troubled him at work but Porsche being Porsche retaliated every single time. The thinngs he did to kinn I doubt a boss would take if they aren't head over heels in love with them. I smiled listening to all his blabbering until I heard something strange caught my attention. When Porsche started to talk weird things about Kinn's father. How he hid Porsche's mother, I was happy that he found his mother but the name of Kinn's father had all my attention Khun korn.

"Khun Korn", I said "Yes khun korn he is Kinn's father", he replied. "What's his second name", I asked hoping for it to not be what I thought. "Theerapanyakul",he said casually damn is he all unaware of what that name suggests. Now I know why I felt like I have heard the name Kinn before. Definitely I knew he was the heir who recently preceded the throne of Bangkok's Theerapanyakul major family.

"Do you know who Kinn Theerapanyakul is?", I asked Porsche and before he could answer I said,"He's the head of the Bangkok's Mafia family."

Porsche didn't looked surprised at all with what I said does already knows this. If he does why the fuck is he involving himself who owns this dirty business.

"Pete I know. I knew eversince I became his bodyguard but I can't stop loving him because he is in Mafia. Even I don't like his line of work but it's just not my choice and trust me it isn't his either. He was made to become the head of the family he didn't have a choice ", Porsche said calmly I have never seen my friend advocating someone like this before. I guess he is truly in love and it's just not my place to intrude to whom he should love. Though I am worried and concerned for him I will support him and hope that he never gets hurt. I hope he's granted with the same intensity of pure love he is showering on his partners.

"It's your choice whom you love I'll support you Porsche but if that dear boyfriend of yours dares to hurt my friend I swear I'll kill him", I said.

"No don't kill him. Just kick his ass and make him come crawling back on his knees to me for mercy",he retorted immediately. "You are lovesick Ai Porsche", I said rolling my eyes at his crazy behaviour and protective attitude for his boyfriend.

"Ummm but it looks like I am not the only one who is lovesick",he said giving a weird suspicious expression. "What do you mean?", I asked.

"Who is it Pete tell me. You can't lie to me ",he pointing towards my neck. I didn't notice anything that could make sence to what he was referring.

"Porsche say it clearly ", "Who's the one that gave you those blue purple love bites looks like you have got a really wild lover ", he said laughing at his own words. Damn I was so exhausted last night that I didn't even notice and today I didn't have time to look in the mirror. Damn that psycho did he fucking seriously leave a bite mark on my neck.

"It's no one", I said covering the exposed part of my neck but the tee hardly did the work. "Stop lying Pete. Tell me who is it don't give me any lame excuse like it was a mosquito or something I very well know what a love bite looks like. So tell me who is she or he",he said cocking an eyebrow when he mentioned "he".

I guess he already aware of these things I can't hide all of it so I said half of the truth. "I met a crazy guy last night at club", I said not meeting eyes with him and chugged water so that I wouldn't have to meet his eyes. He didn't need to know it was the guy I tried to seduce and lured him into a private room lost a little of concious and had a small make out session till I decided to stab him to death. Unfortunately the attempt failed and had to run and his gaurds are still chasing me.

And most importantly he was none other than the cousin of his beloved lover. He noticed my hesitation and didn't asked anything further and I appreciate him so much for it. If you know Porsche you will know how inquisitive of a person he is he needs answer to everything until he is satisfied but he does knows how to respect other's personal space.

We chatted for a little while till it was interrupted by the call of Kinn he wanted Porsche to go back and he agreed. So we decided to part ways after hugging and making promises to meet soon though I knew I made a false promise. In my life I don't have anything under my control I don't get to choose where to live, what to do and whom to meet. All these thoughts made eyes water, I didn't wanted to cry but it was hard to control. Porsche tapped on my shoulder and said "Pete I hope you find true love soon,you can't imagine how beautiful your life will turn out with him. But don't fall fool for somebody's crap. Think wisely and give yourself and your preserved virginity to the one who will truly value it", he hugged me again and left in his car.

I strolled for a while noticing how the blue sky slowly turned amber and then slowly concided with the darkness of night. I had already looked for another place to stay for a while and decided to go towards it. I was thinking of what Porsche said about love and someone who would value me. I know there's no one like that in my destiny. All that it has for me is hardships and pain. The only happiness I wish is to live happily with my grandmother provide her a more comfortable life but even that bare minimum necessity feels like a far flagged dream.

I was lost in my thoughts so much that when I was back to reality I realised a stinging pain on my shoulder. I turned to look behind and hit the person but it felt heavy to move my limb. I saw a man dressed in all black suit. His face looked familiar but unrecognisable. I heard more footsteps coming towards me. And slowly my vision lowered and I realised I was falling on concrete road when my face hit it hard. The last thing I felt was a lone tear escaping my eyes and with the soft whispers in the background everything went pitch black.

Hello guys Thanks a lot for comments and the support you guys have been giving. I am actually amazed by your response. I hope this part was a good read I'll upload the next part as the views on the story' reach 1k and votes on this part goes up to 10 . Do vote guys it keeps me encouraged for bringing updates asap.

If I couldn't reply to any of your dms or comments don't worry I'll check them soon. Have a good day.
Love you All 💖 💖

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