Into Acme Falls

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The bleak landscape stretched out many miles, a blanket of white enveloping the world around the small village of Acme Falls, which lay in the kingdom of Warnerstock.

One singular fire lit up the village, fueled by a sled called Rosebud... and this fire belonged to three orphaned siblings-- Yakko, Wakko and Dot Warner.

The three of them were on the street and on their own ever since the Acme Falls Orphanage had to shut down, but they didn't realize that they wouldn't be on their own for very long.

As the three orphans struggled to keep warm by this fire in the midst of a desolate and cold night, a bright flash resonated from the nearby forest, earning middle Warner sibling, Wakko's attention. "Hey... did anyone else see that?" he asked. "Either a flashlight was left on too long and exploded in the forest, or someone's out there!"

"Wakko, there can't be anyone in these parts, especially at this time of night" Dot told her brother with a skeptic look. "I mean, this place is definitely not Las Vegas."

"Uh... let's just go and see what it is anyway. Maybe we can make this fire melt the ice tips around here," Yakko said, rising to his feet and lighting a branch nearby with fire before leading his siblings toward the forest, Dot occasionally coughing as they did so.

Dot had come down with an illness a couple weeks before, and Yakko and Wakko just didn't have enough money right then to pay for an operation that could save her. Dot was holding on okay for now, but... who knows how long that would last.

After hiking in the woods for some time, the Warners eventually stumbled upon where the light had emitted from, and were stunned by what they saw in the fresh fallen snow-- six horse-like creatures and one scaly dragon, all different colors and some of the horses having horns and some having wings.

Wakko was the first to approach the unconscious creatures, doing such silently in case they were just sleeping. His eyes fell on Misty first, since she was the closest, and ran his gloved fingers through her bushy mane.

And as he did such, the blue unicorn servant to the evil Opaline began to stir. A groan escaped from Misty's lips as her teal eyes began to open. And when she saw the Warners staring down at the ponies with wide eyes, she yelped and backed up in alarm. "Easy there," Yakko tried to calm her. "We just wanna help."

"...Misty...?" Zipp's voice rang out, and the rest of the ponies began to stir as well. "Where in Equestria are we?" Hitch asked, being unfamiliar with the area. "Equestria?" Dot questioned. "Then you're really off your kilter, buddy-- there's no Equestria around these parts."

"No... no Equestria?" Pipp fainted dramatically in the snow before yelping and fluttering up. "GAH!!! Cold snow, cold snow!!"

"Awww, what cuties!" Izzy cooed, patting Wakko on the head. "My name's Izzy, and these are my friends. What are your names, cute black-and-white dog things?"

"We're the Warner Brothers!" Yakko and Wakko said in unison. "And the Warner Sister!" Dot chirped cutely. "Heh... flower in hair, wears pink... finally, someone who gets personal cuteness!" Pipp said, wrapping a foreleg around Dot. "I like you already, Warner Sister."

"My actual name is Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca III," Dot shrugged. "But everyone around here calls me Dot."

Just then, she let a few coughs come out, making Yakko frown and put his hands on her shoulders. "Come on, we better get you home and to bed," he said gently. "It isn't good for you to be out in this weather."

"What about these horses?" Wakko pointed out. "We can't leave them on their own out here-- they're lost and on their own!"

"Listen to the red-hatted dog-thing!" Hitch shuddered from the cold, trying to keep Sparky as warm as possible. "I promise, we won't take up that much room in your home," Sunny said, "but we do need a place to rest for now, until we can find our way back to our home. And... maybe you three would like some company?"

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