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Tyrone: (Nods) Of course, Maya. I'll make sure to showcase all my parkour skills and experiences in the best possible way for Darked and the porn industry. 

Asha: (Listens intently) Wow, that sounds amazing! I can't wait to see your work when it's finished.

Tyrone: (Smiles proudly) Thanks, Asha. It means a lot coming from someone who understands and supports me like you do.

Asha: (Listens attentively) That's incredible, Tyrone! It must have been so challenging for you to leave everything behind and start fresh in a new city.

Tyrone: (Nods slowly) It was definitely difficult at first, but it was also one of the best decisions I ever made. I learned so much about myself and discovered my true passion for parkour along the way. 

Tyrone: (Nods) Of course, Maya. I'll make sure to showcase all my parkour skills and experiences in the best possible way for Darked and the porn industry.

Asha: (Listens intently) Wow, that sounds amazing! I can't wait to see your work when it's finished.

Tyrone: (Smiles proudly) Thanks, Asha. It means a lot coming from someone who understands and supports me like you do.

Asha: (Listens attentively) That's incredible, Tyrone! It must have been so challenging for you to leave everything behind and start fresh in a new city.

Tyrone: (Nods slowly) It was definitely difficult at first, but it was also one of the best decisions I ever made. I learned so much about myself and discovered my true passion for parkour along the way. 

Tyrone: (Smiles proudly) Thanks, Asha. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it.  

Asha: (Blinks in surprise) Umm... okay. If that's what you want, Tyrone. Just remember that we're all here to have fun and enjoy ourselves. 

Tyrone: (Nods slowly) Alright, Asha. I understand. We'll make sure to have a fun.

Tyrone: (Sighs heavily) I'm glad you understand, Asha. This decision wasn't easy for me, but I know it's the right one.

Asha: (Nods in understanding) Of course, Tyrone. We all have our own paths to follow in life. If this is what you truly want, then we'll support you every step of the way.

Tyrone: (Smiles gratefully) Thank you so much, Asha. Your support means everything to me. 

Asha: (Nods) Alright, Maya. I'll make sure to get everything ready for Monday. Thanks for letting me know!

Maya: (Smiles warmly) Oh, Asha! I'm so sorry. I completely forgot to mention that you have school on Monday. Here in London, the school week starts on Monday instead of Tuesday like it does back home.

Asha: (Blushes slightly) It's okay, Maya. I should have asked about the school schedule when we first arrived. Thank you for reminding me! 

Maya: (Smiles warmly) You're welcome, Asha. We want you to feel comfortable and at home here in London. If there's anything else you need help with, don't hesitate to ask. 

Maya: (Nods) Alright, Asha. I'll make sure to remind Tyrone about your birthday. We want to make it special for you!

Asha: (Smiles gratefully) Thank you, Maya. I really appreciate it. 

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